
Fangte looked at the girl in front of him with a smile, his tone was calm and gentle.

Hearing this special way of greeting, the girl was stunned, and couldn't help but think of that crooked slime.

The girl raised her head in surprise. The beautiful face looked at Fangte, who looked like a small shota beast in front of her. A trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, but soon, Li Lin's eyes sparkled.

"Hello...are you...an orc?" Lilin looked at Fangte with shining eyes.

"Lord Lilin, this is the envoy of the orc tribe, Lord Orgrim." One of the maids slowly introduced, "Lord Orgrim, this is the only disciple of the great mage of our Ella Empire, Lord Lilin. .”

"Hello, Miss Lilin."

Fang Te said with a smile. Although he had thought about the possibility of seeing Li Lin, he never expected that he would be in this place and at this time.

Girls all have one thing in common: they like fluffy things.

Li Lin looked at the fluffy ears of this little shota orc and couldn't help but stretched out her delicate hands.

Before Fangte could react, Lilin's delicate hands had already touched Fangte's ears, and she couldn't help but rub Fangte's plush ears.

“So comfortable”

"Miss Lilin"

The maids behind them saw Fangte's ears being played with, and reminded with some fright that this was a very rude behavior. At the same time, they were also a little envious in their hearts. They had wanted to touch Fangte's ears for a long time, but due to their status, they could not touch Fangte's ears. Don't dare to show it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Envoy." Li Lin quickly retracted her hand, but her eyes stayed on the tail behind him, with a cute greed in her eyes.

"Mr. Envoy, I heard that there is a mutated slime in your tribe. Is it true? Is his name Fant? Is he okay?"

"Well, Master Fangte is a very talented slime. Not only is he extremely powerful in combat, but his ideas are always so novel and highly practical. The orcs in the tribe respect him very much." Fangte said. Te took the opportunity to praise himself shamelessly.

"It's great." Hearing that Fangte was respected by the orcs, Fangte felt happy in his heart. Li Lin's delicate little face showed undisguised joy.

But the next moment, Li Lin seemed to have thought of something, and asked with a somewhat complicated expression: "I heard that your leader is very beautiful, and he is a fantasy dragon. Is this true?"

"That's true." Fangte said truthfully.

"Hmph! Lewd slime!" Lilin turned her head and looked at the marble floor with exquisitely carved patterns, muttering resentfully.

Fantawild: "."

"Excuse me, what are Miss Lilin doing here? Are you looking for me for something?" Fangte asked.

"Oh, I passed by here when I was walking and felt the smell of the magic circle here, so I came over to take a look."

Li Lin stood up and took out a small and exquisite staff from the void. The staff was carved from black dragon wood and was completely black. There were several tassel runes carved on the staff. Although it looked very simple, But Fangte could feel the huge magical pull of the staff.

Reciting this spell silently, he waved the staff with his delicate hand, and a burst of magical dust blew across the marble floor.

Just like an ink painting going from hidden to visible, the magic circle in the corridor in front of the door unfolds like a domino! Even in the daytime, it exuded the sheen of magic, and the maid standing behind Fangte couldn't help but cover her mouth.

Fang Te smiled slightly. It turned out that her magical attainments had reached this level. In just three years, Li Lin's magical attainments had surpassed the lifetime of most magic scholars!

"This 'wind chime formation' is very special. Did you make it? Are you the legendary orc shaman?" Lilin looked at Fangte happily.

"Well, I did it, but compared to Miss Lilin's Clarity Technique and Void Technique, it seems to be nothing. And there is still a big gap between me and the great shaman."

Fang Te didn't care at all that his formation was revealed in front of the two maids. This was not because Fang Te trusted them, but what if they knew about it? Do I have to report to you when I set up a warning array in your human race's palace to let myself sleep peacefully?

"That's it."

Lilin seemed a little disappointed when Fangte said that she was not a shaman, but soon the girl's eyes lit up again, "This magic circle of yours is really clever. Can you teach me this spell? I want to teach it to Wei." Grandpa La Mage and the others.”

Hearing the name of Master Vera, Fangte thought of those four old and crooked mages for a moment, and couldn't help but feel a little touched in his heart. Three years have passed since the war in the Kingdom of Ori.

"Mage Vera? Are you Mage Vera from the Ori Kingdom?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

"It's like this. I had an interaction with Master Vera and Master Juarez a few years ago, and we can be considered friends. Can Miss Lilin take me to meet them?"

"Of course it's no problem, let's go now. Grandpa Vera always says it's boring, and he will definitely be very happy to see you." Lilin happily pulled Fangte forward, and was about to step on her feet. The void leaves.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty will prepare a banquet for you tonight."

The two maids were a little unable to keep up with what was happening in front of them, but out of accusation, the two maids hurriedly reminded them before they disappeared.

"No problem, I'll be there on time."

As soon as the words were spoken, Fangte and the beautiful girl disappeared without a trace. The two maids felt a little disappointed for some reason. This feeling was like being robbed of their toys when they were children. The companions are the same, but they seem to be different.

The "Wind Chime Array" pattern in the corridor slowly dimmed, and soon the marble floor with exquisite patterns fell into normalcy.

The maids opened the door and walked to Fangte's room, but the moment two maids walked into the room! Their hearts trembled involuntarily, and they quickly closed the door, folded their hands in front of them, and knelt forward! They lowered their heads and shouted in unison, with both awe and love in their voices:


A woman wearing a white dress sat on a chair, holding a teapot in her delicate hands and pouring herself a cup of tea. She drank it slowly, her movements elegant and revealing her natural charm.

The woman's eyes were as charming as silk, and she looked gently at the two maids kneeling on the ground. Her soft and delicate red lips seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"It's okay if the timing is bad, but I didn't expect that even that slime doesn't want to touch you. It seems like your charm is not enough."

The corner of the woman's mouth did not move, but her voice was extremely beautiful, but there was a hint of coldness in her tone, like the ice lotus in the far north.

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