Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 82 Three Bloodbaths

In September 3018, the seventh century of the world year, a war between the human race and the orc race completely started in the great plain named "Ania" in the northern border of Ania! The number of troops invested by both sides will not be large in the war in the next 20 years, or even a small number in a major war, but this battle is enough to go down in history!

"General! The leader of the lion tribe, Michael, led all the orcs in Shinuo City to take the initiative to face the enemy!"

In the affiliated cities on both sides of Shinuo City, the two city-defending generals received news from Shinuo City at the same time! And this news wasn’t the first time it came!

"Troops are being sent out? What is that guy from Megare thinking? Didn't Your Excellency Fante ask that guy to defend the city? What? How dare he disobey military orders? And! Why are you only sending such important news now!"

The general guarding the left city of Shi Nuo, the leader of the Frostwolf Clan, Zhuoer Qilin, rose up in rage! He aggressively questioned the cat warrior who was responsible for the exchange of information between cities.

"General! I also wanted to return to Zuocheng as soon as possible, but! When I learned that General Megale was going to send troops to meet the enemy! I was tied up! It wasn't until General Megale sent troops to meet the enemy! I was Release it! And General Megare asked me to bring you a message."

"A word? What word?"

"General Megale said: Your Excellency Fante just ordered me to defend Shinuo City for three days! So I took the initiative! It does not count as violating the military order! Three days! I will definitely be able to hold Shinuo City! I will not lose it!"

After hearing these words, Zhuoer Qilin was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth turned up slightly!

"Damn it! Why didn't I expect that! I didn't expect him to be so smart just by looking at him with a lion's head and a lion's head!" Zhuoer Qilin slapped his thigh and said loudly, "Pass my military order! Go out of the city to meet the enemy! Do it for me Damn it!"

Just when the entire army of Shi Nuo's affiliated left city attacked, Shi Nuo's affiliated right city attacked at the same time!

The left city and the right city formed a posture of watching each other, and at the same time ran towards the center of the Ainian Great Plains.

In the center of Ainya, the battle has been going on for nearly half an hour!

Within half an hour, the black-armored cavalry of the Ella Empire could not be more surprised!

They are not new recruits! Rather, he is a battle-hardened veteran who has fought against orcs countless times! I even killed a few dragons!

According to past experience! Although the orcs are powerful in single combat! But it is not suitable for collective combat! Especially when different species of orcs fight together! Not to mention one plus one is greater than two, even one plus one equals two!

Under normal circumstances, if there are fifty humans versus fifty orcs, the orcs will win; if there are 500 humans versus 500 orcs, the two sides will tie; if there are 5,000 orcs versus 5,000 humans, the humans will win! Because the battle formation and cooperation capabilities of the human species are much stronger than those of the orcs!

But now! This orc army has refreshed the black-armored cavalry's understanding of the orcs again and again.

The first is from the aspect of teamwork! The collaboration ability of this orc race is almost as good as that of the human race! Even better than myself in some aspects!

The werewolf clan rushes to the front as stormtroopers! After the bloodshed, their agility and destructive power can tear a two-meter-tall horse into pieces with one hand! On the flanks of the army, the Crocodile Clan wore iron armor and resisted the charges of the black armored cavalry time and time again!

Not only that! In the gap between every time the human species charges and changes formations! The Lion Tribe always rushes out at the most opportune moment! Every bite of the giant lions was the throat of the war horses. Before the fallen cavalry could defend themselves, the sharp claws of the leopard men had already cut their throats.

High in the sky, the gryphons were making accurate verbal attacks again and again! And they are all extremely accurate!

What makes these armored cavalry even more confused! They originally thought that after the orcs entered the violent blood, they would kill the red eyes! Then attack regardless of friend or foe! But I didn’t expect it! Although the bloody nature of these orc warriors has been aroused, their consciousness is extremely clear! They all know what they are doing.

And the effect of their violent blood state is really long-lasting! It’s simply too long to be unnecessary! Half an hour later, he was still under the effects of the violent blood state!

Even those orc warriors whose violent blood state has subsided still retain some fighting power! They are not as tired as if they have exhausted their physical strength! Instead, he continued to fight with the black armored cavalry! There are even orcs who have entered the second level of bloodshed!

Regarding all kinds of strange phenomena, the commander and deputy commander of the black armored cavalry thought of the shaman at the same time! But this thought only passed by for a moment! Because there is no shaman on the battlefield!

Although this orc army showed amazing combat effectiveness! But Lassi and Ju Buqi, who had experienced many battles, remained calm and composed! With their battlefield experience! They immediately changed their formation!

Black-armored cavalry no longer focus on charging! Instead, start fighting in a roundabout way! Continuously pull the battle formation together! Continuously extend the fighting time! Such a style of play can greatly consume the physical strength of the orcs!

Every time tens of thousands of black-armored cavalry pull, tens of thousands more will take their place! Repairs that allow the cavalry in front to take a breather!

The effect of pulling the formation is very significant! The physical strength of the orcs was greatly consumed! With a numerical advantage, the black-armored cavalry began to walk step by step towards the embrace of the goddess of victory!

Just when Ju Buqi and Lassi, who had been observing and commanding the overall situation from the back of the battlefield, saw that the situation was getting better and better! A terrifying scene happened!

The leader of the lion tribe, Megale, rushed into the battle formation and realized that the situation was not good! Decisively ordered to allow the orc warriors to engage in three violent bloodsheds!

After Fantawild’s special training! Fantawild divides violent blood into three stages! A sudden burst of blood will only speed up the consumption of physical strength! The second violent bloodshed began to exhaust his physical strength! And three times of violent bloodshed! It is an overdraft of life! But Fang Te had orders! Not until the last moment! Absolutely no orcs are allowed to use the third degree of violent blood!

Because as long as the three times of violent blood are turned on! When the bloody state ends! That was the moment his life ended!

But as the highest commander on the battlefield, he has the authority to allow the orcs to have three bloodbaths in desperate situations!

The order is centered on Megara! Spread quickly throughout the battlefield in various ways! After the second violent bloodshed, the orcs, whose physical strength was almost exhausted, received the order! The beast's face stained red by blood showed a final bloodthirsty smile!

at the same time! Thousands of orcs don't even think about it! Directly opened the third degree of bloodshed!

They get even bigger! Blood vessels start to burst! Killing is in their blood!


The roar of death shook up the clouds, and thousands of horses neighed with trembling.

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