So I went to Douluo

Chapter 494 Malice

No matter what kind of speculation it was, Dai Yaoheng found it a bit incredible.

How many secrets does Dai Yunze still have? If he really had a soul bone, where did he get it from?

You know, even Dai Yueheng, who is the eldest son of the White Tiger Duke and the first heir to the Duke's palace in the future, only has one soul bone in his body now. This is because he has cultivated to the soul emperor at a young age. Cultivation resources obtained only after having performed meritorious deeds.

But now, does Dai Yunze, a guy who is eight years younger than him, actually have the same, or maybe even more, cultivation resources as him?

Is it possible that his father really valued his "younger son" who appeared inexplicably in the middle of the journey?

In just a short moment, Dai Yueheng thought of a lot of things. He looked at Dai Yunze with increasingly fearful eyes. At the same time, an evil thought quietly sprouted in his heart.

Although Dai Huabin's talent for cultivation is much higher than his, he is his half-brother after all. Apart from suppressing Dai Huabin as his elder brother, he can't do anything to Dai Huabin.

But Dai Yunze was different. Although nominally, he is also the child of the Duke and Duchess of White Tiger, and he and Dai Huabin's "brother." But that's only in name, isn't it? Although Dai Yueheng didn't know Dai Yunze's true life experience, he could guess it.

You can't attack your biological brothers, but it's different for a child like Dai Yunze who is a commoner.

For example, in this era of absolute unrest outside, some accidents suddenly happened...

The moment Dai Yueheng had this idea in his mind, Dai Yunze, who was standing not far across from him, seemed to feel something. His eyes suddenly fell on Dai Yueheng, and then he grinned with unknown meaning.

Dai Yueheng didn't notice, because it was in the middle of the game, time passed quickly, and everything just happened in just a few seconds. At this time, the other team members on Ma Xiaotao's side also caught up, each with their soul skills ready to go, and they were all looking at him eagerly, ready to pounce on him at any time.

Of course, Dai Yueheng's team members were not idle either. Seeing that Chen Zifeng and Dai Yueheng lost in the confrontation one after another, and Dai Yueheng almost followed in the footsteps of Chen Zifeng and was eliminated, Huo Yuhao at the back directly changed his tactics. , and conveyed his thoughts simultaneously through mental detection sharing.

Then, he and Wang Dong were seen walking in tandem, moving quickly behind Ling Luochen. It seemed that they were preparing to upgrade Ling Luochen's ice element martial soul to the ultimate ice level, and then use Ling Luochen's Soul King's The cultivation base created a crushing and controlling force on Ma Xiaotao.

Undoubtedly, Soul King-level Ultimate Ice is very difficult to deal with, and Dai Yunze can't think of any good way to fight against Ultimate Ice. Even if they have Ma Xiaotao here, Ma Xiaotao's Phoenix Flame is not pure yet. A level far inferior to Ultimate Fire cannot suppress Ultimate Ice at all, but will be suppressed by Ultimate Ice. In the original work, Ma Xiaotao suffered a big loss from Ultimate Ice.

If it takes a certain amount of time for Huo Yuhao to help others raise their ice-attribute martial souls to the ultimate level, then Dai Yunze would have enough speed to stop him. But this is not the case. Huo Yuhao's improvement of other people's martial souls is almost instantaneous. He only needs to use the Ice Bi The ultimate power of the Emperor Scorpion can be transferred to others. Therefore, when a dark blue ring of frost appeared on the field and the temperature dropped sharply, even if Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yunze wanted to do something, it was already too late.

And when the extreme chill enveloped the whole place, Dai Yunze suddenly shuddered, and all the emotions above him disappeared at this moment. His reason returned to the upper hand, and he also realized what he had done before, and was currently The situation gave me a headache, and I couldn't help but rub the Jingming point at the corner of my eyes.

Fortunately, the coldness of the Ultimate Ice woke him up, otherwise it would have been completely troublesome if it had caused a greater impact.

It's just that it's not the time to worry about this now, because Ma Xiaotao has already pulled him and started to retreat quickly. Without him, because Dai Yaoheng has already used the White Tiger Meteor Shower with the assistance of mental detection as written in the original work. , imitating the precise strike that Ma Xiaotao had used against them before.

Among the white tiger meteor showers that continued to fall in the sky, a large part rushed towards him and Ma Xiaotao, which was why Ma Xiaotao led him back in a hurry.

No matter how fast Ma Xiaotao was now, she couldn't move faster than the meteor shower falling from the sky, so while leading Dai Yunze back, she used soul skills to destroy all the approaching meteors. Unfortunately, there were so many meteors that Ma Xiaotao couldn't handle them all at once, so two or three "fish that slipped through the net" would rush toward Dai Yunze beside her.

Although this White Tiger Meteor Shower was created by Dai Yueheng, who was at the Soul Emperor level, even though it was only the opponent's fourth soul skill, the power contained in it should not be underestimated. Of course, Dai Yunze did not need to confront these meteors head-on. He just had a thought and used the power of space to change the direction of the meteors that were five meters away from him, allowing them to return to their original path and destroy other meteors following behind. Dai Yunze didn't know how much soul power Dai Yueheng would consume by using this move. Anyway, his soul power consumption was definitely less than that of Dai Yueheng, so he was not afraid of more meteors.

Ma Xiaotao was quite surprised when she saw Dai Yunze's move, so she immediately gave up resisting the incoming meteors and left all the responsibility to Dai Yunze. She just led Dai Yunze back at full speed, intending to leave Ling Luochen's Ring of Ice Glory earlier. scope of influence.

Under the influence of the extreme low temperature around her, the phoenix flame on her body was obviously much weaker. If she hadn't relied on her own strong cultivation to support it, it would have been extinguished.

Dai Yunze's mental detection was always in effect, and he naturally found out one step earlier than Ma Xiaotao that under the dual influence of the Ultimate Ice and the White Tiger Meteor Shower, the other teammates behind them were almost unable to withstand it. Seeing this situation, Dai Yunze sighed softly, and then said to Ma Xiaotao beside him: "We can't go on like this, it's too passive."

Ma Xiaotao said angrily: "You think I don't know? But with the Ultimate Ice at the Soul King level, my Phoenix Flame can't play much of a role. What can I do?" Then she looked at Huo Yuhao across from her fiercely. direction, "It's all Huo Yuhao, let's see how I deal with him later!"

Dai Yunze couldn't help but hold his forehead, shook his head, and said, "Forget it, let's deal with this meteor shower in the sky first." He glanced at Ma Xiaotao, "Use your Phoenix Meteor Shower."

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