"Humans! They are so cunning."

After Fangte sent away the envoys from the Mosi Empire, Fangte couldn't help but sigh.

In the conversation just now, the other party has always wanted to obtain greater benefits from their place, but Fangte only promised some small trade conditions to the border, as well as the small mine at the most border. In fact, when the border trade started, Fangte knew that There was no way I could keep a small mine on the border, so I simply gave it to him.

Of course, Fangte didn't believe that this thing that wasn't enough for Sai Ya could satisfy the Moxi Empire's ambitions, but the reason why he did this was to give a message to the Moxi Empire:

Our orc tribe is safe for you Moxi for the time being, and there is no need for you to attack us first.

At the same time, it was not unreasonable for Fangte to take him shopping. After all, who would go shopping with a middle-aged man.

Font just wanted to tell them.

The top leaders of the orc tribe who unified northern Aenea are not simple-minded beings. If you want to hit me, the price you will pay will be heavier, and your trading calculations will have to be re-evaluated.

Font believed his message got through.

In fact, Fangte's message was indeed conveyed. The envoys of the Moxi Empire were still weighing the pros and cons of interests when they left, and how should they explain it to their emperor.

In his opinion, this slime was simply more cunning than humans. He knew that the other party wanted to exchange some small profits for the orc tribe to take a short breather, but he had always avoided large-scale transaction conditions.

No matter how much he insinuated himself, he didn't even mention a word about the rumored "seed of God" (hybrid rice)!

But if we really want to attack! Is it really appropriate? After all, the Moxi Empire was facing a quarter of a unified Ainiya, and not only was the slime's IQ not low, but there were still many mysteries that had not yet been clarified. Who knew if he had any trump cards.

The neighboring Odea Empire, which has a deep hatred for its own country, is still watching with eager eyes! If the two join forces! The outcome is really hard to say.

"It seems that I have to leave it to my father to weigh it."

The middle-aged envoy on horseback looked up at the sky. The sky here is indeed higher.

At the same time, Fangte, who had been thinking in the yard for more than half an hour, made a decision.

On the street next to the courtyard, there is a palace located in the center of Luoyang. This palace was the palace of the original owner of the town, and was then requisitioned by Fangte.

This palace can be said to be the most majestic palace in the entire Northern Territory of Ainia, and the owner of this town is also the most enjoyable orc in the entire Northern Territory. He is also the most cruel orc in Fang Te’s opinion. Then he was directly killed by Fang Te. He killed him, recovered his men, and elected a new leader.

Now in this palace, lives the most beautiful girl in the entire northern part of Ania, and maybe even the entire world.

If we use the metaphor of entering society and working hard for a career in modern times, this girl is the woman who works silently behind the successful man.

Although the number of fantasy species is rare, their strength and intelligence have always ranked them as a high-ranking race.

For this high-ranking race, their arrogance equal to their strength makes them look down on most races. In their eyes, most races are inferior, let alone listen to the advice of a slime.

But it was this girl who signed a dragon marriage contract with him, insisted on herself without any doubt, and tried hard to do something for herself. No matter what difficulties she encountered, she was the one who stood behind her.

When the guards of the palace saw Fangte coming, they did not stop him at all, but gave way to him with a slight respect.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would get married at the age of eighteen (Fangte came to this world at the age of 18). The most embarrassing thing is that I may get divorced soon. As a person of my generation, there should be no one else. Bar."

Entering the palace and heading to the girl's residence, Fangte felt a little complicated, and at the same time he also had some small regrets. He regretted that he was about to fulfill his agreement with the girl. By that time, the contract signed two years ago would be Lift.

Get rid of this somewhat deceptive mood.

Fangte walked to the girl's door and knocked on the door. The girl answered softly, her voice as clear as a stream.

"Lea, what do you want to see me for?"

Fangte walked into the room with small steps, and the air was filled with the girl's unique faint fragrance.

"I've finished reading the book you gave me, but there are a few words in it that I don't understand."

The silver-haired girl sat at the desk and carefully read the "Economic Psychology" provided by the system and translated by Fang Te.

Fante first taught Emilia and two maids from the Kingdom of Ori who had been educated by humans, and then asked them to help them continue to preach, intending to create a group of orc merchants.

"Let me see."

Fangte moved over in small steps and jumped on the desk. Emilia still held Fangte in her arms like a girl. This has become a subconscious action of Emilia, and it is one of the few times where she shows her little girlish demeanor. performance, and Fangte didn't remind him, after all, isn't it bad to be held by a girl?

"The word actually means"

Fangte formed small tentacles in the arms of the silver-haired girl and pointed on the book, telling the meaning of the words the girl circled. However, Fangte was a little absent-minded.

After Fang Te finished explaining, Fang Te inadvertently became distracted, and the room fell into silence again.

"Are you thinking about anything else?"

Even if there is no partial sharing of hearts, the heaviness written on Fangte's face lets people know that he has something on his mind.

Fangte hesitated for a while, and at the same time organized his words, then jumped out of Emilia's soft arms for the first time and stood on the table:

"Actually, it's like this, Leah, I plan to go to the Ella Empire."

"Go now?" Amelia said lightly, her tone still so calm.

"Well, go now."

"What's the reason?"

"The envoys from the Moxi Empire have just arrived, and we have finally entered the sight of the big powers. Moreover, it is very likely that the Moxi Empire will not give us a chance to breathe. Although I don't think they will attack us head-on, but I am sure They will find other ways to deal with us,

"So I plan to go to the Ella Empire. Except for you and Yaya, my human form has not been shown to outsiders. I plan to go to the Ella Empire as an envoy to find out about the trends of the Ella Empire. If possible, I I want to make a temporary alliance with them! But don’t worry, it’s only temporary.”

After Fangte explained, Emilia remained silent. Based on his understanding of her, Fangte knew that she would not object to his decision.

But this time Fangte deceived this innocent girl. He actually never thought about forming an alliance with the Ella Empire! The opposite of! He has a plan to kill Sweet.

Emilia didn't speak, and Fangte knew that she had acquiesced. When Fangte jumped off the desk and walked out the door, her voice came from behind Fangte.

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