It has been updated for 171 days, with a total of 690,000 words.

When I was writing this book, I actually encountered some troubles. The most important one was that the "Things About My Reincarnation as a Slime" on Station B was launched, and many readers mistakenly thought it was the light novel.

This incident is indeed quite disturbing. Believe it or not, Ogata only learned about anime and its light novels after the anime was aired.

The topic of slime has been around for a long time. Qidian Chinese website wrote about slime seven or eight years ago.

After Ogata finished writing this book in the past few days, he not only watched the anime, but also read two volumes of the light novel (please forgive me, the text expression and translation of Japanese light novels caused some problems, Ogata read it It was quite painful, so I only read two volumes).

However, although they are both slimes and have systems, the contents are indeed different. Later, Xiaogata also checked Baidu Encyclopedia to understand the content behind the light novel. It is indeed not related to Xiaogata's. Why do so many readers admit their mistake? This book is obviously written by Ogata based on [Game Life]. You should know it when you see the race setting and the character "Hubi".

I was a little helpless, and my mood was indeed affected to some extent during this period. However, fortunately, there are many readers who support Xiaogata. Here, Xiaogata would like to express my gratitude to everyone. Without your support, Xiaogata would probably have to bear the burden of this book. A "eunuch" is infamous (90-degree bow)

Ogata is an amateur writer and doesn’t read many online novels. I don’t know what’s cool and bad. I just want to express the stories in my mind. If everyone finds it interesting and interesting, that’s the best. If it can help It is most worthwhile to get some relaxation during your free time while working and studying.

Human life is really limited, so when everyone spent time reading this book and reading these words, Xiaogata was still under a lot of pressure. Xiaogata was afraid that everyone's time would be wasted.

It’s over. Ogata doesn’t know if everyone is satisfied with this book and whether it was a waste of everyone’s time. As for the ending, some may think it’s good and some may not.

But no matter what, Ogata has tried his best to express the story in his mind. This is the story Ogata wants to tell... an ending that Ogata thinks is the best and beautiful...

Ogata tried his best to do his best. If you are not satisfied with this story, Ogata can only say "sorry" to you, but Ogata did his best.

If you like this story, Ogata is happy because, you like it.

Stories are always a mutual thing. Some people tell stories and some people listen to stories. It is like we are sitting in front of the fire and chatting together, with the firelight reflecting on our faces. It is warm and comfortable. During this period, many people joined in, and some Many people left the scene, and many people listened to the end.

But no matter what, we met, and it was our fate. No matter whether you heard the end or not, and whether you left the scene or not, I will definitely remember meeting you.

Ogata doesn't know how many years he can tell the story, but if possible, Ogata will stay by the fire as long as possible to tell everyone.

There is a saying that Ogata likes very much: I am lucky if I gain something, and I am lucky if I lose it.

Therefore, it is Ogata’s honor to be able to tell stories to everyone, and it is Ogata’s luck to be able to let everyone hear Ogata’s stories.

Maybe, the charcoal fire in the stove will burn out sooner or later, maybe, the number of small benches by the stove will continue to decrease, maybe, one day, the storyteller will no longer tell.

But a few years later, when everyone looks back by chance, perhaps there will be slight ripples in their memory.

In that tavern, by that fire, there were so many people sitting together.

he said

he/she listens

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