Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 316 More important than life

"Master, Miss Amelia, Miss Lilin."

Outside the Bamboo Residence, three girls with different temperaments, but extremely beautiful, slowly walked out. Luoluo Yaya and others came forward and bowed after seeing them.

"Why did I fall asleep, and how long did I sleep?"

The empress shook her head and frowned slightly, as if something extremely important was missing from her mind, but she couldn't remember it.

"Luoluo doesn't know either, Luoluo and sister Su Qin both just woke up."

Luoluo and others helped the three people who had just woken up and sat down on the stone bench.

Sitting on the stone bench, for some reason, Emilia always felt empty in her heart. In her memory, she met the Empress of Eastern Xia one night, and then the Empress helped her establish an orc tribe. She even came to Dusk Guang Dalu rescued himself.

By a strange combination of circumstances, he became the co-owner of the Twilight Continent. After finally helping Ella resolve the attack of the "Tripartite Alliance", he formed the "World Alliance" with the Empress and the Ella Empire. Under the leadership of the World Alliance, As it continues to grow, more and more countries and forces have joined the World Alliance.

But just when the world was about to be unified, the divine race suddenly awakened, and as the favored one of the gods, he got rid of Ajiya's control, and together with the empress and the human race Li Lin, came to Dongxia to deal with the gods together. kind.

But the divine species were too powerful. After the fall of the Eastern Xia Kingdom, the empress sealed Yanju in order to protect herself and others, symbolizing that her side had withdrawn from the battlefield and would appear again after the divine war was over.

In Emilia's memory, everything is so reasonable and well-founded, but why is this? Why do I feel a strong sense of disobedience in my heart! Why does my heart seem to be missing something? What exactly is missing?

Emilia looked at the ring finger of her left hand. On the ring finger of her left hand, there was a faint mark, which was the trace of wearing a ring for a long time, but the ring on the ring finger was missing.

Why do you wear a ring? Who gave it to me?

Emilia covered her head. She had been sleeping for too long and immediately entered into deep thinking, which made her thoughts confused and her head hurt.

"Sister Emilia, are you okay?" Lilin asked with concern after seeing it.

"It's okay, it's okay." The sweat on Amelia's forehead couldn't help but break out, "It's just that I feel like I forgot something, but what exactly did I forget?"

"Yes, I also feel that I have forgotten something, but I can't remember anything. I even searched my memory, but in my memory, everything is so reasonable, so reasonable that I can't remember it. I feel so incredible”

"Huh? Do you two sisters feel that something is missing from their memory? In fact, Lilin does too." The innocent and cheerful Lilin's eyes lit up, "Lilin always feels that something important is missing from her memory, but Lilin I can’t remember it.”

"Actually, Luoluo feels the same way."

"Yaya feels the same way"

Luoluo and Yaya said with their heads lowered.

"Qier, Dongxue, do you have any?"

Su Qin and Dong Xue nodded: "It was there at the beginning, but I didn't think it was very important, and it gradually faded away."

The empress pursed her lips slightly, her beautiful eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she couldn't help but fall into deep thought. In the end, the empress shook her head.

"How is the war outside? Is it still fighting? Ajiya should have lost, right? Which god has won?" the empress said slowly.

There is no result in thinking like this. Although I am not willing to remember this, the lifting of the seal means the end of the war. I have been sleeping for a long time. I must understand the situation outside, and the feeling in my soul The divine mark has disappeared, which means that Ajiya has probably lost.

"The war is over, but..." Luoluo bit her lip.

"But what?"

"Master, it's better to go and see for yourself, Luo Luo, I can't say."

The empress and others stood up and stepped into the void, appearing in the town of the capital of Eastern Xia.

In the town, everything that is intact is as lively as a crowd celebrating a festival, clearly displayed in front of everyone.

In the Twilight Continent, three days after the beam of light that baptized the entire world, the demon species who had gained a second life were holding a banquet in the Twilight Continent. There were singing and dancing at the banquet, and the major leaders of the Twilight Continent were sitting around. Next to the bonfire, the end of this world war is celebrated.

Whether it was Ha Chi'er or Lan Bujia, they were drinking heavily, their faces flushed, but an innocent girl from the Succubus tribe was sitting by the campfire without saying a word, holding juice in her hand.

"Let me tell you, Leader Su Mei, this war is over. Do you want to find someone to marry? What do you think of our Stella? The Thunder Bear Clan is honest and honest, and will definitely treat you well. "The leader of the red-eyed Black Eagle Tribe pulled Tesla over and sat next to Su Mei. The honest and honest Tesla scratched the back of his head with his thick paws, and there was a hint of shyness on his cute and plush face.

"No, compared to the bear tribe, Su Mei still prefers men of the human race. Su Mei likes the elegant style like those from the Dongxia Kingdom the most." Su Mei stood up slowly, "Zhan There are some matters that need to be dealt with later, so Su Mei will leave first."

After bowing and accompanied by Ling'er, Su Mei turned around and left the banquet.

"Oh, silly guy, it's okay, it's okay. There is no grass anywhere in the world. Isn't it just a girlfriend? There are so many girls among the orcs. Let Master Amelia introduce one to you when the time comes." Lan Bujia patted She patted his broad back and comforted him.

"Master Emilia." Ha Chi'er on the side couldn't help but sigh.

"What? Are you interested in Master? However, even if Master is not married, she still doesn't like you." Sha stabbed him with her long pointed tail.

"No, and I already have a wife." Ha Chi'er rolled her eyes at him, "It's just"

"Just what?"

"It's nothing. Come and have a drink."

"Master, aren't you angry? The leaders are all just joking. Master, you don't need to take it seriously." Ling'er, who followed Su Mei back to work, looked at her master's frowning and unhappy expression and consoled him.

"Of course I know they are joking." Su Mei stopped and flicked her head.

"Then why is the master unhappy?"

Ling'er was so painful that she covered her forehead with tears in her eyes.

"It's just that I feel that I have forgotten someone and something."

"Is that person important?"

"Well, it seems... more important than my life."

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