So I went to Douluo

Chapter 318 Seven-Star Plum Tree Martial Spirit True Body

With a flash of golden light, Tang Liu appeared in an alley in a daze.

Before he could recover, the voice sounded in his mind, "Tonight, a team of people from Wuhun Palace will launch an attack on Xingluo Palace. Your second round of assessment is to prevent this night attack. , find their leader, and defeat him with all your strength.”

Tang Liu walked out of the alley and asked in his mind: "Star Luo Palace? Is this Star Luo City?"

"Yes. There are still three hours before the night attack on Wuhun Palace. You still have three hours to prepare."

Tang Liu's brain raced rapidly, and he said in his mind: "Three hours is enough."

Standing on the streets of Xingluo City, he glanced at the surrounding environment and knew exactly where he was in Xingluo City. He found the direction and walked down the street.

He did not go directly to Xingluo Palace to inform Emperor Xingluo of his plan, but decided to walk through the entire Xingluo City first to find where the people from Wuhun Palace were hiding.

Mu Jing listened to the majestic female voice in her mind and was a little afraid to answer.

According to the majestic female voice, "she" should have the ability to read memories, but now for some unknown reason, her memories cannot be read.

Mu Jing didn't know if this was Qiankun Wenqing Valley's protection for her, but it might be a bargaining chip for her to gain a chance of survival.

However, the next moment, the majestic female voice sounded again, which shocked her.

"Don't try to take advantage of any loopholes. Although I can't read your memory, I can still know what you are thinking about now."

Mu Jing's heartbeat quickened, and she forced herself to calm down as quickly as possible.

"Qiankun Asks for Love Valley? Is that the place that sent you here? Humph, Qiankun Asks for Love Valley...could it be that the God Realm discovered that I was hiding here?"

Having said this, the majestic female voice was suddenly filled with strong murderous intent.

Mu Jing felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave under this murderous intention, and the situation where she could not resist made her feel extremely desperate.

Is she really going to die here?

"Tell me, what is the purpose of your coming here? As far as I know, the assessment of Qiankun Wenqing Valley always sends people to some strange places. However, this is the first time someone has come here to me. ." In theory, Qiankun Wenqing Valley has no idea about her place. Therefore, now that Mu Jing was sent to Qiankun Wenqing Valley, there was no room for her not to think too much.

She had to be vigilant to see if those guys from the God Realm had discovered her whereabouts.

Her current strength is far from being restored. If those people in the God Realm are determined to cause trouble for her, she will not be able to escape.

Therefore, if this human being was really sent in by the God Realm controlling the universe, then she must take some action.

For example, let this human being be destroyed in both form and body, and then erase all traces of her existence.

However, Mu Jing's answer surprised her.

Mu Jing calmed down and said in her mind: "I don't know."

"you do not know?"

Mu Jing: "I don't know why Qiankun Wenqing Valley sent me here."

The majestic female voice said with interest: "That would be interesting. It seems that you are just a pawn in the hands of the God Realm. However, since you are here, don't even think about leaving. I cannot allow you. The existence of this place will be revealed to the eyes of the God Realm."

Mu Jing said: "Are you going to kill me?"

When she said this, she found that her mood was surprisingly calm.

The majestic female voice laughed, "What do you think?"

Mu Jing closed her eyes, "Your Majesty, please take action."

A majestic female voice: "Okay, I will grant you my permission."

As soon as she finished saying this, Mu Jing felt that the extremely majestic spiritual power was withdrawn from her spiritual sea.

But the next moment, the lake water around her suddenly became more solid than a mud swamp.

The huge pressure almost crushed her internal organs.

Faced with a strong death crisis, the soul power in her body surged unconsciously, and the martial soul Qixingmei appeared in front of her. Immediately, seven soul rings slowly rose from the soles of her feet. The blood-red soul ring at the end of the line is particularly eye-catching.

When the Seven-Star Plum appeared, the surrounding lake water, which was still as solid as a swamp, actually became a lot softer, and seemed to be returning to its original state.

However, the next moment, all the lake water turned into blazing flames, burning Mu Jing's body fiercely.

Mu Jing didn't even have time to scream, the fire instantly burned the skin all over her body. Her entire body was scorched black in the fierce flames, and many places even began to turn to ashes.

Even the seven-star plum branches floating in front of her had a faint tendency to wither and burn.

However, at this moment, the blood-red soul ring ranked last suddenly lit up.

Immediately afterwards, the suspended Seven-Star Plum branches immediately fell into the soil at the bottom of the lake, and immediately grew into a large tree ten meters away.

But there are no leaves on this tree, only dry and vigorous branches, and seven plum blossoms growing on the same branch.

Mu Jing's body was also turned into ashes at this time and dissipated in the fire.

But a ray of light flew into the seven-star plum tree before that.

The seven plum blossoms on the branch of the plum tree lit up at the same time, and the next moment, the surrounding flames had a faint tendency to go out.

"The seven-star plum tree...interesting, hum."

Xu Yue woke up leisurely.

His soul power has almost recovered, and the injuries on his body seem to have healed.

She was a little confused, weren't they being hunted by the Wuhun Palace? Could it be that the people from Wuhun Palace could still treat her injuries?

She put her hands on the ground, sat up, and looked around in confusion. The first thing she saw was Xu Chen sitting cross-legged next to her.

Xu Chen seemed to be meditating and practicing, and judging from the way his soul power was released, he seemed to have entered a state of deep meditation.

This is rare.

They have never entered a state of deep meditation since they have been practicing since they were young. Unexpectedly, Xu Chen actually entered now.

Xu Yue felt a little relieved and a little envious.

But she soon realized that their situation was not safe yet and they couldn't take it lightly.

So she immediately stood up, assumed a posture ready to fight at any time, and looked around vigilantly.

However, at this moment, she felt something tap her shoulder.

She was startled, turned around hurriedly, and saw an extremely beautiful woman.

The woman with long crystal blue hair smiled and said silently to her, and then handed her something.

Xu Yue looked and found that it was a golden-green grass.

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