Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 319 Welcome back

The empress's slender fingers touched the cave wall, and the feeling of uneven carvings was transmitted to her fingertips. Looking sideways, a string of names appeared in the empress's eyes.

"Di Xin. Ji Gong Nie. Li Longji." Subconsciously, the empress read out the name on the stone wall slowly.

Until the end, when she saw the last name, the empress's eyes suddenly shrank, and her heartbeat accelerated involuntarily. The empress clutched her chest tightly, for fear that her heart would jump out.


The moment the name came out of the Empress' lips and teeth, a huge ripple of magic spread out, the entire bamboo forest made a "swish" sound, and several snow-white foxes raised their long tails to block their heads.

After the ripples dissipated, the snow fox in the bamboo forest, which was already psychic, put down its snow-white tail covering its eyes and looked curiously.

Outside the bamboo forest, ripples blew by. Luoluo and Yaya, who were about to step into the bamboo forest to report the situation, had their skirts floating slightly, and the two girls stopped involuntarily.



The girls looked at each other, tears streaming down their cheeks...

"Husband, you are really serious."

At the entrance of the cave, the empress raised her head and looked at the blue and clear sky, tears falling to the ground...but she smiled like a flower...

To the west of the Endless Land, there is a farmhouse. The farmhouse built several small huts by the lake. The farmhouse makes a living by ferrying. No matter the wind or rain, the old man who rows the ferry never stops. However, the last few days are an exception. He His grandson really came back. The old man cried with joy, reunited with his grandson, and rested for a few days.

"Grandpa, I'll go to the city to make arrangements first. I'll pick you up next month, so you don't need to punt the boat. Those in our army who are paid will not be short of the money."

"It's good that you come back and take a look once in a while. It's not busy. It's not busy. Besides, I've been punting my whole life, so I'm used to it."

When the old man waited for his grandson to return to the army after his leave, he punted the boat again. As the old man himself said, he had been punting his whole life.

As in the past, the old man held up the boat with a pipe and a pair of oars, waiting for the passengers to come and go. When he was sleepy, he would occasionally take a nap.

"Old man, don't sleep. Are you going to refuse to accept business? If you do this, consumers will complain."

A voice came over and woke up the old man. Although the old man didn't understand what "consumer" meant, when he saw the man's face, the old man suddenly smiled.

"Young man, let's cross the lake."

"You bad old man." The young man said with a smile, "Why would I be here if I didn't cross the lake?"

The young man got on the boat with a smile. There was no sign of respecting the elderly or caring for the young in his words, but the old man felt very comfortable listening to them.

On the lake, the old man slowly held the boat. The young man sat next to the old man, lit the old man's pipe, and stuffed it into the old man's mouth. The old man blew out the smoke ring and nodded with satisfaction.

"Huh? Where are your friends?"

"Oh, they're gone." The young man put down his cigarette and said with a smile, "By the way, old man, is your grandson back?"

"I'm back, I'm back." The old man smiled happily. "The battle outside is over. I planned to go outside the next day to have a look. But guess what, my grandson came back on the third day! But he's not too young either. Well, next time when he comes back, tell him about the girl from the next village. Young man, you don’t know, the girl from the next village is really pretty."

"Hahaha, then congratulations to the old man first. If I come to have a wedding banquet then, don't drive me away."

"I'd like to give you some good advice, but I haven't even figured out my horoscope yet, so people may not be able to fall in love with my silly boy. By the way, young man, I see that although you are handsome, you are not married yet, right?"

"Huh? Look at you bad old man, what did you say?" The young man knocked on the old man's pipe, and the ashtrays scattered on the lake. "I have three wives, all of them are beautiful. I'm going back this time." Go home to see your wife."

"Three, you are handsome, but you talk dishonestly and always brag."

"Hahaha, I'm really not bragging."

On the lake, an old man and a young man were holding a boat, chatting, and unknowingly reached the other side of the lake.

The young man was about to pay the old man, but the old man pushed it back and gave the young man a few gold coins: "This is the money you left behind last time. I keep it for you. There are several gold coins! With so much money, don't you Be careful."

"Old man, I was giving you a tip." The young man was a little dumbfounded.

"no, I'm fine."

"No, if you don't accept it, you won't give me face."

The old man and the young man kept making excuses. In the end, the young man really had no choice:

"Otherwise, the money will be used as a gift for me to give to your grandson. Then I will bring my wife to have a wedding banquet. It's okay."

Seeing that the old man was still hesitating about his proposal, the young man quickly got off the boat before the old man could say anything else.

"Huh? Young man!"

The old man raised his head, only to find that the young man had already disappeared.

Aniya, as the co-owner of Aniya and the Twilight Continent, Emilia did not return to Luoyang immediately. She and Lilin walked together during this month, each holding a pink slime. Passed many places in Enia.

The two of them didn't know what they were looking for, but both girls felt that a very, very important person was missing from their hearts. They thought this feeling was just a sequelae after resurrection.

But as time went by, this person became heavier and heavier in their hearts, especially when they saw everything familiar to Aniya again, their hearts always ached, but they couldn't remember it.

In the end, the search was fruitless, and they had no choice but to return to Luoyang.


As soon as they entered Luoyang City, two cute pink slimes jumped out of the girl's arms and moved towards a small alley.

For the two pink slimes, the two girls remembered that they met by chance. However, the memory of that chance encounter did not have any sense of familiarity. However, despite this, between Li Lin and Emilia, In my heart, the two cute pink slimes are particularly important.

The girl picked up the pink slime. The two pink slimes kept "momming" in the girl's arms and kept moving in one direction.

"Do you want to take us somewhere?"

Emilia said softly.


As if he understood what Emilia said, the pink slime nodded.

The two pink slimes jumped out of the soft arms of the two girls again and moved forward step by step. Emilia and Li Lin protected them and followed them step by step.

Finally, the slime stopped. Lilin and Emilia picked up the slime again and raised their heads. What appeared in front of them was a semi-old courtyard.

With a slight trembling, the girl pushed open the door of the courtyard.

When they saw everything in the hospital, Emilia and Lilin couldn't help but cover their mouths, and crystal tears slowly flowed down the girl's cheeks...the tears flowed uncontrollably.

The two girls wiped the tears from their eyes, their sweet smiles seemed to soften everything in the world...

"Welcome back."

(End of play)

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