Cross, the divine species, most descriptions of him in books are inseparable from the word "power".

It is said that this god has the tail of a snake, the head of a monkey, the fangs of a wolf, the body of a bear, and the legs of a cheetah. He is the creator of the beastman species.

Most of the orcs believe in Cross, and the werewolves are Cross's most loyal admirers.

Cross is the embodiment of strength, and in the werewolf clan, everything is determined by strength. The strongest werewolf will become the leader of the wolf clan and lead the clan forward.

At this time, in the duel clearing of the werewolf tribe, a 2-meter-tall and sturdy werewolf named "Wageron" stood face to face with a werewolf whose size was not inferior to his own, but with a slightly wretched eyebrow. With.

Waggron is the leader of this werewolf tribe, and the werewolf with a slightly wretched eyebrow is Fangte.

Not long ago, Fangte directly stated to Wagron that he wanted the supreme leadership of the werewolf tribe, saying that he would use the traditions of the werewolf tribe to fight for it, but Wagron didn't even think about it, and directly agreed, and that's it. The current duel.

For Wageron, his tribe has recognized Emilia as its master, and Fangte also belongs to Emilia in a sense. They are in the same lineup, so Fangte has the right to challenge him and compete for him. The power of the tribe (with the permission of the Supreme Master 'Emilia').

As for Fangte, he wanted to apply modern training methods to the training of orcs.

Fang Te knew that the werewolves had a stubborn and irritable character, and they would never allow other people to tell them what to do. Therefore, in order for the training to be carried out well, Fang Te needed to be recognized by the werewolves.

Furthermore, according to his plan, there will be more and more dependents in the future. Fangte wants to build an orc army with multiple arms. It is impossible to tame them all at once. To tame so many dependents, only one can do it. Come on, the troops must be built one by one.

It's like a herd mentality. Just imagine what it would feel like when an untamed orc race saw an army of well-trained orcs?

This is like military training, which will arouse their natural passion and a sense of yearning. In this way, it will be much easier for Fangte to conduct training and military brainwashing.

Return to this clearing.

The front positions in this clearing are the strongest and bravest warriors of the werewolf tribe (not a warrior profession of the human species), while behind are the cute beast-eared girl and the mother holding the cute little shota and little loli of the werewolf tribe. them.

They all knew the true identity of the strange werewolf, because just now Fangte unabashedly turned into a werewolf in front of them, but no one had any objection to this competition that was completely in line with the werewolf tradition.

As long as they are in the same camp, everyone has a chance to challenge, even the Kobolds who are at odds with the werewolves.

And although Fangte could use his original attitude to challenge Wageron for power, Fangte did not do so. This was not because he was conceited, but because doing so would win the respect of the werewolves more.

Due to the "damage sharing" effect of the contract, Fangte has temporarily severed his link with Emilia.

A wolf howled, and the competition officially began!

Wageron directly entered the "violent" state without saying a word! His physique has completely doubled in size, his scarlet eyes reveal incomparable murderous intent, and the saliva flowing between his fangs is the desire to tear the enemy into pieces!


Like a bolt of lightning, Waggron jumped towards Fangte! A flash of red light flashed across the scarlet pupils!

With one claw down, Fangte quickly turned sideways, but two blood marks had slipped out of his chest, and bright red blood was flowing down.

Seeing the red liquid flowing from his body, Fangte couldn't help but feel a little dazed. After all, after being reincarnated as a slime, he had no blood left anymore.

However, Wageron didn't give Fangte any chance to breathe, and the whistling sound of sharp claws cutting through the air came again.

Fangte kept moving to dodge, but no matter how coquettishly Fangte's snakeskin moves, wounds that were as deep as the bones appeared on his fur.


After the violent bloodshed, Waggron has completely lost his mind, just like the werewolf in League of Legends who became a mad dog when he saw an enemy with low health.

It's not that Fangte doesn't want violent blood, but even though he has become an orc, the racial talent of "violent blood" cannot be used at all.

Originally, the magic power consumed by Fangte as an adult human was exaggerated, let alone an adult werewolf. Fangte felt that the magic power in his body was like a mobile phone with a hotspot on to play the game "Chicken"—— The power flows super fast.

Emilia, who was always watching the duel from a distance, couldn't help clenching her small fists, biting her red lips with her crystal teeth, and the worry on her beautiful face could make the sun and the moon lose their color, even if If Ajia sees it, she will feel ashamed.

"This is too strong!"

Fangte finally managed to get two positions away from Waggron, and barely got a chance to breathe. However, his body was in tatters, and blood stained his entire body. Moreover, Fangte used a werewolf body. , still unable to heal on its own.

After a breath, Wageron rushed towards Fangte as if he was seeing furniture. At this moment, Fangte really regretted it. If he had been in his original slime posture and relied on his natural defense, he would have definitely pressed this Erha to the floor and rubbed it.

"No matter what! Fight!"

Fangte took a deep breath, activated "hardening" with his orc body, and pounced directly on Waggron.

The two werewolves fought each other, and Fangte relied entirely on his seventh-level "Physical Strengthening" and "Hardening" skills to resist his attack, and then fought back with an aura that injured the enemy a thousand times and damaged himself eight hundred.

Fang Te did not use magic, not only because Fang Te did not have much mana left, but because he wanted the werewolf's proudest physical combat to defeat him.

After hundreds of rounds, Fangte's magic power was almost at its bottom. Fangte fought as a beastman. If Fangte turned into a prototype, it would mean that he lost.

Wagron's "violent blood" state is almost over. After the "violent blood" is used to its limit, Wagron will immediately feel a huge sense of fatigue, which means the end of the game.

At the last moment, Fangte drained the magic power! Waggron's sanity gradually recovered, followed by an irresistible sense of exhaustion.



The two yelled, and just when Wagron's claws were about to penetrate Fangte's body, Fangte's magic power dried up completely and turned into a slime.

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