So I went to Douluo

Chapter 200 The eight-person team battle begins!

They were looking at Tang San, and Tang San was also looking at them, so he naturally saw the provocation in those three people's eyes.

In this regard, Tang San just smiled slightly and didn't care.

Tang Liu looked at the eighth person behind the three members of the Golden Generation, and then he discovered that the other person seemed to be looking at him too.

Although his entire face was obscured in the darkness under the hood, the tilted brim still proved that he was looking at himself.

At least she was looking in his direction.

So Tang Liu slightly activated Hao Lan's magic again, and his eyes revealed an invisible light.

But still nothing can be seen.

Just like the Domain of the Void Spirit Blue Emperor is the innate ability of his Void Spirit Blue Silver Emperor.

His eyes are the innate ability of Hao Lan's magic.

When he activates the soul power in his body, he can see through the fog on everyone through his eyes, see everyone's past, and see everything about everyone.

But he couldn't see through the eighth person in Wuhun Palace.

This made him very confused and wary.

There is no doubt that the level of Hao Lan's magic is very high. After all, he came from his world with him.

In their world, Douluo Continent is just a fictional world in a novel.

The people in their world, to these people in Douluo Continent, are existences more powerful than gods.

Why do you say that?

After all, the people over there are just ordinary people.

I don’t know if there are so-called immortal cultivators or people with abilities.

But on the Douluo Continent, there are really powerful soul masters, and there are also gods.

How do the people from that world compare with the soul masters here? Why?

Just because Douluo Continent is virtual.

Anyone over there can take a pen, a notebook, a mobile phone, or a computer as long as he wants.

Whether writing or typing.

They can easily decide the life and death of the characters on Douluo Continent.

Whether it is published publicly or written YY myself.

As long as it has been written down, it means that it has happened in the world of Douluo Continent.

At least, that's what actually happened in the world they created.

So, is the person who can see through Hao Lan's magic from the same world as him, at the same level as Hao Lan's magic, or higher?

There was no reason for Tang Liu not to be vigilant.

Because if that person is also from his original world, it means that that person also knows what will happen in Douluo Continent.

Without knowing whether he is an enemy or a friend.

I don't know if he will pose a threat to me.

I don't know if he will pose a threat to his family.

If a person with the same level as Hao Lan's spell, or a person with a higher level than Hao Lan's spell brings trouble to his family...

Tang Liu didn't dare to think about what consequences that would have.

So, if there is a chance.

He will kill.

Indeed, Tang Liu had murderous intent in his heart.

Although he doesn't know if he can beat that person now.

But his face showed no emotion at all.

Even his eyes were still calm and unwavering.

He just waited quietly.

Until the referee's voice rang.

"Game start!"

The three soul kings of Wuhun Palace immediately started to move.

They strode towards Shrek's group.

With every step he took, a circle of soul rings rose up beneath his feet.

A furry tail appeared behind Hu Liena.

A moon blade appeared in each of Xie Yue's hands.

Yan's figure swelled and soon exceeded three meters.

The three leaders of the team started to move, and the rest of the students from Wuhun Palace followed suit. Only the elder still stood there without moving.

When everyone in the Spirit Hall started to move, Tang Liu turned his head and looked at Tang San.

Coincidentally, Tang San also happened to look at him.

The brothers looked at each other and smiled.

Tang Liu smiled and said: "They don't seem to be planning to stop."

Tang San also smiled and said: "Then we will fight them."

They turned to look in the direction of Wuhun Palace at the same time, and then took a step together.

At this step, the first section of the Eight Spider Spear was thrust out of Tang San's back.

At this step, two wing bones, one red and one blue, appeared on Tang Liu's back.

At the same time, Dai Mubai immediately retreated and came between Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

Two steps later, the eight spider spears that were already four meters long appeared behind Tang San.

The wings of the Ice and Fire Dragon King behind Tang Liu were also fully unfolded.

The two released their martial spirits at the same time.

Tang San raised his right hand, and Tang Liu raised his left hand.

A black blue silver grass and a transparent blue silver grass grew from their respective palms at the same time.

After seeing the Eight Spider Spears behind Tang San and the two-color dragon wings behind Tang Liu, the three members of the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace looked grim.

They knew that Tang San was suspected of possessing an external soul bone, but they didn't expect that Tang Liu also had one.

That is the external soul bone that is second only to the 100,000-year-old soul bone in preciousness!

But today they saw two pieces at the same time!

If they knew that Tang Liu Longyi was two different external soul bones, they didn't know what they would think.

In short, Hu Liena and Xie Yue quickly approached each other, and then the charming figure appeared on the competition stage.

At the same time, the pink mist also quickly spread outwards with the demon as the center.

Seeing this, Tang San immediately said loudly: "Everyone, mushroom intestines take off!"

With one order, except for him and Tang Liu, everyone else in Shrek ate the flying mushroom sausages that Oscar quickly made, and then flew into the sky to avoid the weakening influence of the demon.

Tang Liu looked at the gradually approaching pink mist and the demonic figure, and said, "Then break their spirit fusion skills first?"

Tang San replied, "What about their eighth person?"

"It's okay, I can stop it."

Tang San then looked at Tang Liu, and then smiled, "Would you take the lead, or should I?"

Tang Liu stretched out his right hand, "It's enough for you to come, I'll keep it to deal with their eighth person."

The corners of Tang San's lips rose even more, and he stretched out his left hand to grab Tang Liu's right hand, and said, "Then I'll do it."

He just finished speaking.

In the palm of his right hand, the black blue silver grass grew rapidly.

The vines spread and quickly surrounded him and Tang Liu.

The Void Spirit Blue Silver Emperor on Tang Liu's left hand also grew at the same time, and every vine was connected to the black Blue Silver Grass. Every leaf on the vine was entangled with the black blades of grass.

Blue-gold light, blue light.

In an instant, they were entangled together.

The next moment, all the illusory and transparent Blue Silver Grass and the black Blue Silver Grass completely disappeared without a trace in the mixed light.

Only a huge Blue Silver Emperor was left in place.

There is also a thriving blue silver grass meadow.

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