So I went to Douluo

Chapter 33 Damn it! The fox spoke!

A layer of blue-black light curtain instantly appeared around the jade fox's body, clinging tightly to it, making it unable to move.

"Don't move, or I'll kill you!" Tang Liu threatened.

After cultivating for ten thousand years, soul beasts basically have good spiritual intelligence. Although he still can't speak human words like a hundred thousand year soul beast, he still has no problem understanding human words.

Hearing this, Jasper Spirit Fox immediately became honest. However, its eyes did not look at Tang Liu, but at Tang Hao, looking a little afraid.

Tang Liu didn't think much about it, he just thought that it felt the power of the Titled Douluo emanating from Tang Hao.

"Little Axe, be obedient. I don't mean any harm, I just want to borrow a soul skill from you. After I borrow it, I will let you go. What do you think? As long as you don't resist, I won't hurt you. of."

Tang Liu threatened the Jade Spirit Fox in a gentle voice, and did not see Tang Hao behind him. He was also sizing up the Jade Spirit Fox that Tang Liu had brought over, and his expression gradually became serious.

"If you don't respond, I'll just assume you agree." Tang Liu's face turned a little pale.

Although he had condensed his soul power twice, just maintaining the existence of this force field that suppressed the jade fox had already consumed nearly 30% of his soul power.

"Dad, I'm going to remove the force field next. Help me suppress it." Tang Liu said to Tang Hao without looking back, and then withdrew the force field.

Unexpectedly, the moment he retracted the force field, Tang Hao behind him pulled him over, then took a step forward to protect him behind him.

At this step, the huge Clear Sky Hammer appeared in Tang Hao's right hand.

Two yellow, two purple, four black, one red, nine soul rings immediately climbed up from the soles of his feet.

The next moment, the titled Douluo's power was fully unleashed, all aimed at the jade fox lying on the ground.

Tang Liu had just been pulled over and was still a little confused. Just as he was about to ask, the jade spirit fox spoke.

"Sir, please forgive me. I am just a jade spirit fox who has just cultivated to a hundred thousand years old. I don't have the combat power of a hundred thousand year old soul beast. I am no threat to you! As for your descendants, if you want to take something from me, If so, just come and get it, as long as you don’t kill me, anything will do!”

Tang Liu: "???"

Tang Liu felt as if there was an iPartment-style shocking sound effect ringing in his ears, and it was also the top-notch sound effect with the highest number of consecutive sounds.

Nani? !

Wang Defa? !

A hundred thousand year soul beast? !

My big knock! ! !

Didn't the system say it was a jade spirit fox suitable for his age? Why did he become a hundred thousand year old as soon as he was captured? !

"Xiao Liu, use your soul teleportation skills to take us out first." Tang Hao stared at the jade fox and said.

Tang Liu's brain was still in a dead state, mechanically executing Tang Hao's orders.

Because Tang Liu's brain was now dead, his teleportation sent him, Tang Hao, and the jade fox directly back to the Holy Soul Village.

The consequences of ultra-long-distance teleportation are overdraft of soul power and a period of weakness in which the person loses the ability to fight for the next 24 hours.

As soon as he got home, Tang Liu fell down softly. Fortunately, he was close enough to Tang Hao and leaned against him.

Tang Hao also supported Tang Liu in time to prevent him from sliding down.

With a glance, he saw Tang Liu's extremely empty gaze and his expression of doubt about life.

Tang Hao: "..."

I should be the one who should be so shocked that my brain freezes and I doubt my life! You, a kid who quietly captured a hundred thousand year old soul beast, what kind of trouble are you going to make now? !

Fortunately, Tang Liu also told him about the effects of his third martial spirit's soul skills, so Tang Hao knew that Tang Liu was now entering a period of weakness.

Originally, he wanted Tang Liu to send them outside the Star Dou Forest, so that it would be safer to deal with the jade spirit fox.

Unexpectedly, Tang Liu, whose brain was dead, actually sent them back to the Holy Soul Village directly.

Now, it's safe enough, but what should I do with this jade fox? Staying here is not an option!

The 100,000-year-old Jade Spirit Fox, which was trembling under Tang Hao's pressure, seemed to have noticed Tang Hao's worries, and then said tremblingly: "My lord, are you worried about your junior? In my humble opinion, Xiaohu , he just fell into a weak state due to excessive consumption of soul power. After entering the hundred thousand years, Xiaohu happened to realize a new talent skill that could wake him up. I wonder if Xiaohu can give it a try? "As long as I don't kill you, I can do whatever you want, sir!"

Tang Hao frowned and said nothing, seeming to be thinking.

Ah Yin once told him that once the soul beasts enter the one hundred thousand year level, the gap between them will not be so obvious.

As for the advantages in bloodline and cultivation, they will not gradually become apparent until 200,000 years, that is, after the first catastrophe.

As for the soul beasts that have just entered the 100,000th year, they have a chance to choose to become human again.

Regardless of whether they choose to re-cultivate as adults or continue to cultivate as soul beasts, these soul beasts that have just entered the 100,000-year-old level have not yet fully demonstrated their own strength.

At least, a titled Douluo who has just entered the ninety-first level will not be afraid of them. And a ninety-five-level titled Douluo like Tang Hao can easily defeat these soul beasts that have just entered the hundred thousand year old.

Only after these spirit beasts have gone through a period of adaptation, will they no longer be afraid of Titled Douluo below level 95, and Titled Douluo at level 95 can only barely fight with them. .

Generally speaking, a 200,000-year-old soul beast that has survived a catastrophe is equivalent to a ninety-seventh level titled Douluo. If it is three to four hundred thousand years old, its combat power can even crush the average ninety-eighth level titled Douluo.

Once a soul beast's cultivation exceeds 600,000 years, it will already be a level 99 existence.

And this is why the Jasper Spirit Fox does not have very strong combat power, and why Tang Hao is so afraid of it.

Although he won't be afraid if there is a fight. But after all, he was seriously injured, and in such a situation, he couldn't guarantee Tang Liu's safety 100%.

"If I find out what you did, I will kill you without hesitation!" Tang Hao said in a deep voice, with strong murderous intent in his eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, the last red soul ring on his body lit up, and the pressure suddenly became stronger, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand was covered with a layer of blood.

Feeling the extremely strong pressure of the titled Douluo and the hundred thousand year soul ring, the jade spirit fox trembled even more. I couldn't say anything at the moment, I could only nod my head desperately.

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