Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 81 Confrontation

In the small courtyard, Fangte turned into a large two-cubic-meter slime. In order to ensure efficiency, he formed countless small tentacles, each of which was stained with slime from all over the northern border of Ania. Information sent from the party.

Among them, the four armies of the orcs and humans have entered Ainia from different directions, trying to rub the orc tribe on the floor from different directions. Even the human scouts have met with the cat-human scouts. , a small-scale battle took place.

Soldiers from the cat tribe and griffon tribe kept coming in and out of the yard, bringing with them the strategies written by Fang Te. On the other hand, Emilia also moved into Fang Te's small courtyard to help Fang Te.

Lilin also wanted to help, but she didn't know anything about this, so she had to sit there in silence. Finally, Fangte asked her to help sort out the classified files. She looked much better now that she had something to do.

More and more documents were sent from the battlefield, but no matter how many documents there were, Fangte always remained calm and joked with Li Lin and Emilia from time to time. Everything seemed to be under control.

But Fangte felt nervous, especially from Shinuo City. Fangte had been waiting for news from Shinuo City, for fear that something might happen to Shinuo City! After all, if anything goes wrong in Shinuo City, everything will be miserable.

That night, the supreme leader of Shinuo City and the leader of the Lion Clan, Michael, was the last one to leave! Because that night Fangte concluded from the intelligence that the Ella Empire was going to open a gap from Shinuo City!

So Fangte told him a lot! One of the most important points! This is what Fangte repeatedly emphasized: they have to hold him back! Drag the troops to support!

There are fifty thousand defenders in Shinuo City! Although they are all elite! But the armored black cavalry of the Ella Empire are also elite! And the number is three times that of the Shinuo City defenders!

Not only that! There are also mages and priests among the armored black knights! Unlike the Paladin, who is affiliated with the church and will only attack when the country is invaded, although the priest also serves the church, his freedom is much higher! Therefore, for the sake of honor and wealth, many priests also enlisted to fight.

These pastors are ambulances!

In Fantawild’s opinion! It is really difficult for Shinuo City to win! At least theoretically, there was no hope of winning at all, so he only expected them to hold off! Just wait until reinforcements arrive! There is still hope for everything!

"Zhong Er Lion (McGal is sometimes very good at being a Zhong Er Lion, so Fangte named him Zhong Er Lion), don't die!" Fang Te looked deeply in the direction of Shinuo City.

A flying swallow chirped, passed over the roof of the courtyard, and flew into the distance.

Following the direction of the flying swallow, at the border of the northern border of Ainia, several human species were dressed in black armor, laughing and chatting in the camp. Facing the upcoming battle, they seemed to have no fear at all. Tension.

"Ju Buqi, how are you? After the capture of Shinuo City this time! What are the plans of those beast-eared ladies?"

"What else can we plan? The younger ones will be imprisoned, and then they will be sold to the princes and nobles. Those who are already married and the good-looking ones will have to keep some. After all, some nobles always have such strange habits."

"That's no problem, but how to tell them apart is a problem?" a middle-aged officer named Ju Buqi said with a smile. As the deputy commander of the Iron Armored Army, he seemed to have heard the happy scene of those beast-eared girls crying and screaming.

"If you kill 100 enemies! You can be assigned to an orc girl. Whether she is a general or a warrior, it is a standard. If you don't want it, you can be promoted to two minor ranks and get double the gold for killing enemies."

"Do you think there are still people who don't want those beast-eared girls? Those big bosses can't wait to make money and sleep on them all day long!" Lassis, the deputy commander of the armored cavalry, said with a smile, "But you understand me! This time I I want to hide two eleven or twelve-year-old beast-eared girls. Duke Potter said that this kind of training is very interesting, so don’t deny it to me."

The president of the armored cavalry laughed and wanted to make fun of the black armored cavalry deputy general who had fought with him for many years, but before he could say anything, a soldier rolled and crawled into the tent.

"Commander! The orcs of Shinuo City have opened the city gate! They are attacking our army!"

"Incoming? Haha! They don't defend the city! Instead, they want to fight head-on? Sure enough, the orcs are the orcs! Prime Minister Buster actually told us to be careful! In my opinion, the savages are the savages!"

Ju Buqi suddenly stood up, his voice full of contempt.

"How many are they?"

"General! According to rough estimates! There are more than 40,000!"

"forty thousand?"

Lassis frowned all of a sudden! In the intelligence, it was only said that there were 30,000 defenders in Shinuo City. Why did there suddenly be more than 10,000 more?

However, he was just a little surprised. After all, it was only 10,000 more. It didn't seem to matter, because in his impression, the cooperation of the same race of orcs was pretty good, but the alien races were full of distrust. It could be said that these four An army of tens of thousands is just a piece of loose sand! In front of his well-trained cavalry! Simply vulnerable!

"Pass my order! The whole army goes out to respond to the enemy! Whoever lands on Shinuo City first! You can choose any of the five orc girls!"

Ju Buqi's eyes sparkled with excitement! As long as the city is conquered, the first achievement will be achieved! Fame, wealth and title! Women's wealth! Everything will be at your fingertips!

Just ten minutes! This 150,000-strong armored black cavalry has been mounted! Get into formation and get ready to go!

When the orc warriors and human cavalry were less than a kilometer apart! Ju Buqi saw a mass of black orcs running towards his camp!

Ju Buqi squinted his eyes and felt something was wrong, because although this orc army of tens of thousands looked uneven, there was a vague sense of orderliness, which felt like an array.

The orcs ran towards the black-armored cavalry with an astonishing speed and a powerful momentum. Ju Buqi had no time to think about it. If he ordered to retreat now! The morale of the military will be extremely unstable! And with the orcs’ violent state and speed! Under this kind of "hunting" pursuit, not a single bone in his army will be left!

Even though Ju Buqi felt extremely uneasy in his heart! But no changes can be made now!

"General?" Lassie looked at Ju Buqi, who was standing at the front of the army on horseback, in confusion.

"Give me my order! Charge!"

"For Ella!"

The armored black knights shouted loudly together! 150,000 cavalry troops charge together! Thousands of dust was raised!

"For the tribe!"

The moment the fifty thousand orc warriors met the black-armored cavalry, they burst into blood, and their roars were earth-shattering.

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