Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 40 Twilight Dragon

"This wooden house is the chief's residence."

"Thank you."

Fang Te jumped out of Beast Ear Girl's arms, waved goodbye to her, and walked in alone.

Different from Emilia's room, this wooden house is full of the smell of herbs. The interior of the wooden house is very simple. Apart from a simple table, there is a big knife hanging on the wall, and there are a few sharpeners placed under the big knife. There are also a few rough animal bones on the stone.

This animal bone seems to be used for grinding teeth.

There was nothing on the simple wooden bed in the room, not even an animal skin.

Waggron was lying on the bed with bandages almost all over his body, resting with his eyes closed.

Feeling Fangte's breath, Wageron opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Fangte.

"Are you okay?" Fangte moved his small body and jumped onto his bed, sitting next to his head.

In fact, Fangte just asked casually. After all, he looked like something was wrong.

"Not dead." Wagron glanced at the bandages all over his body, and then fell silent.

Fangte was a little embarrassed, and he turned into a small tentacle and scratched his head. After all, all the injuries on his body were caused by himself. As a result, he was only comatose for a day or two, and he probably needed to recover for a month or two.

"Is there something wrong with Mr. Fangte?"

"Actually, it's like this. I want to discuss theology with you. Your god is Iros."

"Your Excellency, the true god of our werewolf clan is Cross."

"Uh, yes! Cross! I know! He is the most handsome god! I heard he is extremely handsome!"

"Your Excellency! Although our god is known as the ugliest god! But he is the most beautiful in our hearts! I don't know what your opinion is about the god Cross, but please respect our beliefs!" Wagron was obviously a little confused. Angry.

"How could it be! In fact, I admire Cross the most! Although our fantasy species god Ajia is known as the most beautiful god, I still like Cross! After all, this god is so powerful!"

Fang Te secretly glanced at Waggron and found that his expression had relaxed a little, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and then struck while the iron was hot. "Strengthening the mountains and overwhelming the world" and "the most powerful god" are all related to strength anyway. , all used by Cross.

Lying on the bed, this "simple" werewolf clan leader heard other races, fantasy species (even though he was the lowest slime) praising him, and his complexion and mood improved significantly.

"Wagron! Do you long for power?" Fangte looked at Wagron who was in a good mood and felt that he could continue to fool around.


"Yeah! That's right! Power! Power!" Fangte said seriously, even more seriously than when he was playing with Dean caressing and beating Luke. "Although I lost to you! But it was still only one point away." Recruit!"

Wagron nodded silently. Although he didn't know why the slime would fight him in the form of a werewolf, he knew that if he fought him with the slime's body that is immune to most physical attacks, As for the fight, based on his performance against him a few days ago, it's really hard to say.

"I have a secret that I haven't told you, not even Emilia. In fact, I'm just an ordinary mutated slime, but I just have wisdom! But I gained strength with a special training method !”

"Special training method?"

"Yeah! That's right! With this training method, I've gone from fighting against slimes like you to being able to tie with you! Actually, I don't want to spread this training method easily! But I lost last time! I feel that since I lost, I have to pay something! So! I decided to pass on this training method to you!"

"Your Excellency! Although our werewolf clan regards strength as the supreme standard! However, Your Excellency, you will be honored even if you lose. There is no need to do this."

Fang Te's "brows" twitched when he heard the words "Although defeated, it is still glorious".

"It's okay! We all belong to the same camp anyway! We have the same goal! The same ideal! So! This little thing really doesn't mean anything!" Fang Te formed a small tentacle and held his rough hand, affectionately He said, and squeezed out a few tears.

"Your Excellency!" Wagron, this tough guy, was really touched by Fang Te. He wanted to stand up and thank him, but Fang Te gently held him down and signaled not to move and to take good care of his injuries.

"So I think, in order to enhance the combat effectiveness of our camp! I hope Erha, bah, after you recover from your injury, leader Wagron, you can replace me in implementing my training methods in the tribe!"

Wagron shook his head. Fangte wanted to say something after seeing it, but Wagron spoke first.

"Your Excellency Fangte, this is not necessary. You can implement it in the tribe by yourself. After the competition between you and me, Your Excellency, your prestige has spread in the tribe. Although you are not a real werewolf, But you have become the second warrior of our werewolf tribe! There are even orc girls who love you."

Waggron said in standard common language.

"After I was injured this time, I couldn't move easily and needed a temporary leader. Originally, I wanted to discuss with you and let you temporarily lead the werewolf clan. I believe that with your strength, you can definitely convince the clan members."

Fang Te didn't know what to say for a moment, and his big watery eyes were a little stunned.

"Your Excellency Fangte, the werewolf tribe will be left to you for the time being!"

Fantawild: "."

At this moment, Fangte felt an immense sense of guilt in his heart. What a simple werewolf he was! And it was really sinful for me to even think about how to deceive him.

Fang Te, who was gay, held Wageron's thick hand angrily, and said with tears in his eyes:

"Brother! Don't worry! I will take good care of your tribe! You can rest in peace and recover!"

On the south side of Ania, in the center of the Roti Sea, there is a floating land called the Twilight Continent. This continent is owned by only one person, or rather a dragon.

The moonlight shone down, illuminating the only castle on the land. A giant dragon spitting out twilight flew towards the forest coast and turned into a human form on the nearby seaside.

Across the endless Roti Sea, the man looked towards the world's largest landmass (occupying 70% of the world's land area) that was not in sight.

"Xiaoxue, you should be very sad when your father dies, but it doesn't matter, there is still me."

The moonlight fell on the man's handsome face. The man smiled slightly, exhaled softly, and the twilight slowly dispersed from his mouth.

At the same time, on the largest landmass in the world, a silver-haired girl lying on the bed was sleeping peacefully.

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