Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 307 Who doesn’t want to live?

"Oh, are you declaring war on us? Sure enough, you are just a slime, which is really interesting."

The pillar of light surrounded by ten chess pieces exudes infinite brilliance and disperses the clouds. At the end of the pillar of light, the divine realm slowly appears, like another world.

"Those ten chess pieces are very interesting." In the God's Realm, Alsace, who returned to the God's Realm, looked at the chess pieces floating in mid-air.

"With the divine soul as the piece, the divinity as the sword, and the divine power as the carving, these ten chess pieces are naturally not simple, and except for the first one, all of these chess pieces have absorbed the wisdom of various species in this world war. The remaining divinity, soul and power, what do you think this slime wants to do?" Iros held his chin and looked at the chess pieces carefully.

"Who cares about the chess piece! Since this slime has declared war on me! Then I will accept the challenge! No one has challenged me for a long time." Cross gasped, looking extremely excited. For things like fighting, He was most willing.

"Your head is indeed made of muscles." Pusius looked at Cross and said with a smile, "Don't you even notice that something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

"Something is wrong! This slime agreed to play war games with us, but the next day this guy disappeared. He hid himself and did nothing, whether it was a mechanical species or a Dongxia There was no trace of him in the country, even when the Ella Empire was in danger and the Dongxia Kingdom was destroyed, he did not appear! I only know that he has traveled to the battlefields of the entire world, but I don’t know what he did. Now look at He came here to collect the remnants of the dead species of wisdom."

Seth, the creator of the giant species, held the huge scepter and continued: "It's really strange. In the Ella Empire, he also destroyed the forest elves and human species. He obviously didn't need to do this."

"Zyra, do you know what's going on?" Hades looked at Zyra who was sitting on the masterpiece with her slender legs crossed and a concerned expression.

"I don't know what's going on. There are only three idiots, you, Cross and Poseidon." Zyra said.

"You" heard that they were being ridiculed, and the three of Cross couldn't sit still.

"Okay, Zyra, stop teasing them." Iros looked at the man standing in the Kingdom of Gears quietly, and there was an incomparable chill in her eyes, "He has disappeared for several months! I spent my life! I made these ten chess pieces, and my indiscriminate attacks on the battlefield not only eliminated the enemy, but even my own side!"

"All intelligent species, including even the undead in the Canyon of the Dead and the monsters in the world that have been wiped out by all forces, have all lost their ability to fight! It can be said that no one wins this war."

"No one wins, that is, no one loses! Since no one loses! Then the game is not over yet! Since all the chess pieces under the hand are gone, then in a game where the winner must be determined, the chess player You have to replace the chess pieces on the chessboard to determine the winner!"

"Hahaha, it turns out that this slime's ultimate goal is us." At this point, even Cross understood everything, "He knows that even if he wins and we lose our 'lives', then it's It's just life. As long as the divinity is immortal, the souls of the divine species will gather together one day and be reborn! And he knows that the divine species will never use their own divinity as a bet!"

"This game is agreed to by all the gods. It has the will of the world. No one can escape. It seems that all the gods cannot refuse this battle of the gods. The battle of the gods has too much impact! The blooming divine power will spread throughout the world, and these ten chess pieces are not only a blessing to the slime's ability, but also an introduction."

"That's right." Ziela said excitedly after seeing the extremely weak Fante and the chess pieces from the Ella Empire, "These ten chess pieces will not only collect most of the divine power in this divine battle, but also Collect the soul and divinity of the defeated! As long as this slime survives to the end, then! With the help of these ten chess pieces, he can truly penetrate the world and destroy the will of the world and the divinity and soul of the god species! With the help of the remaining power of the ten chess pieces, he can even repair his own body, which means that he is the only god left in the world."

Cross took a breath and said, "This slime is really arrogant."

"Hehehehe. It seems that I have been underestimated." Alsace's dark and hollow laughter spread throughout the entire God's Domain. "Don't make any moves. Let me go and meet this newbie who knows nothing about the world."

Having said that, Arthas stepped into the Divine Realm. Around him, the dark elements of the world gathered towards him crazily. The sky in the Twilight Continent turned from twilight to black, and then from black to twilight! Three cycles change in one breath, and with each change, the black time becomes shorter and shorter, and the twilight time becomes longer and longer! Even after thirty breaths! Day appears in the Twilight Continent!

Alsace walked slowly step by step, like a bottomless pit, greedily devouring the purest black in the world!

"Yeah, little Fante, Alsace is here, and he looks very angry." Ajia, who was standing next to Fante, patted Fante's shoulder excitedly, looked at the sky, and looked at the sky. Deep in the sky, Alsace held a scythe and walked down step by step like the god of death.

"Well, it looks quite scary." Fangte touched his chin, not showing any worry at all, "It seems like this guy is going to fight me to the death."

Ajiya couldn't help but roll her eyes at him: "Aren't you talking nonsense? You want to destroy our divinity. Once the divinity is gone, the divine species will really be 'dead'. Which divine species would think that they are in the world?" The world will disappear forever!"

"So are the gods afraid of death?" Fangte couldn't help but smile and looked at Ajia beside him.

"It's not like we're afraid of death. It's just that we don't want to die. Besides, aren't you afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid of death, but I don't want to die either." Fangte replied without any hesitation, "Actually, I've already died once! So I attach great importance to the new life I gained when I came to this world, but"

Fangte's eyes were shining brightly, and he looked towards the Gear Kingdom where corpses were lying, and towards the countless battlefields in the world. In his eyes, everything in the world was reflected.

"But, who in this world doesn't want to live?"

Raising his head, Fang Te sighed softly, and the gathering of dark elements in the world suddenly stopped.

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