Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 58 The Irregular Mage

There is a medicine garden outside the castle palace in the north of the Ella Empire. Behind the medicine garden is a medium-sized garden courtyard. There are several residential buildings with Western decoration in the courtyard. A total of six mages live here. Four of them are from the Kingdom of Ori.

As seventh-level mages who were about to reach the eighth level, Li Lin and Fang Te stepped on the void and soon arrived at this elegant courtyard.

"Grandpa Vera, Grandpa Juarez, I brought your friends to see you."

Li Lin happily opened the door, and Fang Te walked in with her.

But as soon as he entered the room, Fangte smelled the aroma of wine!

"Lilin, you're here! These three old men and I have discussed it. We will never agree to your marrying that eldest prince! How can he be worthy of you!"

Seeing Li Lin come in, Master Vera said drunkenly while holding the wine bottle, his face slightly red.

Fangte couldn't help but feel touched, and he couldn't help but think of the scene of drinking with these old guys three years ago.

"I don't want to marry the eldest prince. I want to stay with the Master Masters all my life." Lilin walked over and snatched the wine bottle from Master Vera's arms, "But! If you keep drinking like this! Lilin will really I’m going to be angry!”

"Okay, okay, no more drinking." The cuckold waved his hand, "Xiao Lilin, you said our old friend came to see us? Who is it?"

"that is."

Without waiting for Lilin's introduction, Fang Te sat directly in front of the four mages, winked at them, then picked up a wine bottle and blew on the bottles. This strong sense of déjà vu made the four mages a little dazed!

Especially that lewd look! Those four old men will never forget that look in their eyes!

However, the four old wizards were not sure, because the orc young shota's body exuded the aura of a pure orc, without any fluctuations in the transformation spell.

"Vera, cuckold, I finally came to you, but I came to discuss philosophy with you."

Hearing the word "philosophy", the four of them all woke up without using magic to dispel their alcohol!

"Old friend?" the bald mage said tentatively.

"Old friends who have enjoyed the infinite scenery together (look up the skirt)!" Fangte said with a smile!


The bald mage touched his bald head excitedly, glanced at Lilin standing behind him, and then looked at the overly cute orcish young shota in front of him. He seemed to understand something, and quickly excused Lilin with an excuse. Got out.

Li Lin saw the four mage grandfathers looking so happy to see their friends, so she didn't say anything and left obediently.

After Li Lin left, Fangte and the four old wizards cast high-level isolation spells in unison.

As long as high-level mages like Anthony and Lilin weren't eavesdropping, it would be impossible to detect the situation here, and Anthony and Lilin wouldn't be so boring. As for other mages of the seventh level and above, they are all on their own all day long. The old scholars in the laboratory will not set foot here, so the main purpose is to guard against some unexpected people.

Fangte came into contact with the shapeshifter skill and transformed into the spring-filled slime again.

Even though he had been mentally prepared, the four old mages were still shocked, but they were more happy than ever!

The four old wizards asked Fangte about his recent situation and what happened to his transformation technique. And the deep magic within him.

Fangte answered one by one, but of course he didn't tell the truth about the system rewards. After all, no one would believe him even if he told the truth. Instead, he said that it was the sudden awakening of his talent one night.

Not only that, Fang Te also told the four old men about his general situation in the orc tribe without reservation. In Fang Te's view, he was absolutely confident in these four old men. He absolutely believed that these four old men would not Betray yourself.

The four old masters also told Fangte about the situation in the past three years, including the fact that Lilin was accepted as a disciple by Anthony, and the fact that Lilin's father became the prime minister who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

Fangte and the four old men always focused on the key points, although sometimes they would include some beauties they saw.

"So, the north of Ainya is really unified between you and that little female dragon." The bald mage said.


"Then there are rumors that you are married to that little female dragon! Isn't that true!?" The cuckold mage asked gossiping.

"How could it be true? They are extremely arrogant fantasy dragons!" Vera argued.

"Yes! Even if Xiao Fangte is very special, how can he marry a dragon?" said the one-eyed mage.

"Actually, this rumor is true." Fangte scratched his head in embarrassment.

In an instant, the whole room suddenly became silent. The four old mage men looked at me and I looked at you with very subtle expressions.

"Xiao Fante! You must not tell Li Lin about this!" Master Vera said solemnly.

"That's right! Lilin must not know about your marriage!" The bald mage tightly grasped Fangte's little tentacle, "Did you know? Last time Lilin knew that you were with that little female dragon, it was a whole day. I’ve been sulking for a month!”

Fantawild: "."

"It's not what you think."

Fang Te then made it clear about his marriage to Amelia, which made the four old men feel relieved.

"But what's going on with Lilin's engagement?" Fangte asked. To be honest, he still cared about it.

"Oh, there is no way. After all, Lilin is a 19-year-old girl. She should have been married a long time ago. And the eldest prince has taken a liking to our Lilin. As you know, our Lilin's character is so innocent and simple. She is really It is not suitable to be a caged bird in the palace."

Vera said earnestly.

"But, fortunately, Lilin is Anthony's disciple, no one dares to force her to do anything, but Lilin is not too young, and her father seems to be willing, I am afraid this matter will not be that simple. "

Fangte fell into silence. For Fangte, this matter was indeed a bit troublesome. After all, it was considered a household matter.

But no matter what, if Lilin voluntarily marries the person she likes, that would be okay. After all, even Anthony's disciples need to get married. Otherwise, like Anthony and these four old men, they will be single for the rest of their lives?

However, what if Li Lin is forced to marry someone she doesn’t like? Then Fangte was the first to refuse!

"Don't worry, if Lilin wants to marry someone she doesn't like, I won't agree."

Fangte said firmly, and took out four rings from his void pocket and handed them to them.

"Take this first. Something may happen to the Ella Empire in the future. If something happens! You can take this to Ainia! Someone will definitely come to help you!"

Thank you very much for the reward of 100 starting coins from "Yangyangxianghug" (﹡o﹡)

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