Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 70 Night Change

"Buster, do you really want your daughter to marry a slime?" Emperor Ella looked at his old friend beside him with a slightly gloomy expression.

But yes, Emperor Ella has regarded Lilin as his daughter-in-law, and Buster has also promised Nubiadi that Lilin can marry his eldest son. Now that there is such a fuss, even he can't Some can't accept it.

"Nubiandi! Stop teasing me, can't you see that Lilin is protecting Fangte?" Buster held his forehead, feeling his head hurt.

The fact that Orgrim is the slime in the rumors has been kept secret very well! Especially for Lilin, even if Buster knew that the orc envoy was Fangte, he didn't mention a word to his daughter, but he didn't expect that his daughter would still find out.

"I'll hold off on Lilin's side first. If there's no problem, as long as the orcs and our army repel the giants, then we'll make a deal with the orc tribe using Fang Te's conditions."

"Aren't you going to kill him?" Emperor Ella looked at his best friend coldly.

Buster was silent and said nothing.

And just as the two of them were thinking about the problem in this silent environment, a guard rushed into the study and knelt on one knee!

He is the chief of the guards in the palace. According to human standards, his strength is diamond level! His strength can challenge a seventh-level monster in a duel!

"Your Majesty! Prime Minister!" The captain of the guard held the sword in his hand tightly! His teeth gritted.

"What's going on! Just tell me!" Emperor Ella suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart!

"Your Majesty! Prime Minister! In the backyard of Prince Gash's palace complex! We found the body of Prince Gash!"

In an elegant room in the palace complex where Anthony lives, a little girl is nervously carving a magic circle. For a girl, it has not been long since she learned this magic rune.

For this magic circle, the girl has thought about many scenarios, such as carving the magic circle on a romantic night, or carving this magic circle romantically on the sea, or else in the Hanging Garden planted by Angels (the most beautiful garden in the world). ) carve this magic circle.

But the girl didn't expect that the magic circle she carved would be used to run away! Moreover, the other male protagonist of the magic circle was still repeatedly urging himself to think twice! Don't act on impulse!

Are you that unattractive? Isn’t it okay to marry someone in name only?

The magic circle was finally completed, emitting a faint light.

Lilin bit her finger gently, and bright red blood overflowed from her fingertips and dripped in the center of the magic circle. A drop of blood was subdivided into long filaments by the magic circle, tracing the circle.

When the bloodshot and the magic circle were completely integrated, Fangte looked at his little tentacles.

For a moment, Fangte felt a little embarrassed, because at this time Fangte realized that he had no teeth at all! And the slime has no blood at all, so what should we do?

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing."

Glancing at the girl squatting on the ground, Fang Te thought that Li Lin's good intentions must not be wasted!

Fang Te circulated his magic power and concentrated the slime essence in his body on the small tentacles.

"Tick tock!"

The slime essence slipped from the small tentacles and dripped into the magic circle.

Like Li Lin's blood, the drop of slime essence was also divided into green filaments, redrawing the formation pattern and overlapping with the red blood filaments.

"Could this be possible?"

Green blood and red blood blended with each other, and green silk threads and red silk threads kneaded together. As the magic circle spread, the red silk thread and the green silk thread broke into two pieces and entered the two people's bodies.

this moment! In a palace and castle thousands of miles away, a silver-haired girl was still reading a book written by a slime on the desk, even though the girl and the slime had temporarily severed all ties with the "oath of friendship" , but as long as the contract is still there, the silver-haired girl can feel it.

The silver-haired girl looked out the window and into the distance. Her delicate white hands couldn't help but clenched the book. A complicated look flashed through the girl's eyes. There was both anger and a little sadness, and it seemed that more of it was the unreasonable jealousy. .

"Hey, they say that women can't be retained in college, so why can't they be retained in apprenticeships when they are older?"

Archmage Anthony, who was walking in the Ella Palace, couldn't help but sigh and looked faintly in the direction of Li Lin's room.

"What's wrong, you don't want your apprentice to elope with that slime?" An elegantly dressed woman stood side by side with Anthony. Even though she was wearing a plain skirt, she couldn't match her natural charm.

"Whatever should be given to Xiao Lilin, I have already given it to her. After the eighth-level mage, I have nothing to teach me anymore. Everything has to depend on Xiao Lilin. Isn't there a saying in your Dongxia country? What's it called? 'Creation', right?"

"That's a Buddhist term." The woman covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Buddhism? What kind of religion is this? Forget it, it's none of my business."

Archmage Anthony stroked his long beard quietly, thinking of the days he spent with this little girl in the past three years. Although for Archmage Anthony, Lilin was naughty and willful, and would often make him so angry that he could not express his anger. It's true, but sometimes it's as considerate as a little cotton-padded jacket in winter, and the old man really can't bear to part with it.

"You didn't have anything to say about me having someone kill Gash?"

"Hey, what did you say? You even taught me my magic. Even if I wanted to stop you, how could I stop you." Archmage Anthony sighed.

The charming woman smiled slightly and walked slowly forward. Although she walked slowly, if you look carefully, you can see that her feet are stepping on the void.

"Sweet, won't you let him go?" the old man said softly, his voice was not loud, but it reached the woman's ears.

"They are all smart people, but I don't like them." The woman replied calmly, "By the way, I have already arranged their death on Fang Te, so you don't need to say anything more. That's all. Do the last thing you promised me to do."

The old man was silent. Finally, when the woman was about to disappear into the void, the old man said: "The late Emperor Ella has a kindness to me. Please leave a seed for the Ella family. Master."

The young woman stopped and turned to look at Anthony outside the void.

"Daphne, I quite like that little girl."

After a long silence, the woman whom Anthony called "Master" spoke slowly. Turning around again, the woman disappeared into the void. Her nine snow-white tails were the last time the legendary old man saw his master in his life. One scene.

On this night, the Ella Palace was shaken!

The body of the eldest prince Gash was found in the courtyard, the body of the second prince Sweet was found in Yanju, the orc envoy Orgrim and the only disciple of Archmage Anthony, Li Lin, were missing!

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