Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 66 Land in the Sky

"Xiao Lilin, do you have someone you like?"

Archmage Anthony's words made Lilin a little overwhelmed.

For Lilin, Archmage Anthony was usually kind and kind, devoted to the study of magic, and it could be said that he didn't care at all about other things except magic.

Therefore, in Lilin's eyes, Archmage Anthony devoted his whole life to magic, and related topics such as "love" would not have come out of the mouth of the mage's grandfather.

"Xiao Lilin, don't think Grandpa Mage and I are like this. In fact, Grandpa Mage, I am still young." Archmage Anthony felt a little embarrassed when he saw the surprised expression on his apprentice's face.

"Lilin. Lilin believes it. It's true." Lilin heard her grandfather, a mage who had always been a bit "dull" say this, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Grandpa Master was also young... emm... I guess.

"Tsk! That guy Buster! I definitely didn't tell your grandpa the mage about my romantic history back then!" Anthony smacked his lips, feeling a little resentful.

"Grandpa Master, what did you just say? What history?" Lilin tilted her little head cutely, her delicate and perfect little face pressed against her slightly red knees, and a strand of black hair crossed her cheek.

For a moment, Archmage Anthony, whose spirit was so powerful that it reached a terrifying state, was lost for a moment, but he soon came back to his senses.

"Nothing." Anthony changed the subject, "But Lilin, although that boy Gash is scheming and not as generous and cheerful as he appears, he is definitely a smart person. You are also nineteen."

"Grandpa Master!" Lilin interrupted in a sweet voice.

"Okay, okay, don't mention him! Leave that kid alone! After all, in the palace, only the people inside can know how deep the water is. It will be difficult for you to marry him, but I think Lin Wen is quite handsome. , although he is the apprentice of old man Vega, he is actually quite good! I heard that after he saw you last time, he began to study magic diligently, do you want to consider it?"

"Grandpa Master! You say that again! Lilin is going to ignore you!" Lilin interrupted again, already a little angry.

"Okay, okay, isn't Grandpa Mage thinking about you? Since my apprentice doesn't like it! Then I won't get married. Grandpa Mage doesn't want you to leave so early. Who dares to force you to marry someone you don't like! Grandpa Master was the first one to refuse!"

Master Anthony smiled and stood up on the floor, slowly walking towards the large vat filled with unknown liquid.

Li Lin quietly sat on the ground with her knees bent, slightly absent-minded.

In the past three years, especially in the past six months, not only the eldest prince, but also countless nobles and heroes have come to propose marriage to their father. There are many people who have countless advantages in one person, and his father also somewhat acquiesces to the eldest prince Gashi marrying him.

I am nineteen years old, who do I like? Or doesn’t anyone like it? Do you want to follow your father's wishes and marry someone you don't like? Or should you stick to yourself until you find the person you like and follow your own heart?

All of this made the young girl a little confused.

Looking at Anthony's back, Li Lin smiled sweetly.

She is no longer a little girl, and naturally she will not be angry with Grandpa Master as she did a few years ago. She knows that Grandpa Master said this today to help her confirm her own feelings and to make her follow her own wishes. heart.

At the same time, Lilin also knew that Master Anthony was expressing to her: No matter what choice she made, even if she had to go against the dual will of Emperor Ella and her father, he would stand by her side!

One of the great mage said no, I am afraid that no one in the human race dares to mess around.

"But why did Grandpa Master ask me if I have anyone I like?" Li Lin held her chin, her thoughts slowly drifting away.

Inadvertently, she thought of the slime she met three years ago.

It's obviously just a slime, but it can talk. It's obviously just a slime, but it's so lustful. It's obviously just a slime, but it's so powerful.

It's obviously just a slime, but it's so reassuring, so gentle, and so unforgettable.

But, is that lustful slime still in Ania? Does it still remember me?

As she thought about it, the girl looked a little sad, and her beautiful eyes under the long eyelashes lowered her head in despair, looking at the ground absentmindedly.


Archmage Anthony, who was still stirring the vat of liquid with his staff, didn't know whether it was because the experiment didn't go well, or because he felt his apprentice's disappointment, and sighed slowly.

A knock on the door came from outside, waking up the girl who was still in a daze.

The girl gathered her emotions and opened the door. A maid stood in front of her.

"Miss Lilin, the necklace you dropped in Princess Daphne's courtyard, Princess Daphne's maid asked me to bring it to you."



The maid took out the necklace, held it in her hand and presented it in front of Li Lin.

The moment I saw the necklace! Lilin's little heart was beating fiercely! Incredibly, I took the necklace! The eyes are full of incredible!

"You said! This necklace was found in Sister Daphne's courtyard?!"

"Yes, Miss Lilin."

"Where's Princess Daphne?"

"You should rest in your room, Miss Lilin."

"I know! Thank you maid sister for sending it here!" Li Lin suppressed her inner impulse and said calmly, but the necklace tightly held in her hand had already printed a faint trace of blood on her white and soft palm. trace.

Waiting for the maid to leave! Lilin, who took the last step, had already stepped into the void and walked towards Daphne's dormitory group.

"Oh, your daughter really looks like you."

Archmage Anthony sighed and looked out the empty door. He couldn't help but think of the cute tilt of his apprentice's head just now, and the corners of his mouth covered with white beard could not help but rise.

"As beautiful as you, of course, but also as stupid as you."

Anthony raised his head and looked at the roof, but the archmage's gaze was not restricted by the thin eaves. His gaze looked up into the sky.

Above this sky, there is a huge land! The size of this landmass is only slightly smaller than that of the Endless Lands, the largest continent in the world.

And in this huge floating land! A winged humanoid creature looked down from the edge of the floating land, but what he saw was the broken void.

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