So I went to Douluo

Chapter 32 Ten thousand year jade fox?

The next moment, the two soul rings lit up at the same time, and then, he completely disappeared.

Also disappearing was his breath.

It is the control of the ethereal spirit, the hiding place of the ethereal spirit, and the realm of the ethereal blue emperor.

A smile appeared on Tang Hao's lips, and then he disappeared and followed Tang Liu where Tang Liu couldn't see him.

His mental power was infinitely stronger than Tang Liu's, so the concealment effect of Tang Liu's Void Spirit Hide naturally couldn't be hidden from his eyes.

Tang Liu, who was hiding, not only had the breath-hiding effect of the Void Spirit Blue Emperor's Domain to hide his aura, but also had the virtual state of the Void Spirit Control, which allowed him to ignore the terrain and move forward in a straight line.

Since Void Spirit Control and Void Spirit Hide are not soul skills that require continuous release to take effect, they consume very little soul power. As long as Tang Liu pays attention to waiting for the time to be up before replenishing his skills, he can basically maintain this state.

As for the gathering point of the Jasper Spirit Fox, he doesn't have to worry about not being able to find it. After all, there is a system in his body that can guide him in the direction.

With his current state, Tang Liu had already avoided countless thousand-year soul beasts, including some ten-thousand-year soul beasts.

After several years of training, Tang Liu's mental power is now basically equivalent to that of an ordinary soul king. Unless it is spiritual, there is absolutely no chance that soul beasts that are a thousand years old or younger will discover him.

Most of the ten thousand year soul beasts could detect his existence, but due to the Void Spirit Blue Emperor's domain, those ten thousand year soul beasts who discovered him all regarded him as a plant soul beast. Seeing that he had no intention of attacking, the most he could do was roar a warning.

So, have a safe journey.

After running for about half an hour, Tang Liu finally approached the group of jade spirit foxes that the system said were closest to him.

After climbing over a hill, Tang Liu saw the jade spirit fox group he was looking for.

I saw an open grassland with the sun slanting down from the sky.

And just among the green grass, there are dozens of animals ranging in size from domestic cats and dogs to lions and tigers. Their hair is a jade-like green color, and they even glow faintly in the sun. The foxes were lying together in twos and threes basking in the sun.

Some of them are napping, some are playing, some are even doing that kind of thing.

In short, a harmonious scene.

"Tsk, tsk, this jade spirit fox is really good-looking, and it looked so cute when it was a child. In the past, it would have become an Internet celebrity in minutes, and it would definitely attract the love of young ladies." Tang Liu looked at it. Moving away from the jade foxes who were doing indescribable things, he said in his heart.

It was my first time watching a fox movie and I was a little nervous.

Although this jasper spirit fox is also turquoise, it is a lustrous and vibrant color. It is different from the green color of the demon-eyed tree, which is like the skin of the dead.

In addition to these jade foxes, there are also some other varieties of thousand-year and ten-thousand-year soul beasts scattered around.

Among them, Tang Liu only saw one Millennium Wind baboon that he recognized, and he had never seen the rest.

In fact, he was able to recognize the wind baboon because he had encountered a ten-year-old one in the Soul Hunting Forest. After it was killed by Tang San, the master took them to observe and explain it at close range.

Among these thousand-year-old and ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts, the one with the strongest aura is a tiger-type soul beast.

Indeed, no matter where they are, big cats like tigers and lions are at the top of the food chain.

Tang Liu remembered that there was a tiger spirit beast in the Star Dou Forest that was not sure whether it was one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand years old. That is to say, thousands of years later, Ditian launched a wave of beasts because of the sacrifice of the three-eyed golden eagle, and Xuan Ziwen used an all-terrain soul turret to kill the beast with one shot.

Now, the other party is probably sleeping. Otherwise, it is still a few years away from reaching the 100,000-year level.

"That is a white tiger with giant palms that has been cultivated for about 50,000 years. It is best at close combat. Its weak point is the neck and spine." The system simply introduced.

"Don't worry about the ones that are there or not, tell me quickly, which fox among them do I need?" Tang Liu urged.

The system pondered for a while, and then said, "The target required by the host has been determined and has been specially marked in the host's perspective."

"Where, where?" Tang Liu looked around, and finally found the jade fox marked for him by the system at his one o'clock direction.

It was a jade spirit fox that was as big as a puma.

At this moment, the opponent's side was relatively empty, and the nearest jade fox was three meters away. The distance from those guardian soul beasts with fighting power is even more gratifying.

What's more important is that the other party is sleeping on his stomach at the moment, completely unprepared.

Tang Liu had a happy look on his face, and then quietly approached the other party.

God helps me!

Of course, he did not forget to replenish himself with soul skills before taking action.

The effect of hiding and breathing was really powerful. Tang Liu didn't disturb any of the spirit beasts, but he managed to get close to the jade spirit fox.

During this period, in order to prevent being noticed by those ten-thousand-year-level soul beasts, he even narrowed the area to only cover an area of ​​about one meter around him.

In this way, the soul beast that can find him will only think that he is a tree or a blue silver grass.

At the same time, he also slowed down his speed as much as possible, so as not to cause the scene of a tree or a bluesilver grass flying in the senses of the spirit beasts who noticed him, thereby scaring them...

Finally, Tang Liu reached the position where he could touch the jade fox with his hand, and then switched to the martial spirit and Hao Lan spell.

Four circles of blue-black soul rings rose from the soles of his feet and pulsed around his body.

It seemed that there was an unusual aura emitted when the martial soul was switched, so the jade spirit fox slowly opened its eyes.

Seeing this, Tang Liu didn't dare to delay. He touched the jade fox's hair very quickly, and then the first soul ring flickered.

Haolan·Mark was successfully triggered!

Almost at the same time, his second blue-black soul ring also lit up.

Hao Lan·Teleport!

In a flash of blue-black light, Tang Liu and the Jade Spirit Fox disappeared from the spot at the same time.

At the same time, the jade foxes and guardian spirit beasts around finally noticed the anomaly here, and stood up or raised their heads, looking at the place where Tang Liu disappeared in confusion.

On the other side, where Tang Hao is.

The moment Tang Liu appeared next to Tang Hao, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Of course, he was not slow either. Before the Jade Spirit Fox could react, he released the third soul skill of Hao Lan's spell, Hao Lan·Force Field.

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