So I went to Douluo

Chapter 35 So Tang Liu was deceived

That period of weakness that lasted for twenty-four hours and was unable to fight was no joke.

Tang Liu was able to wake up before because of the Jade Spirit Fox's treatment.

But the treatment from a hundred thousand year old soul beast only allowed him to wake up for a few minutes.

The so-called weak period in which the ability to fight is completely lost is naturally a coma like death.

If Tang Hao hadn't been able to feel Tang Liu's heartbeat and breathing, he would have thought that Tang Liu had really left.

Withdrawing the Clear Sky Hammer, Tang Hao picked up Tang Liu with both hands and sent him to his bedroom first. After settling him, he came out with one hand and picked up the jade fox's fur on the back of its neck, dragged it into his room, and used The soul power formed a barrier to isolate the aura of the hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast that it unconsciously exuded. Then he sat in the living room, closed his eyes, and waited for Tang Liu to wake up.

Really, this kid is really looking for trouble for himself. I don't know what kind of commotion will happen after I leave him.

He has captured the 100,000-year-old soul beast, so the ninety-nine-level peerless Douluo is not far away, right?

It’s really... not a worry!

Otherwise, you might as well take it with you and watch it carefully...

At this moment, Tang Hao felt extremely tired.

If Tang Liu could give him half as much peace of mind as Tang San, he would be burning incense!


A hundred thousand year soul beast.

Tang Hao couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

This kid's luck is extremely good, it just depends on whether he can seize this opportunity.

24 hours later, Tang Liu woke up from his period of weakness.

Although the period of weakness has passed, the soul power in the body has not been restored at all.

So, he just lay on the bed and began to meditate to restore his soul power.

After the soul power was compressed twice, although it became much more durable, the recovery time also became slower accordingly.

Tang Liu hasn't found a solution yet, but he estimates that if he wants to speed up the recovery of his twice-compressed soul power, he may need to condense a soul core before he can do it.

Another day and night passed before Tang Liu completely restored the soul power in his body.

At this time, it was just noon outside.

Stretching, Tang Liu sat up from the bed, and immediately asked the system: "Didn't you say that the jade spirit fox was ten thousand years old? How did it become a hundred thousand year old?"

He had been keeping this in mind, waiting for the system to give an explanation.

"The system did not say that this jade fox is ten thousand years old. I just chose the jade fox that the host needs at the request of the host." The system replied.

Tang Liu was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he seemed to have really asked that!

Immediately, he was a little embarrassed, "I don't care, you are the system, how could you not know that the jade fox I need is ten thousand years old?"

"According to the system's calculations, the 'borrowing ring' method that the host wants to use cannot meet the requirements for a ten thousand-year-old soul beast. Only a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast can meet the requirements," the system said.

"Then why didn't you tell me in advance? Moreover, how did you know that there would be one hundred thousand-year-old among the jade spirit fox tribe? What if there wasn't one, and I went to catch a ten-thousand-year-old one, but what if I failed in the end? But that said Come back, you called my idea 'borrowing rings', which is quite appropriate." Tang Liu said.

"The system has been guiding the host to find the 100,000-year-old jade fox from the beginning to the end, but the ethnic group in the mixed zone happens to have 100,000-year-old ones. If it weren't for the existence of this 100,000-year jade fox, , the system will directly guide the host into the core area." the system said.

Tang Liu: "...You just want me to die."

"The host chooses the 'borrowing ring' method, and the host also accepts the system's suggestions. The system is only performing its own tasks. What's more, the host has the Haolan Teleportation skill, and the probability of death is no more than 1%."

Tang Liu: "..."

After a long time, he sighed in his heart and said, "Okay, I'll let you go this time. Next time something like this happens, you must explain it clearly to me first."

"Okay." The system's answer was emotionless.

Ignoring the system, Tang Liu quickly ran out of the room, and then saw Tang Hao's figure in the living room.

"Dad, where's the hundred thousand year jade fox I captured?" Tang Liu said excitedly.

To be honest, after his brain accepted the fact of "catching a hundred thousand year old soul beast", Tang Liu suddenly felt that he was so awesome.

Did you see that, I captured the hundred thousand year soul beast!

Tang Hao sat on a chair and closed his eyes to rest. After hearing his voice, he opened his eyes and glanced at him lightly, and then said: "Are you recovered?"

"Well, the condition has been restored to the best level." Tang Liu nodded, "Where's the jade spirit fox? Release it quickly. I want to borrow a soul ring from it."

Compared to Tang Liu's excitement, Tang Hao was extremely calm and said calmly: "I put it back in the Star Dou Forest."

Tang Liu: "???"

After a while, Tang Liu's voice broke, and he said with a heartbroken look on his face: "Let it go?! Why are you such a spendthrift? How could you just let go of a hundred thousand year soul beast?!"

Tang Hao nodded lightly, "Even if I don't let it go, with your current cultivation, can you absorb its soul ring? That is a hundred thousand year soul ring. Get ready, I will take you to Star Dou University again Forest, find a ten thousand year old jade fox for you."

"Who said I'm going to kill it and absorb its soul ring? Did you hear me say 'borrow the ring'? No, I want to send it back. I can't give up such a good opportunity, even if I have to enter a period of weakness again. !" Tang Liu said resolutely, and then released Hao Lan's magic spirit, and the second spirit ring shone.

The next moment, the Jade Spirit Fox appeared in front of Tang Liu, and the soul power in Tang Liu's body was only slightly consumed.

Now that Tang Liu is a member of the Soul Sect, Hao Lan's teleportation within a hundred meters only consumes the level of innate first-level soul power.

Tang Liu looked at the Jade Spirit Fox who was still in a coma: "..."

Then he slowly turned his gaze to Tang Hao, his eyes filled with pain, "You lied to me."

Tang Hao: "..."

Tang Hao's eyes became strange when he looked at Tang Liu.

This kid never told him that his teleportation skills can also teleport others to him!

"Tell me why you lied to me, or else when mom comes back, I will ask her to make you kneel on the washboard!" Tang Liu looked threatening.

Tang Hao: "..."

Tang Hao coughed, "What do you mean by 'borrowing a ring' just now?"

"Don't change the subject, tell me quickly, why did you lie to me?"

"Do you mean to say that you can obtain soul rings without hunting soul beasts?"

"It's none of your business, why did you lie to me?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Why did you lie to me?"

"What's the principle?"

"Why did you lie to me?"


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