So I went to Douluo

Chapter 36 You are the one making trouble unreasonably

Tang Hao silently raised his head and looked at the sky.

Ah, this little ancestor is not easy to take care of.

"I'm afraid of you."

"What does this have to do with you lying to me?" If you don't give me an explanation, I'm not done with you, you bastard!

"I just want to see your reaction——"

"So you lied to me?"

"...Let's see if you will lose your mind because of the hundred thousand year soul beast——"

"So you lied to me?"

Tang Hao: "..."

This doesn’t stop people from talking properly!

He said with a pained face: "Don't make trouble unreasonably!"

"You are ruthless and unreasonable -" Tang Liu said subconsciously, but before he finished speaking, his voice got stuck, and his cheeks suddenly turned red.

He glanced at Tang Hao warily, and then said, "I don't want to talk to you!"

Immediately afterwards, he used Haolan Teleportation and teleported away with the unconscious Jade Spirit Fox. He didn't know where he went.

Tang Hao: "???"

Oops, these four are making trouble again!

At this moment, Tang Hao finally realized the sadness of being a parent.

It’s so tiring to take care of kids!

But there is no other way. No matter how tired I am, I have to grit my teeth and carry my own child with me.

Although he didn't know what was wrong, he felt that he should comfort his son now.

So his figure flashed, searching for Tang Liu's aura.

Tang Liu's aura appeared from a hundred meters away from the house, and then headed intermittently towards the hill in the distance.

It was still the little hill where Tang San came to practice every morning.

Tang Liu took the Jasper Spirit Fox and teleported from his home to the limit of 100 meters. Then he let the Jasper Spirit Fox teleport 100 meters all the way. After that, he himself followed the Jasper Spirit Fox and teleported to the hillside.

For Tang Liu, Haolan Teleportation can only allow him to teleport within a five-meter range of the marked target. However, there is no such restriction for the marked target. He can teleport at will, so Tang Liu came up with this method of continuous teleportation. .

On the hill, Tang Liu first let the Haolan mark in the Jade Spirit Fox's mind return to its heart, and then waited for it to wake up.

After all, it is a hundred thousand year soul beast, so the jade spirit fox wakes up very quickly.

After seeing the clarity in the Jade Spirit Fox's eyes, Tang Liu spoke, "I believe you have also felt it. I can control your life and death with just a thought, so don't think about anything unusual happening, okay?"

After all, it is a hundred thousand year soul beast and cannot be careless, so Tang Liu's third martial spirit is always released and can teleport away at any time.

But the Jasper Spirit Fox had no intention of resisting and nodded lightly.

When in coma, it can feel the existence of that extremely mysterious power. So it also understands that the little guy in front of it really has the ability to decide its life and death.

"Next, I'm going to extract some power from your body. Of course, don't worry, it won't do any harm to you." Tang Liu saw that the Jade Spirit Fox was indeed honest, so he continued.

The Jasper Spirit Fox nodded again, but did not speak.

"Okay, then I'll start."

Tang Liu also breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to use the power of the mark to slowly extract the power of the soul skill from the body of the jade spirit fox.

The soul power in the body was rapidly decreasing, but a ball of black energy also gathered in the palm of Tang Liu's right hand.

This was Tang Liu's idea of ​​a way to obtain a soul ring, "borrowing the ring".

Since the Hao Lan mark can absorb everything from the marked object, can the soul skills of the soul beast also be absorbed, and then turned into soul rings and absorbed by the soul master?

Tang Liu decided to add a damage-free soul skill to his Void Spirit Blue Silver Emperor's third soul ring, but currently, no soul beast on Douluo Continent has such a soul skill.

In the end, according to the information given by the system, Tang Liu chose the Jasper Spirit Fox, which was barely able to match the damage avoidance.

It is true that the Jasper Spirit Fox is a purely auxiliary soul beast, and their assistance only increases the power of the soul skills, not the soul beast itself.

It seems that this has nothing to do with injury avoidance, but in Tang Liu's view, injury avoidance is actually equivalent to weakening the opponent's skill that should have a certain effect.

So, under the effect of the Jasper Spirit Fox's amplifying soul skill, what if Tang Liu could reverse the effect of this soul skill? Maybe we can fuse it with a damage-free soul skill!

After all, the soul ring produced by the soul beast will actually mutate to a certain extent after being fused with the soul master, making the soul skills more suitable for the soul master himself.

For example, Huo Yuhao's fourth soul ring hunted and killed a ten thousand year silver moon wolf king that was only barely connected with spiritual power, but after merging with his spiritual eye martial soul, it directly gave him an extremely powerful single weapon. Body control skills, mental confusion. This is a good example.

However, this method of directly fusing soul rings still involves some luck. Therefore, in order to 100% obtain the soul skills he wanted, Tang Liu thought of using the Hao Lan mark to "borrow the ring".

While extracting the soul skill of the soul beast, this soul skill is modified to a certain extent, and finally becomes a soul ring with the soul skill that the soul master wants.

However, this "borrowing a ring" method has a drawback, and that is the age of the soul ring.

For example, if you want a fifteen thousand year soul ring, then the soul beast you want to borrow the ring must have a cultivation level exceeding fifteen thousand years, right?

In fact, only ten thousand year spirit rings can be borrowed from hundred thousand year spirit beasts, which is why the system takes Tang Liu to search for the hundred thousand year jade fox.

If Tang Liu had just captured a fifteen thousand-year-old jade spirit fox, then he could only borrow a thousand-year-level soul ring from the jade spirit fox.

Fortunately, whether it was luck or some other reason, Tang Liu met the jade spirit fox next to him who had just entered the one hundred thousand year period and was still in its weak stage. Only then was he able to implement his idea of ​​"borrowing a ring".

Black energy accumulated more and more on the palm of Tang Liu's right hand, and then began to slowly transform into a circle of spirit rings.

Since the jade spirit fox around him is one hundred thousand years old, Tang Liu can shape the age of this spirit ring by himself, from one year to ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years.

Therefore, he directly shaped the soul ring according to his current maximum life span, fifteen thousand four hundred and eighty-six years.

About half an hour later, Tang Liu successfully "borrowed" the soul ring. During the whole process, the Jasper Spirit Fox did not feel any discomfort, but only felt that the soul power in his body was slightly less.

After Tang Liu's "borrowing the ring" ended, the consumed soul power was restored in an instant.

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