"I didn't expect that he really killed Alsace." In the Divine Realm, after Alsace died, the remaining gods looked at Fangte with interest, not showing any regrets at all because of Alsace's death. Displeased.

"Well, although his divinity and soul were basically polished away by these ten chess pieces, he used these ten chess pieces to absorb the remaining power of almost all the intelligent species in the world, which still gave him a great blessing. of."

"What's more, we just woke up not long ago, and our strength is not one-third of what it was before. This slime has just become a new god and is at its peak."

"What about that? Do you want to avoid the battle?"

"Hahaha, avoiding a fight? How can I, Cross, avoid a fight!"

Say it! Cross jumped into the void and quickly headed towards the Kingdom of Gears.

"What a fool. Did he really think he could defeat that slime?" Poseidon shrugged, unable to compliment him on his death-defying act.

"Okay, okay, let's go down too. This slime wants to completely erase our divinity and the will of the world. How can we let him succeed?"

Following Cross, Hera also left the divine realm.

Although the rest of the gods are reluctant to encircle and suppress a new god, they have no choice. As gods, in addition to not wanting to be wiped out by Fang Te, they also need the will to protect the world!

But now Fangte is too powerful, as can be seen from his battle with Alsace. With his current self, challenging him single-handedly is simply courting death!

"Little Fangte, they are coming." Ajiya, standing next to Fangte, said with a smile.

"Well, I know, but you should also be prepared. I won't be merciful later." Fang Te said calmly, looking in one direction involuntarily.

"What are you looking at? That mechanical girl?"


"Don't ask her to help you?"

"How can Hubie help me? Everything will be over when Hubie wakes up."

"Then, do you need me to help you?"


"Well, I think you're quite interesting. I might like you."

"Miss Agia, I don't think you like me emotionally."

"Isn't it? I think so. After all, this is the first time that I am so interested in a person, or even a slime."

"So it's just interest, not like. Forget it, if you really want to help me, that's fine." Fang Te pointed casually, and on the edge of the endless horizon, a god species whose whole body was covered with flames was approaching. Looking at Fangte, "I'm going to kill that god first later."

"Hera? Do you have a grudge against him? Oh, by the way, I remembered that it was he who ordered the monsters to destroy the Dongxia Kingdom."

"No, that's not the reason."


"Because he killed my student with an indiscriminate magic."

"It seems you are quite vindictive."

"That is."

As soon as the words were spoken, Fang Te and Ajia left the place! At an altitude of 10,000 meters, Fangte shattered the void with one punch and directly pulled Hera out!

"Maybe I'm too looked down upon by others."

Hera, who was pulled out of the void, was emitting thousands of feet of fire, burning the sky of half the world red. A heat wave swept across the entire world. The temperature of the world rose sharply, and even the oceans emitted water vapor!

"Come on." The God of Fire transformed into a creature as big as ten thousand feet and stood in front of Fangte.

Unlike the eerie Alsace, Lach is like a real god! Appear before the world.

It is a pity that the current world is already riddled with holes. After several months of chaos, corpses are everywhere, the Canyon of the Dead is completely destroyed, all the undead are extinct, and only the young monsters are left. As for the ten major intelligent races, all the mechanical species were killed except for Hubi who was close at hand. The remaining intelligent species were all wiped out. There were indeed not many people who could see Hera.

"Oh, Hera is really showing off." Poseidon said with a smile while still in the void.

"Okay! Hurry up, let's go help Hera." Psius patted Poseidon's little head and hurried on like other gods.

"Please enlighten me."


Hera's humming sound spread throughout the world, and suddenly, dozens of fire dragons rushed towards Fangte. Ajiya stood in front of Fangte, raised her slender legs and kicked lightly, and an icy cold air immediately formed under the high temperature. The strips come together.

Ice and fire merged, and a huge explosion streaked across the sky.

"What, Ajia, you want to help him?"

"Well, I think it's more interesting to help him."

"As expected, I still can't see through women."

Hera took a step forward and was only ten meters away from Fangte, but the temperature still reached tens of thousands of degrees! Ajiya protected her body with cold air, and Fang Te only protected his underwear from being burned, while the other clothes were reduced to ashes.

Hera used the cremation knife, and thousands of fire waves gathered around Fangte and Ajia. Using fire as ink, huge magic circles emerged around Fangte and Ajiya, and each magic circle bloomed. The dazzling flames are like the fire net of hell, burning not only the body, but also the soul.

"Sure enough, the battles between the gods don't have so many bells and whistles, they are all so simple and violent." Fangte couldn't help but sigh, and saw Ajia standing next to him constantly fanning the wind with his hands, and couldn't help but smile. "My dear Goddess of Love and Beauty, can I ask you a favor?"

"Let's talk about it after we finish. Do you know why I hate Hera? I am most afraid of heat."

"It's not a troublesome thing, it's just..."

With a "swish" sound, Fangte stretched out his palm towards Ajia, and in an instant, his palm passed through Ajia's chest.

She stared blankly at the hand that passed through her chest, and the golden liquid slowly flowed out of her body.

There was no blame, no sadness, just a hint of worry. Ajiya looked at Fangte with a smile, and stroked the soft Fangte with her delicate hands: "Sure enough, what Li'er and Amelia said are right, you It is indeed very gentle, so gentle that it makes people feel distressed.”

Without saying anything else, Fangte retracted his tentacles. On his tentacles, he held a golden heart, and in the heart was Ajiya's soul and divinity.

In an instant, the heart turned into a thick stream of light and merged into the light pillar formed by ten chess pieces!

Gently closing her eyes, Ajiya fell straight from the sky. Just when she was about to fall to the ground, a breeze blew up, slowly dragging her up and placing her into the valley.

Lying in the valley, Ajiya's wound slowly closed, a red heart beating in her chest, and ten thousand meters above the sky, in the chest of the slime that had transformed into a human species, there was Empty.

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