Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 67 Identity Exposed

It was this study room again, and it was these two people again, but it was different from the first time he met Emperor Ella in this study room. Fangte felt that this time it might really be more dangerous.

For Fangte, he was a little angry because he still didn't know who the person who revealed his identity was, let alone how she knew her identity. According to Fangte's guess, there must be a traitor in the orc tribe.

But the orc tribes that surrendered to him all swore in the "name of the gods"! It is absolutely impossible for them to betray themselves, and the only people who know that they have transformed into the Ella Imperial Capital are Emilia, Yaya and Luoluo!


Yaya and Luoluo!

For a moment, Fangte felt that he had made a huge mistake! He was too reassured about Yaya and Luoluo!

Because Yaya, Luoluo and Fangte have known each other for a long time, it can be said that they were two of the few friends that Fangte had during his time in King Ori! So he didn't make these two beast-eared maids swear to never betray! Because he doesn't think it's necessary!

But! That’s because it’s not necessary! It might be your breakthrough!

but! When did they turn against each other? Recently? Or when you joined the orc tribe from the beginning?

"Your Excellency Orgrim, I have something unclear, and I would like to ask Your Excellency Orgrim to answer it." Buster looked at Fangte with a rather complicated look in his eyes.

"Tell me everything you know! Tell me everything you know!"

"Who will lead the orc tribe in half a month?"

"It is very likely that he is the leader of the werewolf tribe! He can be said to be the most proud disciple of Lord Fangte after me."

"Oh? Does that mean Mr. Fangte won't come in person?"

"Probably not." Fang Te said calmly.

At this time, the expression of Emperor Ella who was standing next to Buster had a subtle change.

"That's such a pity." Buster said slowly, "No, I should say, little Fantawild, you have grown too much."

Fangte took a deep breath. Sure enough, the other party couldn't wait to tear the window paper. In this case, Fangte no longer has to hide so tiredly.

"I would like to know how you know."

Fangte crossed his hands and raised his head above his head to stretch. Just because of this simple action, the surrounding magical elements began to stir, and endless murderous intent and murderous intent filled the entire room.

In the darkness of the study, an old man slowly walked out with a staff. The moment he appeared, the magic element returned to calm. This was not because of the old man, but because Fangte knew that facing this old man, Even if he wanted to fight to the death, it would be impossible.

"There is no need for you to know this. After all, what would you do if you knew it?" Emperor Ella said calmly, "But the founder of the dignified 'Orc Tribe' went to the Ella Kingdom specifically, so the Orc Tribe still gave him face. "

"But the Ella Empire doesn't seem to give it much respect."

Fangte glanced at Emperor Ella, turned his head to look at Lilin's father and the only human archmage beside him, and said respectfully:

"I have met King Ori and Archmage Antony."

Buster nodded with a complicated expression. When he saw this slime three years ago, his strength was only at the upper-middle level, and this slime was lustful and immoral. But he didn't expect that three years later, , he unexpectedly unified the northern border of Enia, and even now he is in the enemy camp and his identity is exposed, but he is still calm and composed.

And Anthony was a little surprised, because if Fante hadn't admitted his identity, Anthony really wouldn't have been able to find out his transformation spell, and besides! There was no trace of magic on this slime three years ago, but Now, the magic power in his body is as strong as that of an eighth-level mage!

Eighth-level mage! Not to mention other races, just the human race! How many such high-level mages are there? How many people even spend their entire lives unable to step into the ranks of seventh-level mage! But like Li Lin, he only spent three years! Such an achievement was achieved.

"Your Excellency Fangte is here in person this time. Do you want to see him for advice?"

"Your Majesty seems to be too suspicious. According to what I said to Your Majesty before, it is just to form an alliance. However, the tempers of the orcs in the orc tribe are too bad and they are not suitable for sending an envoy, so I had to come by myself."

Fangte looked at the three of them calmly. He knew that exposing his identity had become a bargaining chip to blackmail the orc tribe, but the other party would never dare to break up with the orc tribe now.

And the reason why the Ella Empire immediately identified themselves at the first opportunity was because they wanted to observe again! They want to know their "real purpose" and suspect that they may be planning something secretly! So during this period, they monitored Fangte, whether it was the content of communications with the orc tribe or the length of time he spent in the toilet! They all know it!

But it's a pity that only he knows Fangte's plan! Even about Emilia, he didn’t mention a word! Therefore, Fangte's correspondence with the orc tribe during this period was all about detailed matters related to the "Alliance with the Ella Empire" and did not mention anything else at all.

In other words, Fangte's various performances have proved that he really wants to form an alliance.

Nearly ten days have passed, and the warriors of the orc tribe will arrive in the Ella Empire in a few days to fight against the giant species together! The Ella Empire can't wait any longer for Fante's "real purpose".

So the Ella Empire directly adopted the most direct method now.

For the Ella Empire, they still need to cooperate with the orc tribe to repel the orcs, regardless of whether Fangte really wants to form an alliance with them or not! Now he has it all in his own hands!

As far as they know! The orc tribe was basically created by this slime, and the little dragon girl was more of a symbol and vase. Without this slime, the orc tribe would definitely not be able to develop for long!

Although she is a fantasy species, the little dragon girl lacks the means to lead the orc tribe, so for her, she will never let go of this slime!

That being the case! This alliance is no longer cooperation! But a blackmail! After this battle with the giant species is over, if the orc tribe wants to redeem Fang Te! There will be a price to pay! These costs! It could be land! It might be some kind of oath unilaterally sworn in the name of a god, but whatever! The Ella Empire will benefit the most.

"Archmaster Anthony brewed a pot of wine recently and just finished it today! I hope Lord Fante can taste it."

After a short period of silence in the room, Emperor Ella said slowly.

Thank you very much to "Flying Pig Baby" for the reward of 200 starting coins~~~(つ^~^)/○Eat moon cakes

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