Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 59 The Empress of Eastern Xia (please vote for recommendation)

In the largest and most important room in the castle palace of the Ella Empire, a woman appeared in front of the two most powerful men in the empire as if she was in a deserted place.

The woman is wearing a plain white dress, her eyebrows are lightly drawn, her lips are so tender that they can drip water, and the corners of her mouth are always slightly raised. The woman's beauty is completely different from Emilia and Lilin.

This kind of beauty is boneless and inimitable, but like a beautiful snake, it can bring poison to people.

"The dignified Empress of the Eastern Xia Kingdom came to visit in person, but we failed to entertain her well."

Emperor Ella and Buster frowned when they saw this woman walking directly from the study door to the room.

"Yeah, yeah, it seems that I no longer have any charm. I can't make His Majesty and the Prime Minister fall in love." The woman who claimed to be my concubine covered her mouth with her delicate hands, smiled softly, and was extremely charming in every move she made.

"Anyway, it's just that the empress suddenly came to hide the country this time, and Ella was not well prepared."

Emperor Ella said politely, he did not dare to take the woman in front of him lightly, let alone have any inappropriate thoughts. You know, when the Dongxia Kingdom was not established five hundred years ago, how many people Men were so attracted to her that they were willing to die just to kiss her sweet face.

Many princes and nobles tried their best to pursue it, and even those who failed in their pursuit wanted to use Bawang to string the bow. However, those people's bows failed to string, and they didn't even touch the string. As a result, they died first.

After the establishment of the Dongxia Kingdom, this woman became the only empress in the world. The number of people who fell under her pomegranate skirt was even greater than before, but no one dared to do anything to her anymore. It's disrespectful.

A woman calling herself a concubine was unprecedented before this empress. However, this title could arouse a man's desire to conquer and increase a woman's charm. Then this woman who claimed to be a concubine became the number one concubine. She was a female emperor, so this title spread in Dongxia Kingdom, and in some parts of the world, people also use this title, but less often.

"I wonder what the purpose of the Empress' visit is?" Emperor Ella said.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that I'm a little curious about the envoy of the 'Orc Tribe' who just arrived in your country." The woman's delicate hands were caressing in front of her body, her voice was soft.

At this time, Emperor Ella and Buster both looked a little solemn.

"The nine-tailed fox empress of the Fantasy species would actually be interested in an orc?" Buster said with a smile.

"Giggle, giggle," the woman chuckled, "Don't you think that the nine-tailed fox is also a close relative of the beastman species? After all, they are all animals."

The woman's words made the two of them feel a little unhappy, because she was just willing to compare herself with the savage orcs, but she even compared herself (humans are also animals).

"Besides, who said that this envoy is a beastman? As far as I know, the slime far away in Ainya seems not as green as before." The Empress of Dongxia said.

For a moment, Emperor Ella and Buster became completely tense and immediately understood what she said.

"If this envoy is really that special slime, please give it to me. Your Majesty, Dongxia Kingdom will definitely remember your gift."

The empress smiled and curtsied, and her figure gradually faded away. After a few breaths, the figure completely disappeared.

"Is that envoy the slime?"

Emperor Ella and Buster looked at each other, and the calculations in their hearts began to hammer out again.

The reception banquet is usually held in the evening, and the Ella Empire is no exception. Fangte was quite surprised at the size of the envoy's reception banquet. Although his face was frowning, he was already fighting in his heart. Little abacus.

This envoy reception banquet was held according to the highest standards, and all the royal family and important ministers and nobles of the Ella Empire were invited.

The banquet was held in the largest courtyard in the Ella Empire, in an elegant yet stylish environment.

Fang Te walked to the courtyard accompanied by two maids. To be honest, Fang Te still doesn't know their full names. He only knows that they are from Dongxia Kingdom. One calls himself Xiaohe and the other Xiaoqin.

Fang Te only had a vague idea of ​​the Eastern Xia Kingdom. He only knew that the Eastern Xia Kingdom was founded five hundred years ago, and that the nine-tailed fox of the fantasy species had unparalleled youthfulness and was the founding empress of the Eastern Xia Kingdom.

It is said that this empress has been involved in scandals since she was born, and everyone who has seen her face has vowed never to marry anyone other than her!

The scariest thing is! The oaths sworn in the name of the gods in this world cannot be broken. Countless men really never married a wife. However, in the end, although they did not marry a wife, they all had descendants. After all, they only swore not to marry a wife, and they did not swear not to marry. Carrying on the family lineage.

And now, she has become a legend. Very few people have met her, but there seem to be more people pursuing her. There is even an interesting saying among many nobles: "I fell in love with my grandfather's wife." The person my grandpa liked back then"

"A five-hundred-year-old woman." Although the fantasy species have an astonishingly long lifespan. It can be said that as long as they don't commit suicide, they can live to the end of the world and remain beautiful. However, Fangte still finds it a bit difficult to accept it from a human perspective. After all, that person The empress can now be her own grandma’s grandma

"Lord Orgrim. Lord Orgrim"

Xiao Qin on the side reminded him softly, because they had arrived in the courtyard unknowingly, and a bunch of nobles and ministers were walking towards him with smiles on their faces.

Fang Te secretly glanced at his mouth, it seemed that he had to keep drinking tonight.

In order to express respect for the other party, Fangte took the initiative to greet the other party and kept talking polite words to the nobles and ministers. However, Fangte could feel that they were just greeting him politely. In their hearts, they still had feelings for the orcs. I despise it from the bottom of my heart.

Although Fangte was smiling, he was already worried in his heart.

After a courtesy meeting with the nobles and important ministers, the second prince walked up to Fangte with a lustful look on his face, said hello, flirted with the two maids symbolically, and then left.

Then came Princess Daphne and the fourteen-year-old little girl she rescued on the street. They thanked Fangte and left happily. Daphne also winked playfully at Fangte.

The old guys Lilin and Anthony also came. Prince Gash kept staring at Lilin, as if his eyes were on her body, but Lilin held Anthony's arm and walked forward without looking at him. One glance.

Finally, the people in the courtyard remained silent for a moment, because Emperor Ella and Bastet walked side by side.

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