Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 49 Envoy from the Moxi Empire

According to common sense, as an envoy, as long as the two armies are not at war, this is a popular task, and the envoy who went out to unify the "orc tribe" in the north of Ainia was in a relaxed mood.

Not only is it a little relaxed, but it also has a small sense of superiority. So what if the northern border of Ania is unified? So what if a dozen orc species join your tribe? Can the national strength compare with ours? Not to mention the level of education!

It is your honor that we, the Moxi Empire, are willing to send you as envoys.

With such a mood, the envoy of the Moxi Empire came to the current capital of the "Orc Tribe" - a town that was just built and named Luoyang by Fang Te.

But what I didn't expect was that as soon as I entered Luoyang! He was actually captured by those four tall and big Pandaren guards! He was thrown into jail without any questions asked! Even if you identify yourself, you will still be indifferent!

"Could it be that the female dragon and the slime want to enmity with the Moxi Empire?" The envoy couldn't help but think this way.

If this is the case, then things will be in trouble. Although this orc tribe is not as good as the Moxi Empire in all aspects, it cannot be underestimated in terms of military. This does not mean that he will lose, but that the powerful orc warriors will consume the strength of one’s own country.

Even if the orc tribe is wiped out by then, not only will it hurt the muscles and bones of our own country, but it will also be painful if the skin is broken and the blood is broken. Why should this scapegoat do it himself?

Fortunately, after being imprisoned for three hours, I was finally let out, and what greeted me was actually the huge green slime!

"Your Majesty, I'm really sorry. We Pandaren were a little rude to you. I apologize to you on their behalf."

Fang Te and the envoy from the Moxi Kingdom were walking on the street. Many orcs on the street greeted Fang Te when they saw him. When the beast-eared girls saw Fang Te, they wanted to go up and give him a squeeze, but when they saw Fang Te The human envoys around Te also restrained themselves.

The envoy of the Moxi Empire beside Fangte was so shocked that he didn't know what to say!

First of all, it’s because this slime can actually talk! And it has the same intelligence as human beings!

He largely thought the rumors were false, but when this giant slime stood next to him, it still felt real to the touch! Only then did he realize that this slime was really not that simple.

Secondly, when he first arrived in Luoyang, the envoy was kidnapped and taken away by the pandas as soon as he entered the city gate. He had no time to appreciate the city.

But now, I have truly seen this town that has not been built for a year. In the town, more than a dozen different races live together, and you can even see the Kobolds and Cats. When these two groups meet, they will... A race that wants to fight to the death is drinking in a liquor store!

Even though one of them was sitting inside and the other was sitting on the outside, it was a miracle that they didn't start fighting.

"Oh, it's like this. Fighting is not allowed in the town. If something really happens, they will go to a special place to compete. However, the competition will be watched by special orcs, and no one is allowed to die."

Fangte saw the envoy's doubts and explained that the conflict between orcs was indeed a troublesome matter. In the end, Fangte had no choice but to add this clause to the oath treaty, which alleviated some of the problem.

But despite this, there are still some orcs who hate each other and come to the competition ring every day. The reasons include "Are you looking at me?" "Why am I looking at you!" "You try to look at me again!" and then go to the competition ring to fight. Woke up.

Then the losing party lies in bed for a few months, and then starts to find trouble again. It goes on like this. Fangte feels that his head hurts, but Fangte does not intend to stop it, because most orcs are born to fight, and Fangte absolutely It doesn’t erase their nature.

The envoy from the Moxi Empire nodded in surprise, and then looked at the young beast-eared girls on the street wearing short skirts and short-sleeved strange clothes. Their bronze skin and curly long hair looked even more attractive against the backdrop of those clothes. It’s eye-catching!

"We designed this costume ourselves, what do you think?" Fangte asked.

"Although it is a bit strange, if it is placed in our capital, it will definitely sell well." The envoy said respectfully.

Seeing the harmonious scenes in the town, the envoy's understanding of this slime was no longer just that of the lowest race, but regarded him as an outstanding leader.

However, this leader is so outstanding! If you give the "orc tribe" another ten years, no! Only four years of development space! It will definitely endanger your own country!

"It can't be done without getting rid of it!" At this time, the envoy's face was still so calm, but his heart was a little gloomy.

After walking around the town for a short time, Fangte brought the envoy into his courtyard. After seeing Fangte come back, Yaya and Luoluo happily ran out holding on to their Western-style maid dresses until Seeing the human next to Fangte, he hurriedly restrained himself.

"What is the purpose of your visit to the orc tribe this time, sir?" Fangte asked, standing on the stone bench.

"Your Majesty attaches great importance to your orc tribe and hopes that I can be an envoy to your tribe to show friendship." The envoy said respectfully, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

"Then, what do you think, Sir Envoy?" Fang Te said calmly.

"I also hope that the Moxi Empire can watch each other with you, and the Orc tribe is rich in assets, especially minerals. If we go further, our country hopes to have commercial exchanges with the 'Orc tribe'."

"Trading, that's no problem, but our tribe has only stabilized recently, so it's better to take this matter slowly. Let's start with border transactions. I also hope to maintain friendly exchanges with your country." Fang Te replied with a smile.

For Fangte, if the two parties engage in commercial transactions, the orc tribe will definitely suffer. They have done a lot of exchanging glass balls for gems and broken knives for iron ore! With the cunningness of the human species! Before Fantawild cultivates real businessmen, he will never fully open trading channels!

The conversation lasted for a total of one hour before it ended. In the rest of the conversation, both parties made various speculations, and for this envoy! He was more and more surprised by the slime's intelligence. He was cautious and methodical in doing things, and he was diplomatic but did not give any substantial benefits!

In his heart! This slime is already on the empire's must-kill list.

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