So I went to Douluo

Chapter 998 Is it over?

Even though the sharp space was pressed tightly against his throat, Leng Yulai's expression remained unchanged.

She quickly recovered from the incident that the golden tiger was actually the golden tiger king, and regained her calm and innocent expression.

Her eyes wandered over the faces of everyone present, then she smiled suddenly and said: "You know, I actually cherish my life very much. After all, I finally got a new life, and I don't want to die casually again."

Gu Yuena's eyes narrowed, and she controlled the space to press Leng Yulai tighter: "What do you want to say?"

Leng Yulai chuckled: "I want to say, if there is really no chance to continue living, you don't need to come to arrest me in a big way, I"

Her eyes suddenly ignited with unknown bloody flames.

"I surrendered long ago!"

So the next second, Gu Yuena was surprised to find that Leng Yulai's figure disappeared under her own space blockade.

But the mental lock was still there, and with a thought, she followed the induction with her eyes, and unexpectedly saw Leng Yulai again next to Xie Dingtian in the private room not far away.

At this time, Leng Yulai held Xie Dingtian's face with both hands, seeming to have used a lot of force to make his face slightly deformed.

I don't know what she did, but Xie Dingtian didn't resist at all, just stood there and let her do whatever she wanted.

There seemed to be something wrong with Leng Yulai's condition. Her eyes seemed to have disappeared, leaving only dark sockets.

When Gu Yuena looked at it from such a distance, she felt that it was infiltrating people, not to mention Xie Dingtian himself, who almost fainted from fright.

The Golden Tiger King swung his tail and said with great interest, "She sacrificed her own eyes alive in exchange for a transformation." This woman is so cruel to herself. "

Gu Yuena naturally heard it, her eyelids twitched, she raised her hand, and the surging elemental power turned into a wave and hit Leng Yulai.

However, it was already too late. Xie Dingtian's entire body was wrapped in ominous bloody flames. He quickly withered and aged in the flames, and finally screamed and turned into embers and drifted away.

Before he died, Leng Yulai said to him in a tone full of tenderness and love with his eyes filled with empty and terrifying eyes:

"What a pity, Dingtian.

"I quite like these days when I'm with you.

“Although it didn’t last long,”

Her eyes grew again as Xie Dingtian's body slowly died.

In those beautiful eyes, there was no trace of lingering friendship like her tone.

There is only indifference and contempt.

"I will remember you."

Her red lips were slightly curved.

"Always will."

Xie Dingtian died in fear and regret, and even his soul dispersed.

Leng Yulai's body burned with evil phoenix fire that was dozens of times stronger than before.

She raised her hand and waved, and the evil phoenix flames collided with the elemental wave, making a fierce explosion.

Gu Yuena's expression turned cold, and her pupils suddenly stood up, turning into ferocious dragon pupils.

There were bursts of melodious dragon roars, colorful silver light emitted, and fine semicircular silver scales turned into armor all over her body.

Suddenly, even the flames of the evil phoenix became part of the elemental wave under her control, and then rushed towards Leng Yulai with a hundred times more turbulent momentum.

However, Leng Yulai put down his hand and allowed the gray-black evil phoenix flame to extinguish.

She seemed to smile with some pity: "Sure enough, the "living sacrifice" using human sacrifices is much more effective than using those animals."

She pouted before being overwhelmed by the wave of elements.

"What a disgusting man. He caused others to break the precept again."

Her half-smiling gaze fell on someone opposite.

The sound was not loud, but it could be heard by them all.

"So, sister.

"Never fall in love with a man who doesn't love you.

"Otherwise it will be your misfortune—




After that, her body was washed away by the wave of elements, annihilated into ashes, and became part of that wave.

When the dragon's roar stopped, Gu Yuena controlled the elemental wave to disperse smoothly, and the dragon-like features on her body disappeared immediately.

Ye Lingling asked aloud: "Is she dead?"

Gu Yuena frowned slightly: "Not necessarily, I didn't feel the soul."

Xu Yue's eyes widened: "Ah? Doesn't that mean she ran away again?"

Gu Yuena looked at her: "It doesn't matter, I did it on purpose. I didn't go for her soul in the first place. I just wondered why I didn't even notice her soul."

Xu Yue: "Then why let her go?"

Gu Yuena stared at her intently: "Because the other case is not over yet."

Xu Yue looked at her, then at Ye Lingling, and realized something was wrong: "No, why do you two keep staring at me?"

Gu Yuena and Ye Lingling still stared at her without speaking.

Xu Yue was dumbfounded by the two of them, and suddenly realized something. She opened her eyes wide and said angrily, "You don't think Leng Yulai was talking about me in the end?!"

The two of them still didn't speak, just stared at themselves. Xu Yue exploded: "Hey! You two! I'm really going to be angry!"

The two people then looked away and comforted her perfunctorily: "We just think you are good-looking."

"That's right. Be good and don't be angry."

Xu Yue was so angry that she hugged herself tightly and accused them both: "Plastic sisterhood! The boat of friendship is leaking! If you keep doing this, you will lose me!"

Gu Yuena: "Let's go, let's go find Tang Liu later to understand the situation. I have a few questions to ask him."

Ye Lingling: "I'm going to take a shower and change clothes first. I'm really tired from boxing."

Gu Yuena: "Okay, we'll wait for you."

Xu Yue: ""

No one speaks up for me?

Not far below the ring, Chen Fei withdrew his gaze from the three beautiful ladies.

Finally, he said to the live broadcast room: "Family members, the matter seems to be over. I may have to follow to cooperate with the police investigation, so today's live broadcast ends here.

"As for the situation of the four victims, we will check later to see if we can find any clues.

"But I have a feeling that today's incident seems to be related to the case ten years ago. Maybe the police will find clues soon. Let's wait for the result!"

He turned off the live broadcast and nodded to the policeman next to him.

When he left with the police uncle, his eyes finally fell on the black-haired lady who had saved him before.

The other person seemed to be still sulking with her friend. Her two friends had already walked a long way, and she was still standing on the ring, staring blankly at the soles of her feet.

I don't know what I'm looking at.

Maybe it's her special golden soul ring?

Although it was only for a moment, Chen Fei still saw it.

But that lady already has nine soul rings?

So is that the legendary "Tenth Soul Ring"?

But no matter what, it's everyone's secret.

But Chen Fei has no interest in pursuing and exposing other people's secrets.

So he would pretend he didn't see it and bury it deep in his heart.

Xie Dingtian is offline, and Chen Fei probably has only one last scene left.

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