So I went to Douluo

Chapter 997 Golden Tiger King

Leng Yulai sneered: "Why am I not in a healthy relationship? Aren't those men, including Xie Dingtian, simply unreliable? They promised me with small thoughts from the beginning? If they weren't in love with me from the beginning, You are getting benefits from me, why don’t you refuse? After all, they are just a group of Phoenix men who want to be forced to eat soft rice!"

Gu Yuena hit the nail on the head: "Did they come to you on their own? Or do you actually like this kind of people? You don't even look at those normal men? They agreed to your request because they are profitable here, and you Isn't it just to take advantage of them that you are just trying to make ends meet with them? You are not going for true love at all."

Leng Yulai pouted: "I told you, I don't want to be a lover."

Gu Yuena: "There are so many couples who are in a normal relationship. They get married and have children, and they go to the end together, and dust returns to dust. Are they all love brains? Do they all think that the other person is unreliable? Or do they seek life and death for each other?"

Leng Yulai choked and was unable to refute.

Xu Yue clapped silently and whispered: "Sister Nana is right!"

Ye Lingling patted her gently: "Adults speak, children don't interrupt."

Xu Yue: ""

Leng Yulai said angrily: "Okay, okay, what you said makes sense, okay. I will definitely find a reliable "normal man" next time."

She rubbed her chin with her fingertips and smiled evilly: "I think the little guy named Tang Wulin is pretty good. He will definitely be a rare and handsome guy in the future. He is just too young, but it doesn't matter. I am a younger brother. Cai Meng, I can wait for him."

Xu Yue almost dropped her jaw and subconsciously looked at Gu Yuena's expression.

However, Gu Yuena's expression remained unchanged, and she even looked at Leng Yulai with some contempt.

"You think I'm in love?"

Ye Lingling curled her lips when she heard this and couldn't help but chuckle.

Leng Yulai: ""

She was a little frustrated: "It's not fun anymore. Why don't you react at all?"

Ye Lingling raised his eyebrows and said, "It's strange. Tang Wulin is just an unknown child now. Why do you seem to know him so well?"

He even knew that Gu Yuena had some causal relationship with him

Leng Yulai blinked innocently: "Oh, I accidentally exposed my secret again!"

At this time, a large group of armed special police officers broke in together with the monks from the Supervision Bureau. They quickly controlled all the criminals around and quickly went deeper.

Many of them were still staring at Leng Yulai eagerly, with the black muzzle pointed at her head from a distance.

Xu Yue breathed out: "Surrender quickly, and you can still be rehabilitated in prison and become a new person. If we take action, we can only execute you on the spot. After all, you are an extreme Douluo, and you can't be locked up in an ordinary prison." Stay with you."

Gu Yuena had already controlled the elemental forces around her and was pressing down on Leng Yulai, not giving her any chance to resist.

Leng Yulai's eyes slowly swept over the surrounding law enforcement officers, then smiled and said: "You're right, it seems that I can't escape today. So I -"

She slowly raised her hands.

When some law enforcement officers felt that she was giving up resistance.

Her hands were suddenly covered in ominous blood.

The phoenix transformed into gray flames wrapped its wings around her.

Her red lips curled up slightly and she smiled playfully: "I won't surrender until I die!"

The flames of the evil phoenix turned into a barrier to protect her, and then burst out violently, towards the law enforcement officers whose cultivation was far inferior to hers.

Xu Yue's eyes condensed, she raised her hand, and the sun shrouded her, separating all the flames.

"I wish that you will not be harmed by evil spirits under the sun."

The eighth soul ring flashed again, giving everyone present a layer of Ye Guang's blessing, an extra layer of insurance.



After doing this and protecting Ye Lingling, he looked over to Leng Yulai, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because next to Leng Yulai, there was a dying golden tiger lying down at this moment!

Leng Yulai looked regretful: "How can I safely leave such a rare soul beast to someone else's care? Of course it's best to take it with you."

As she spoke, she pressed her palms stained with unknown blood towards the golden tiger.

There was a crazy smile on her face: "Let me see, if an 80,000-year-old soul beast with extreme attributes is sacrificed to you, how much unexpected power will it bring to me?"

Bloody formations appeared out of thin air on the soles of her and Golden Tiger's feet, as if they had been carved long ago.

The next second, her palm successfully touched the golden tiger, and the bright fur of the golden tiger was immediately stained with an unknown blood color.

Ye Lingling's face changed slightly: "Can you bring the golden tiger into the field?"

Xu Yue's eighth soul ring had just dimmed: "No, it's too late!"

She gritted her teeth, and a golden soul ring emerged from the bottom of her feet, about to rise.

However, at this time, the golden tiger, which was obviously dying, suddenly stood up, the color of gold on its body blooming like the sun, and it shocked Leng Yulai back several steps.

The golden tiger opened his mouth and yawned, then gently lowered one of his front paws, but the entire underground boxing ring was shaken by this.

The bloody formation was easily scattered by its claws.

Its golden eyes lazily scanned the whole place, and finally landed on Leng Yulai not far away. Then it said in a fluent voice: "You are the culprit, right? Isn't there a bigger fish?"

It looked at Leng Yulai for a moment and murmured to itself: "Ultimate Douluo, it's a bit troublesome. But the Lord said I have a helper, let me see where the helper is?"

Golden Tiger glanced around and saw Gu Yuena, Xu Yue and Ye Lingling.

After it said "Oh", it said: "It's just you guys. Then I'll leave her to you to deal with. I'll help you break her "living sacrifice" technique. The Lord has taught me." "

None of the three women responded to it. Instead, Leng Yulai said in surprise: "You are not an 80,000-year-old golden tiger, but you are the golden tiger king?!"

The golden tiger sat down and licked his paws: "Otherwise? Do you really think it is easy to poach one of my kind through the protection of the national park? If the Golden Emperor hadn't asked us to cooperate, where would those weak humans be? We are so lucky to be alone."

Leng Yulai's face was ugly: "It's amazing, it's really amazing... As expected of the National Preceptor, he has been plotting against me for a long time..."

Hearing the familiar name, Xu Yue and Ye Lingling, who were a little confused because Golden Tiger suddenly spoke, suddenly understood.

Gu Yuena, who had never moved on the other side, showed a hint of understanding after her eyes flashed.

No wonder he didn't let himself catch up that day.

It turns out that a ferocious beast-level Golden Tiger King who is a hundred thousand years old and may even have a higher level of cultivation has been arranged to come in.

Thinking of this, she took control of Leng Yulai's evil phoenix flame and extinguished it all.

Then he said: "Leng Yulai, you have no chance."

Then the space condensed and turned into countless sharp blades, pointing directly at the vital points of Leng Yulai's body.

Gu Yuena said calmly: "Let's capture him without any effort."

Happy New Year and a prosperous New Year~

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