Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 317 After the War

One month after the world was in chaos.

In the capital of the Ella Empire, a woman wearing a golden robe was handling post-war official affairs in the imperial study. Beside the girl, Buster and his angel wife were helping. In the huge imperial study, standing More than a dozen important ministers and nobles of the Ella Empire.

After the world war ended, all races mostly calmed down after experiencing the joy of rebirth. However, due to the sudden appearance and now sudden disappearance of the gods, some forces with a sense of luck wanted to take the opportunity to plunder. and battle.

But just when a small-scale riot was about to occur, something strange happened, that is, even the intelligent species could not hurt the intelligent species! No matter what method is used, whether it is slashing with a knife or bombing with spells, the wisdom species cannot cause harm to the wisdom species!

Not only that! There seems to be some kind of rules in the world after the war. These rules maintain the world and all intelligent species must abide by them.

As the Emperor of Ella, Daphne noticed this and asked people to find out what these world rules were.

Finally, after more than half a month of hard work, I finally knew these "world rules".

An old man with a white beard walked forward. He was the main person responsible for collecting the rules of the world: "Your Majesty, the war has been going on for more than a month. According to the information we have received, the so-called 'rules of the world' can be summarized as follows. What time is it."

"First point: Killing is no longer allowed between intelligent species in the world, but it is allowed between Warcraft and intelligent species. This has ensured the livelihood of many hunters and adventurers."

"The second point: plundering is not allowed in this world. All plundering without the owner's permission has been banned."

"The third point: All disputes between worlds and among intelligent species can be conducted through games. We have verified this. The content of the game is determined by the person being challenged, and the bets of the game must be both parties. Approved, however, the content and bets of the game cannot cause any harm to both parties of the game. Of course, the challenged party can unconditionally reject the other party's challenge."

"Point 4: The intelligent species that swears to the world must abide by the oath, otherwise they will be punished by heaven."

After the old man finished speaking, everyone in the imperial study fell into deep thought.

Although these "world rules" make people feel incredible, they do exist. After the old man retired, other important ministers and nobles added information to explain the world after the chaos.

After a month, the "World Alliance" has also been re-established. The Moxi Empire, whose royal family perished before the world war, has joined the "World Alliance". Although the world can no longer be conquered by violence, more and more people Forces joined the World Alliance.

At the same time, Daphne printed all the books in the palace and distributed them to various forces. These books wrote about all aspects of post-war world economic governance, law, racial mediation, etc. Even the procedures for amending the law have been written down and are very rigorous.

After seeing these books, the eyes of all the major clans and tribes shone. Daphne believed that with these books as the basis, the future would be a legal world that was both reasonable and humane.

What makes Daphne confused is where did those books come from?

Daphne had no impression of this, and even the attendants and maids in the palace knew nothing about it. It was as if those books appeared out of thin air, but she was so familiar with the handwriting on those books.

After reporting the situation, the important ministers and nobles retreated. Immediately, as soon as they left, the palace maid who informed them entered the imperial study:

"Your Majesty, General Longka is back."

"Oh, I see."

The maid nodded and bowed, then retreated.

"Your Majesty, you."

"Uncle Buster, just call me Daphne."

Buster looked at his wife and saw her nodding. Buster continued: "Daphne, as an elder and as a subject, it's time for you to find a man to rely on. Longka did his best for Ella, and even died on the battlefield for you. It can be seen that he really likes you."

"Daphne knows." Daphne lowered her head and processed the documents, "But, Uncle Buster, you can't force things like feelings."

"Emotions can be cultivated, so why don't you try?"

"Uncle Buster, Daphne is a little tired and wants to take a rest."

Daphne interrupted Buster.

With a sigh, Buster knew how stubborn this little girl was and couldn't say anything else, so he had no choice but to leave with his wife.

"You guys can go down too."

In the huge royal study, when Daphne moved the maid away, she was the only one left.

The girl was lying on the table, her hair slowly crossing her cheek. The girl didn't know what was wrong with her. She always felt very lost recently.

This kind of loss is very inexplicable. It is obvious that things have been going well recently and the world will move towards a better future. However, the girl just feels lost and empty in her heart, as if there is a piece of her heart missing, and sometimes she feels a dull pain.

The girl shook her head, stood up, and lay down on the bed behind the imperial study room, trying to get rid of this bad mood. This was the first time she had lied on the bed in the imperial study room in this month. After all, this month in the imperial study room Someone will come to report the situation at any time, and her hair will be messed up if she lies down, so the girl always sits down.

As soon as her head rested on the pillow, the girl subconsciously put her delicate hands under the pillow. The girl's fingertips touched something hard.

The girl gently poked out the thing under the pillow. When the whole thing appeared in the girl's eyes, the girl's eyes suddenly shrank, and she felt that the missing memory in her mind was about to break through the shackles.

This is a black gold dagger.

In the Forest of Sages, in a classical and elegant residence, a graceful and beautiful girl has just returned from the House of Representatives. In the meeting just now, the House of Representatives has initially passed the reform plan. It won’t be long before the future Forest Spirit Members of this group will be elected rather than hereditary.

"Sister, you're back." As soon as he entered the house, a young lady ran towards her sister.

Seeing her little brother, Weier happily hugged him and kissed his forehead: "Have you been obedient at home?"

"Well, yes, I'm very obedient, but I'm so bored at home."

"Then my sister will take you to play tomorrow."

"Yeah, but" Xiao Zhengtai lowered his head with a little disappointment.

"What's wrong? You don't want to go out to play with your sister?"

"No, no, it's just that, sister, won't Brother Druid come?"

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