So I went to Douluo

Chapter 319 Night Attack

The blue-haired woman said to Xu Yue: "Pick every leaf and swallow it. Remember, don't chew it."

Xu Yue looked at her doubtfully.

The blue-haired woman smiled and said, "This is a Nine-Xuan Linghui Holy Orchid. It is a rare fairy herb. Eating it will only benefit you. Your brother has already taken the same medicine as this Nine-Xuan Linghui Holy Orchid." Accompanied by Minglan, in this way, the two of them entered a state of deep meditation."

Xu Yue took it hesitantly, looking into the blue-haired woman's beautiful deep blue eyes, "Senior, who are you? If this grass is really an immortal herb, why would you give it to us so readily?"

The blue-haired woman pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "I'm just being entrusted by others."

Seeing that Xu Yue was still unwilling to swallow, the blue-haired woman reached out and held Xu Yue's hands, and then pushed her hands holding the golden-green grass to her chest.

Blue-haired woman: "Trust me. Hurry and absorb the power of this holy orchid. You have more important things to do."

Xingluo City tonight seems to be no different from before.

The street, which was crowded with people during the day, was silent at this time.

Perhaps, the occasional barking of dogs from the surrounding houses was the only sound at night.

And this kind of silence gave Xingluo City tonight an inexplicable and extremely heavy feeling.

It was like a storm was coming.

Suddenly, the barking of dogs in the dark became more urgent, as if these sensitive creatures had foreseen something.

Amidst these rapid barkings, black shadows quickly shuttled between the rooftops. They jumped forward, moving quickly, but making almost no sound, only the gentle sound of wind as they passed quickly.

These black shadows appeared all over Xingluo City almost at the same time, heading in the same direction.

Star Luo Palace.

A large group of men in black fell into the Xingluo Palace like a tide. They quickly split up and sneaked away in different directions. While sneaking in, they encountered a patrol of guards, and immediately swarmed up and quickly eliminated all the patrolling guards.

Although these black-clothed men are all soul masters, and their cultivation is above Soul Master, there are always one or two teams that encounter patrolling guards who are much stronger than themselves. Therefore, among these black-clothed men, Ten minutes after the attackers attacked the Xingluo Palace, some brightly colored fireworks began to rise from all over the Xingluo Palace.

After that, the patrol's shouts also sounded in the palace, reminding everyone in the palace.

Of course, the most important thing they reminded was the master of this country, Emperor Xingluo.

And those elders who protect the country.

As the signal flares were sent out, the guard forces in the Xingluo Palace also began to assemble. They annihilated the intruders in an orderly manner, while constantly converging with other guard forces and exchanging intelligence with each other. Soon, the battle between the escorts and the invaders was drawn to a point where they were evenly matched from being caught off guard at the beginning.

But at this time, soul masters at the level of soul emperors and soul saints gradually joined the invaders.

With the addition of these high-level soul masters, the originally relatively balanced battle situation immediately began to become one-sided.

Except for a few elite-level teams among the guards in the Xingluo Palace, in most of the teams, the one with the highest combat power is only the Soul King. When a large number of Soul Emperors and Soul Saints suddenly appeared among the invaders, these weak teams were almost immediately eliminated.

As the guard force of Xingluo Palace gradually decreased, and at the same time, the high-end forces of the invaders continued to converge, causing the defense line of Xingluo Palace to be immediately broken, and a large number of intruders rushed towards the main hall of the palace.

And when these intruders broke through the defense of the main hall and entered, they also saw the target of their trip - Emperor Xingluo.

Emperor Xingluo sat on his throne with an indifferent expression. Gujing Wubo's eyes lowered from the heights, looking almost with pity at the intruders who broke through the vermilion door of the main hall and broke in.

The first group of intruders stopped when they reached the middle of the hall. Their only eyes exposed outside the black clothes were looking up at Emperor Xingluo on the throne. They seemed to be a little afraid of the emperor's power and did not dare to move forward.

Several afterimages jumped in from outside the main hall door at this time. They stood in front of all the men in black and looked at the Xingluo Emperor.

The one at the head said sarcastically: "Your Majesty the Emperor, your situation is over. Why don't you surrender quickly and give us your star, saving us the trouble of doing it ourselves."

Emperor Xingluo looked at him and asked with interest, "I see that everyone else is dressed in black, and I wish I could cover up my whole body. Why do you guys show your true colors so openly? Could it be that, Are you so confident that you can annihilate me, Xing Luo, in one fell swoop tonight and bring me under the command of your Spirit Hall?"

After saying this, he suddenly paused, then made an expression of realization, and said: "I forgot, your Wuhun Palace has now established a country, what is it called, Wuhun Empire, right? Although it is a bit abrupt, but I I still want to ask, do you think your Majesty the Pope is worthy?"

The leader: "You! How dare?!"

Emperor Xingluo suddenly stood up, interrupted the man's words, narrowed his evil eyes, and exuded a terrifying aura. He spoke almost word by word, suppressing his anger in his tone, and said: "Or is it that she, Bibi Dong, is now confident enough to get involved in our Star Luo Empire?!"

The man swallowed, choked for a while, and said with some lack of confidence: "We are now in front of you, do you think you still have a chance to survive?"

Emperor Xingluo snorted coldly, sat down again, put his hand on his temple, and didn't even look at the man.

He said: "I am too lazy to talk to clowns like you. Your Majesty, please send these unscrupulous intruders out of my Star Luo Palace."

As soon as Emperor Xingluo finished speaking, the entire main hall suddenly became dim.

All the intruders looked around nervously, fearing that enemies hiding in the dark would attack at this time.

I don't know who glanced at the ground, and then he saw a scene that he could never forget or recall in his life.

The dark shadow had spread to the feet of all of them without knowing when.

One black figure after another slowly climbed up from these dark shadows.

They looked at these black figures with vigilance and fear, and their instincts drove their bodies to move back.

The brain just sent a signal to the legs, but was interrupted by the cold touch on the legs.

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