When two mages of the seventh level who were about to reach the eighth level wanted to run away with all their strength, no one could stop them, not to mention the fact that Anthony was secretly intervening to help.

After a day and a night, Fangte and Lilin walked through countless voids. They exhausted all the magic power in their bodies and finally reached the border of the Ella Empire - the Black Earth Plain.

On the black earth plain, an army of one hundred thousand orc tribes is stationed here. Their members include kobolds, werewolves, cats, etc. When the gryphons discovered that the void was broken in the sky, they immediately sent a message to the tribe. Warning!

In an instant, the sharp voice of the gryphons spread across the entire wilderness! One hundred thousand orc warriors quickly prepared for battle.

The gryphons in the sky have already set up a battle formation! This battle formation was created by Fantawild. The prototype was the formation used by the American Flying Tigers in World War II on Earth, but it was randomly modified by Fantawild! But don’t say it yet! It has been proven through various practical operations that the effect is still very significant.

"The 'mouth cannon' (Innate skill: sonic attack, called 'mouth cannon' by Fang Te) is ready!" The gryphon waved his big wings! With a command, hundreds of gryphons lined up in a fighting formation took the condensed air into their mouths! ready!

The gryphon leader stared into the void, finally! Someone finally appeared in that broken void! That's a woman!

Emmm, this woman is quite young and pretty! But still not as beautiful as the black dragon master!

The leader of the gryphons thought so.

But this woman seems to be holding something in her arms? !

The leader of the gryphons took a closer look! Or just slime! And it’s still green and full of spring! This is not a healthy color!

But why does this slime look so familiar?

"Decepticon, it's you"

Fangte breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the griffin leader. Lilin also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he was an acquaintance of Fangte. However, at this time, Lilin and Fangtena had already arrived. Extreme's body collapsed at this moment, Lilin and Fangte got stuck and fell freely from high altitude.

"Your Excellency! Your Excellency Fangte!!" The leader of the gryphons didn't wake up until Fangte fell in mid-air! The leader of the gryphons, whom Fang Te called a Decepticon, accelerated directly towards Fang Te.

After waking up again, Fangte opened his eyes and saw the blue sky. A few white clouds were floating in the sky, and a gust of wind blew gently, bringing the fragrance of earth.

"Oh! My dear Lord Fante! You are finally awake! But why do you appear here?"

The Decepticon, the leader of the gryphons, stretched out his eagle head and looked down at Fangte with concern.

(Griffins: eagle heads and human bodies, four extremely strong, with huge two-meter-long wings on their backs. After heavy blood, their bodies will grow long, hard hair!)

"It was just an accident to appear here. However, Decepticon, although I am happy to see you alive, your mouth poked me."

Fangte formed small tentacles and weakly pushed his eagle's beak away.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Fangte."

The Decepticon used his huge wings to lift Fangte up.

"Where's Lilin?" Fangte shook his head and felt much more awake.

"Is she that beautiful girl? She woke up before you, Your Excellency, and is now being questioned by Erha."

"Asking? You didn't embarrass her, did you?"

"Don't worry, Sir, no."

"It's fine if you don't. In fact, there is no need to ask anything. Go find all the senior leaders in the army. I just want to explain the situation to them."

"Yes! Mr. Fangte!"

"Wait!" When the griffon spread its wings and was about to fly back, Fangte stopped him.

"Do you have any other instructions, Your Excellency?"

"Well, if you don't mind, please pluck a few hairs and give them to me. This grass is quite harsh." Fang Te said slowly, "Of course, if that doesn't work."

"No! It's my honor to serve you! Your Excellency!" The Decepticon spread his wings happily, plucked a few feathers from his armpits, and placed them under Fangte's butt.

"Thanks." Fang Te said comfortably.

The Decepticon bowed and then flew back. When he came back again, a dozen orcs of different shapes were following the Decepticon and running towards Fangte! And Lilin was sitting on the body of a gryphon flying over. Although Lilin's face was a little pale, Fangte finally felt relieved when he saw that she was safe and sound.

On this afternoon, at the border of the Ella Empire, a total of thirteen orcs from different races were meeting around a slime that was less than twenty cubic centimeters in size!

At the meeting, this slime summarized "international relations" and "border situation!" and gave a huge summary of the orc tribe and future ideas. These orcs held a small notebook and listened carefully. This slime’s “important speech”!

After various analyzes and discussions, finally! This slime has made a big decision!

Once the decision is made! All the orcs present took a breath! But soon they became excited! because! Fangte decided to terminate the contract with the human species Eladi. !

After the 2-hour meeting, Fang Te took the position of Erha, the leader of the werewolf tribe, and naturally became the leader of the 100,000 orc army, and ordered to return to Ainya at full speed!

During the march to Ainia, the orc army did not encounter any obstruction. For this situation, Fangte was not surprised at all, considering that there were 100,000 orc warriors! Who dares to stop him before he is ready.

Two days later, the orc army successfully arrived at the northern border of Ainia and entered the territory of the orc tribe. At the same time, Emperor Ella summoned all the vassal nobles in the palace!

That is on this day! World Wisdom Anniversary August 9, 2018! The guardian of the entire Ella Empire—Ella Emperor Nubiadi! Announce to the whole country! The Ella Empire and the Orc Tribe officially declare war! To boost the power of the royal family! eye for eye!

Of course, Fangte, who was still returning to "Luoyang" that day, didn't know. Moreover, he had been melancholy about several things in the past few days, but he just didn't know how to speak. However, as he got closer to the capital of Ainia, As the distance got closer, Fangte became more and more anxious.

Although this kind of anxiety is nameless and unnecessary, Fangte is still worried. Finally! Fantawild has decided! I still need to tell you about it.

"Lilin." Fangte called out to Lilin who was beside him somewhat uneasily, but he didn't know why he was uneasy.

"Huh?" Lilin turned her head and looked at Fangte with her beautiful eyes.

"Li Lin. I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

"Should we get divorced?"

Thank you very much to "Flying Pig Baby" for the reward of 200 starting coins U x U

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