Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 310 How do you understand?

"Are you interested in Agia?"

After Hera waited for the god to arrive, she looked at the slime that had transformed into a human species in front of her. Her eyes passed through his body and found an emptiness in his chest.

Just now, when Fangte took out Ajiya's heart, Fangte also gave her his own heart. Fangte, who became a human species, was structurally a human species inside and out. Even if the heart is separated from Fangte, it is still the heart of the human race. But for Fangte, no matter which race he changes into, he only has one "heart". Now he is truly heartless.

"If you take something from someone, you must return it." Fang Te wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"You didn't have to pay it back, but you still gave Ajia life."

Hera turned her head away from the huge head made of flames. As a god, Hera naturally knew that the divinity and soul in Ajiya's body were most likely deprived by Fangte, but Fangte could not deprive it at all, but Fantawild did not do this.

After replacing Fangte's heart, and adding the remaining doubtful divinity and soul, Ajiya at this time could no longer be called a divine species and could only be said to be a fantasy species, but she still managed to save her life.

For this slime, all the gods had to die in this war, but he let Ajia live, which surprised Hera.

"Whether you want to fight or not, my mother-in-law and mother-in-law are both going to die. Why are you asking so many questions?"

After losing his heart, Fangte's life was passing quickly with only his last breath. He didn't want to waste any more time.

"The man who is fighting to the death!"

Hera raised her huge flaming palm and struck Fangte with all the pressure in the world.

The huge palm touched Fangte's palm with a high temperature that melted everything. In Fangte's eyes, golden light overflowed from his eyes, and traces of flow floated in the air.

The ten chess pieces floating in the air trembled, and streams of light overflowed through the chess pieces and injected into Fang Te's body. A golden liquid heart formed in Fang Te's chest.

"Today will be a godless day."

As soon as he finished speaking, a sparkling lake spread out under Fangte's feet, with Fangte as the center.

The lake is crystal clear, with a few small golden fish swimming slowly in the lake. Green mountains appear around the endless lake. The lake reflects the green mountains, the green mountains set off the green water, and pieces of idle clouds float in the sky. , on the round edge of the lake, an old man in a straw raincoat propped up his bed and floated on the lake, so comfortable.

"Hera! Remove the magic! Get away quickly!"

The void broke, and the gods appeared in Fangte's illusion at the same time!

When Fang Te held the divine fire that destroyed Hades in one hand, they thought they had a clear understanding of Fang Te's strength, but now they know how terrifying he is when a god wants to kill him!

This is an environment that is infinitely close to reality. Every plant, tree, stone, and soil here is formed by extremely pure divine power.

Hera's huge flame was still facing Fant's palm, but Hera wanted to close her palm but couldn't. She looked extremely painful, but she was smiling.

"Now that you're here, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Fangte pushed with his palm, and Hera's huge palm was pushed away by Fangte. The next moment, the vortex on the lake slowly gathered, and nearly ten hundred-meter-long water dragons rushed out of the lake and surrounded Hera.

Water and fire collided, and thick water vapor filled the mountains and rivers. Hera's body was formed with divinity and soul, and at this time, his divinity and soul were being stripped away by Fante!


The gods released dozens of magical spells to bring Hera out, but Fang Te waved his hand and a waterfall blocked the magical spell. All the divine spells were submerged in the water and turned into strands of golden threads. The swimming fish happily swam to the golden thread, immersed the golden thread into its belly inch by inch, and swam contentedly.

"Goodbye, oh no, it disappeared in the end."

Fang Te appeared in front of Hera in an instant. The position directly opposite Fang Te was where his heart was.

"You can't win!" Even before she died, facing Fante, Hera's face made of flames was extremely calm, without any fear or fear. Perhaps, this was the last dignity of the gods.

"Who said I was going to win?"

Fangte's entire arm was buried in Hera's chest, and what he pulled out with his arm was a flame core as big as a heart. The divinity and soul in the core are extremely pure.

After the core was taken out, Hera's huge body slowly extinguished like a flame without wood. Finally, in front of Fangte, the huge fire soul was completely extinguished.

Turning into a stream of light, the flame core flew out of Fangte's hand and out of the mountains and rivers, and submerged into the light pillar.

Like a person who had nothing to do, Fang Te walked towards the gods. Although Hera died in front of them, Fang Te could not see any sadness in their eyes.

But for them, as long as Fante is solved, although Hades and Hera are dead, their divinity is still there, and it won't take them a few centuries to reshape their bodies.

"Okay, now that we're all here, let's not come one by one. Let's save some time."

Five meters away from the gods, Fangte stopped.

"What you want is not to be the only new god in the world, to be the only supreme existence. What you want is just for those lower races?"

Iros couldn't help but tilted his head and asked. Just before Hades died, Hades shared everything he knew about slime with other gods in an instant! Only then did they realize that this slime didn't want to be the only god in the world. He sacrificed himself and went through all the pain for the sake of the races in this world!

"Yes." Fangte nodded, "But they are not inferior."

"Why do you do this? We don't understand?"

The gods really don't understand. They just don't understand the fact that Fangte uses his soul as a chess piece, his divinity as a knife, and carving with divine power, because every carving of the chess pieces during this period is for the gods. Sexual torture is like cutting your soul alive with one knife after another. It is a thousand times more painful than cutting your flesh with one knife at a time.

But he only did this for the inferior races in the world. For those races, he endured pain that even the gods were daunted by. He traveled to every battlefield and even gave up his own life.

"You really don't understand, and I don't blame you for that. After could you understand?"

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