So I went to Douluo

Chapter 201 Martial Soul Fusion Skill!

There was obviously no wind at this time, but the huge Blue Silver Emperor was gently swaying with blue crystal-like vines with golden veins.

All the bluesilver grass surrounding the Bluesilver Emperor also swayed its stems and leaves following the rhythm of the Bluesilver Emperor's swaying.

Watching the swaying bluesilver grass quietly, you can actually feel an unimaginable sense of tranquility from the bottom of your heart.

But the next moment, the huge Blue Silver Emperor withered.

Just for a moment.

Completely withered.

All the surrounding blue silver grass also withered together.

The tranquility disappeared.

Only sadness remains.

The pink mist that filled the field was like fire meeting water, and it gradually melted and disintegrated.

At the same time, there were also demonic screams.

"What did you do!"

The demon screamed, but was unable to stop his body from gradually aging and melting.

It was like a wax figure that had been burned by fire. Starting from the head, it gradually turned into a gelatinous liquid, flowing down layer by layer.

The withered bluesilver grass did not respond.

But then it turned into dust.

Then, the demon turned into a ray of light and transformed into Hu Liena and Xie Yue again.

However, the two of them were in very bad condition. They both looked pale and had bleeding from their mouths and noses, and looked very depressed.

It seemed that that moment had exhausted everything they had.

Obviously, in this confrontation involving martial soul fusion skills.

The demon lost.

Lost to Tang San and Tang Liu's martial soul fusion skills.

The blue silver has the spirit emperor to protect it, and it has been prosperous for three years and prosperous for six years.

The effect is as natural as seen before.

The selected target is put into a withered state.

In the process of withering, the opponent's soul power, mental power, and vitality are rapidly consumed.

Unless Tang San and Tang Liu take the initiative to remove it, the withering will continue until all the opponent's soul power, mental power, and vitality are exhausted.

At the same time, the target in the withered state will always feel unbearable pain, but will not fall into coma.

Of course, if Tang San and Tang Liu's soul power is exhausted, then this martial soul fusion skill will also be forced to interrupt.

Tang San and Tang Liu cannot move when releasing this martial soul fusion skill, but if someone attacks the Blue Silver Emperor at this time, the two of them will also suffer corresponding damage. This is the shortcoming of this martial soul fusion skill.

But overall, this martial soul fusion skill is still very strong, very strong.

Who made Tang San and Tang Liu's martial soul fusion reach 100%?

It is still a true, unprecedented fusion of the five martial souls.

This is only the first martial soul fusion skill led by Tang San, composed of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass and Tang Liu's Void Spirit Blue Silver Emperor.

If it were Tang Liu who took the lead, then this "Blue Silver has the Spiritual Emperor to do its best, three years of dryness and six years of prosperity" would have moved from "withering" to "happy".

In other words, the effect of this martial soul fusion skill has changed from putting people into a withered state to a comprehensive treatment.

Having said that, after using the spirit fusion skill to disintegrate the demon, Tang San and Tang Liu also released the spirit fusion, and the next moment, they rushed towards the spirit hall at the same time.

At the same time, the six Shrek monsters in the air also flew towards the Spirit Hall.

On the Wuhun Palace side, Hu Liena and Xie Yue basically lost their fighting power. When fighting against Wuhun Fusion Skills with Wuhun Fusion Skills, they were the losers. Moreover, they were defeated in one encounter, which was a big blow to their morale.

Looking at Tang San and Tang Liu who were rushing towards them, Yan was a little panicked and couldn't help but cast his gaze at the elders behind him.

He shouted, his tone trembling slightly: "Elder..."

The elder did not respond to him, but just took a step forward, and then appeared behind Hu Liena and Xie Yue, placing his palms on their shoulders respectively.

I don’t know what he did. The next moment, Hu Liena and Xie Yue, who had seemed extremely depressed, regained their energy.

The two then looked at him and said in unison: "Thank you, elder!"

The elder retracted his palm and said calmly: "I will hold Tang Liu down while you deal with the rest of Shrek's people."

Hu Liena and Xieyue said at the same time: "Yes!"

The way they looked at Tang San and Tang Liu completely changed, full of fear and fear.

At that moment, if Tang San and Tang Liu hadn't held back, they would have died long ago.

The three members of the Golden Generation stood together again, preparing to face the enemy.

The eight members of the Shrek Monster Group were already extremely close.

At this moment, the elder's figure suddenly appeared in front of the three of them, standing in front of all the students in Wuhun Hall.

His hands slowly lifted from his sides until they were level with his chest. Then, he closed his hands in front of his chest, and the next moment, he opened them suddenly.

Nothing happened, but the eight members of the Shrek Monster Group seemed to have suddenly hit something and immediately flew backwards.

Tang Liu was caught off guard by this sudden blow, but fortunately he took countermeasures in time, controlling the Hao Lan mark in each person's body, and forcefully stopped everyone from flying backwards.

All eight members of the Shrek Monster Group remained stationary in mid-air while flying upside down.

Immediately afterwards, they saw an astonishing scene.

The eighth person in the Wuhun Palace has a soul ring surrounding him.

Black black black black black black black!

A total of seven thousand-year soul rings!

Soul Saint!

The whole place was in an uproar!

Soul Saint, turned out to be Soul Saint!

In the finals of this continent's elite soul master academy competition, a soul saint actually appeared!

Moreover, the seven soul rings are all ten-thousand-year-old soul saints!

How can this be!

Although it was unbelievable, they all had an idea in their minds.

Shrek Academy is destined to lose!

Now that Soul Saint has appeared, how can Shrek win?

The Shrek Seven Monsters immediately looked at Tang Liu, only to see him looking at the eighth member of the Spirit Hall with a solemn expression.

Tang San worriedly said, "Xiao Liu?"

Tang Liu controlled everyone to stabilize their bodies, and then said: "Leave it to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the dragon wings behind him retracted, and at the same time, his body slowly started to fly.

Then, circle after circle of soul rings slowly rose from the soles of his feet as his figure rose.

Blue blue blue blue blue blue!

Seven circles of soul rings beyond the soul master's knowledge!

But what we want in the end is another soul saint!

The whole place was in an uproar again!

And it’s even more exciting than before!

Blue-black soul ring, what level is that?

How old was Tang Liu, how could he become a Soul Saint? !

Shrek actually has a Soul Saint!

Soul Saint vs. Soul Saint!

The people watching the battle were going crazy!

No one thought that this finals would be so crazy!

The battle between Soul Saints took place at the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition!

Who could have thought of this before? !

Who would have thought that this finals would be so full of twists and turns and shocks? !

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