So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1037 My eyes are rulers

None of the guests could see the barrage, and Zhinao was accepted by the program crew when they boarded the ship.

Xu Yue drank her own limited edition sea salt flavored smoothie coconut water and calmly looked at Bai Sheng not far away.

The high-end Green Tea Little White Lotus will not easily make her words sound obviously targeted, but those who are willing to listen to them can always accurately grasp the key points she wants them to grasp.

For example, just now, Bai Sheng was alluding to the fact that she was diligently helping other guests, while Xu Yue did nothing and even ordered Xu Chen around. She was so kind in comparison!

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that Bai Sheng is a good person, and what she said is indeed innocent.

If she hadn't feigned injury.

Xu Yue glanced at Bai Sheng's foot that was standing on tiptoe, and sighed in her heart. After swallowing the coconut juice in her mouth, she smiled and said, "My eyes are rulers."

So she still doesn't know whether Bai Sheng's feet are sprained or not?

Bai Sheng: "?"

The barrage was also full of question marks, and I didn’t understand what Xu Yue’s words meant.

Xu Yue looked at Bai Sheng's frozen expression and said in a good mood: "So if you have a sprained foot, you should have a good rest. It doesn't have to be like this. You know that you are not a working person and you don't have to be strong. You have a good self-awareness. In the end, my brother treats me Fortunately, he is so evil that he doesn't have to envy Weirui and scold him."

Bai Sheng: ""

It's enough to just talk nonsense to people who don't want to deal with it. Besides, when you warned Luo Siming on the cruise ship before, why didn't you also warn her again?

I don’t know where Bai Sheng’s brain was cramped again and he came to touch her and her family Xiaochen. Could it be that he was deflated by Movie Emperor Fu when they didn’t know it?

Anyway, since this guy came here to die, there was no need to save face for her.

This time, he just warned her with nonsense words. Next time, Shushu will start a fight with her directly.

Xu Yue left, and Xu Chen's fans in the barrage and passers-by who saw Bai Sheng's true face were also relieved.

[Sister, you are so good at risking your life! 】

[It made me laugh so hard. Bai Sheng was trying to flirt with Best Actor Fu in the woods before, but now she came to flirt with Xu Dingliu again, and was calmly dealt with by her manager sister, right? 】

Bai Sheng, who was ridiculed by the barrage group, tangled his fingers and slowly sat down against the tree behind him.

Her head was lowered, her hair covering her eyes, making her look aggrieved.

However, in fact, her eyes were filled with a deep look at this time, but when she raised her head again and looked in the direction of Xu Yue, her eyes quickly filled with water mist and turned red, looking like she was about to cry. Not crying.

This naturally earned her a lot of sympathy and indignation from fans.

It's a pity that others didn't pay attention to her at all.

Xu Chen went to Fu Jingting and Yu Xingzhou, put down the supplies in the three backpacks, and then went to help set up the tent.

Yu Xingzhou didn't know how he did it. The palm leaf that he and Fu Jingting couldn't lift after working for a long time had a semi-elliptical top in Xu Chen's hands, and it was still very strong.

Yu Xingzhou was surprised: "Awesome, Xiaochen, I didn't know you had such a skill."

Fu Jingting didn't look surprised. He occasionally helped Xu Chen, and then said "thank you" to Xu Chen after he helped him.

Then he asked: "Can you teach me?"

Xu Chen glanced at him, finally nodded, walked to the side and started to pick up the second one.

Fu Jingting and Yu Xingzhou followed him and started to operate it themselves.

On the other side, Xu Yue strolled over to Luo Siming and watched him tinkering with branches and a lighter to make a fire.

Then there was silence.

She couldn't help but said: "Where did you pick these branches?"

Luo Siming grinned: "Teacher Xu, I picked it up under the roots of those trees."

Xu Yue was about to say something but stopped, and then said: "It's a good pick. Don't pick it up again next time."

The expression on Luo Siming's face froze, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.



Xu Yue sighed: "These branches are not dry yet, and they are so big. How can you light them with a lighter? And the branches that are not dry are full of thick smoke when burned, and they will not kill you."

Luo Siming made an aggrieved expression: "What should we do?"

Xu Yue looked around, walked to a palm tree not far away, picked up some fallen dry leaves, and threw them in front of Luo Siming.

Then he tore some hair from the coconut shell on his hand and gave it to him: "Here, this is flammable, use this to start a fire."

Luo Siming admired: "Thank you, Teacher Xu, you know so much."

Then I pressed the lighter, but there was no response.

Pressed again, still no response.

Luo Siming raised his head and looked at Xu Yue innocently: "Sister Xu, the lighter seems to be broken, what should I do?"

Xu Yue: ""

She was speechless, and finally pointed at the palm leaves.

Golden light flashed, and the dry palm leaves suddenly burned. The fire was so fierce that Luo Siming, who was squatting next to him, was startled.

"Come on, Teacher Luo."

Xu Yue shook her head and walked away, ignoring Luo Siming who looked a little ugly behind her.

It is really hard to criticize the behavior of secretly destroying the lighter just to find an opportunity to embarrass her.

Xu Yue now only hates that she is not the kind of female star in the novel who is black on the Internet, and cannot go crazy and kill everyone stably.

This one is too pretentious, so she might as well go find some innocent children to play with for a while.

At the beach, Xiao Changchang was holding Fu Mingxuan's hand and walking on the beach. From time to time, he would squat down to pick up shells in the sand and show them to Fu Mingxuan.

Two children, one tall and one short, looked a little curious when they saw Xu Yue walking over holding a coconut.

Changchang, who was young but not afraid of life at all, stared straight at Xu Yue who was sucking on the straw, raised her little face and asked: "Hello, sister, are you drinking coconut juice? Changchang hasn't drank it yet, you Can you share a little Changchang and taste it?"

She raised the shell in her hand: "Changchang can exchange it with you for a beautiful shell."

Then he quietly touched the pocket on his clothes and whispered: "If sister doesn't like shells, Changchang can also exchange them with candy for her."

Director Qi, who was monitoring all the images: "?"

Why did you also hide something privately?

"Search, you must do a search in the next issue!" Director Qi looked like he had a toothache.

Xu Yue couldn't help laughing when she looked at the serious little girl who wanted to make a deal with her.

But she still sucked on the straw: "No, kid."

8-year-old Changchang, who is cute and well-behaved, has rarely encountered rejection. He couldn't help but be stunned: "Why?"

Not only was Changchang confused, but there were also viewers in the live broadcast room who couldn't figure it out.

[It’s just a mouthful of coconut juice, isn’t Xu Yue willing to give it to the child? How stingy! 】

[What kind of artist will be brought out by this kind of person? These siblings should just quit the entertainment industry]

But these barrages were quickly slapped in the face.

Because Xu Yue said: "Because my sister's coconut juice is not ordinary coconut juice, children cannot drink it."

Changchang opened his mouth, glanced at her, and then said hesitantly, "Sister, my mother also lied to me like this when she was eating fried chicken at home."

It means she doesn't believe there is coconut water that children can't drink.

If you find typos, the dog author will correct them.

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