So I went to Douluo

Chapter 495 The confrontation is over

Hearing this, Ma Xiaotao couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then guessed Dai Yunze's thoughts and said: "You want me to use the Phoenix Meteor Shower to intercept Dai Yueheng's White Tiger Meteor Shower? That's impossible. To achieve accurate interception, it takes a lot of energy. My mental strength is too much, I haven’t reached that point yet, unless you also..."

Before she could finish her words, she saw Dai Yunze's fourth soul ring flicker, and then he froze.

What Ma Xiaotao didn't finish was "unless you also have the soul skill of spiritual detection", but soul masters with mental attributes are not that common, and it is even more impossible to have the same soul skill as Huo Yuhao.

But feeling the suddenly wider view, Ma Xiaotao was really speechless.

Dai Yunze smiled slightly and said, "I haven't fully introduced myself yet. My martial soul is my eyes, and I am an attack-type soul master with spiritual attributes."

While talking, Dai Yunze's fourth soul skill, Spiritual Invasion, also connected to other people behind him. Suddenly there was a familiar mental detection, and everyone else was stunned. The first thing they looked at was Dai Yunze, who was at the front like Ma Xiaotao.

Although Dai Yunze's mental detection range is not as good as Huo Yuhao's, it is enough to cover the entire range of both parties on the field. Naturally, the trajectory of every meteor flying in the sky is also calculated by the mental detection. Inside.

Next, without Dai Yunze needing to say anything, the last dark soul ring on Ma Xiaotao's body lit up. As a loud phoenix cry sounded on the field, the sky turned into a blazing red, turning the ice blue on the field. They were all forced back a little. The next moment, large swaths of fiery red meteors fell from the sky, hitting every White Tiger meteor shower accurately, and perished together with them. Since Ma Xiaotao releases his soul skills later than Dai Yaoheng, and he has destroyed many White Tiger meteors before, a considerable part of the Phoenix meteor shower is flying towards the rear of the opposite side at this time. Who is the target? It's already obvious.

Ma Xiaotao knows very well that if they still want to win, they must first get rid of the extreme cold that is currently shrouding the field. Otherwise, their fighting power will continue to decline in this biting cold, and they will lose in the end. Although the severe cold that now shrouds the field is Ling Luochen's fault, if Huo Yuhao hadn't helped her improve her martial arts level, Ma Xiaotao wouldn't be afraid of her ice element at all. Therefore, as long as Huo Yuhao can be eliminated, then this Nothing can threaten them in one round.

It is amazing to say that in an elite competition within Shrek Academy, the winner of both sides was decided by only a second-year, second-level soul master from the outer academy. Of course, all this is only under the premise that "this is just a competition." If it is a really desperate battle, Huo Yuhao will most likely be the first one to lose, and Ma Xiaotao will not give him the best performance at all. Opportunities for own strength. After all, the true strength of this flame madman was clearly revealed that day outside Shrek City.

Let’s get back to the battle situation. Dai Yueheng watched his White Tiger Meteor Shower being accurately shot down one by one by Ma Xiaotao, and felt it was really hard to understand. He was able to accurately control the trajectory of each White Tiger meteor shower because of Huo Yuhao's mental detection assistance. But now that Huo Yuhao was clearly on his side, how did Ma Xiaotao do it?

For some reason, Dai Yueheng's eyes fell on Dai Yunze again. Although he was not sure, his intuition told him that it must be related to Dai Yunze. The negative emotions in his heart became more intense, and he seemed to have made up his mind.

On the other side, as the target of most of the Phoenix Meteor Shower, Huo Yuhao remained calm and collected at this time. Although there were many meteors falling towards him, Xu Sanshi was still with him, so there was no need to worry for the time being. Although there is a big gap between Xu Sanshi's current cultivation level and Ma Xiaotao's, and he suffered some losses from Ma Xiaotao's Phoenix Meteor Shower in the first battle, don't forget that there are people near him at this time. Soul King Ling Luochen is already considered the ultimate ice element controller.

I saw the first four soul rings on Ling Luochen's body flashing in sequence, and the staff made of ice crystals in his hand fell towards the sky. He pointed at the phoenix meteor, and the terrifying extreme coldness surged out, layer by layer. The blazing heat contained in the Phoenix Meteor was weakened, and was finally blocked by Xu Sanshi's Xuanming Tortoise Shield.

The Phoenix Meteor, which had been weakened by the Ultimate Ice, no longer had much power, so Xu Sanshi could easily resist it. He was standing in front of Ling Luochen at this time. The Xuanming tortoise shield was big enough to completely cover him, Ling Luochen behind him, and Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong Xiaoxiao and the others. He held the shield with one hand and the other. Putting his hands on his waist, he said in a somewhat naughty tone: "Hehehehe, Sister Xiaotao's Phoenix Meteor Shower isn't that good either. I blocked all of it."

Xiao Xiao, who was standing at the end, couldn't help complaining: "Senior Xu, you were screamed by Senior Xiaotao's Phoenix Meteor Shower in the last game." The implication is how dare you.

Xu Sanshi didn't have any self-awareness: "Not counting the last time, I was injured that time to save my beloved Nannan."

Xiao Xiao said, senior, just be happy, but be careful not to be overheard by senior Xiaotao.

While the two people were chatting together, Ling Luochen, who was the main soul master in the team, was not idle either. With a finger of the ice staff, seven ice prisons were formed above the heads of the seven people on the opposite side, and then fell quickly. Yao Haoxuan and He Caitou, who were slow, were immediately imprisoned by the ice prison. Xixi and Beibei reacted quickly and hid, while Gongyang Mo was able to dodge easily because he was always in flight. Even Ma Xiaotao didn't have time to escape and was imprisoned in the ice prison.

Dai Yunze did not dodge, but teleported out the moment the ice prison imprisoned him. This ordinary method of confinement cannot restrain him at all. What made him feel strange was why Ma Xiaotao failed to dodge. With Ma Xiaotao's reaction speed and her ability to mentally detect the enemy's opportunities, logically speaking, she shouldn't have been hit. But thinking about the plot of the original work, Ma Xiaotao was imprisoned by the ice prison for a long time, and at this time he also fell into the trap of the ice prison. Maybe this is how it should be, which is the so-called world line closing.

Seeing this scene, Dai Yunze also understood that it was time to admit defeat and leave. Otherwise, if he continued, the timeline would probably completely deviate.

But how can we admit defeat without knowing it? After all, before this competition started, Mr. Xuan specifically warned him.

Thinking of this, Dai Yunze put down his raised hand and gave up the idea of ​​teleporting Ma Xiaotao. Then the next moment, he was frozen into an ice sculpture by the ring of ice that followed, unable to move.

There was no suspense in the subsequent battle. At the moment when Dai Yunze deliberately let himself be frozen, his teammates who were still able to move on the field also discovered that the mental detection previously shared with them had disappeared. Without the help of the magical skill of mental detection, and the fact that Ma Xiaotao was temporarily unable to break free from the control of the ice prison, they lost the most powerful sharp knife, and in the end they had no choice but to be defeated one by one by Dai Yueheng and the others.

After the outcome of the battle was determined, Mr. Xuan's figure appeared on the field. After releasing the ultimate ice restraints on Ma Xiaotao, Dai Yunze and others, he announced the victory of Dai Yueheng's team.

"The loser should fulfill his promise." Mr. Xuan looked at the people on Ma Xiaotao's side and said with a smile.

Ma Xiaotao glared at Huo Yuhao fiercely: "Just wait for me. I'm a pig."

Dai Yunze, who had just thawed, shook his arm to relieve the cold stiffness, and then said emotionlessly: "I am a pig."

The remaining people could only shout helplessly.

After shouting, Dai Yunze couldn't help but look in the direction of Mr. Xuan with some anxiety. After all, before the start of the game, Mr. Xuan had specifically warned him. Now that he lost the game, what would Mr. Xuan do to him? Moreover, Mr. Xuan probably didn't realize that he was frozen on purpose, right?

Of course, the anxiety has returned. The result of the current game is still the same as the original, so the timeline should not have been disturbed and deviated. When Dai Yunze thought of this, he felt that even if Mr. Xuan would trouble him later, it would be no big deal to him. .

However, until Mr. Xuan finally announced the disbandment and gathered at the entrance of the college to set off for Xingluo City tomorrow morning, Dai Yunze did not wait for the "good fruit" prepared for him by Mr. Xuan. He didn't feel lucky, he just felt strange. Could someone like Mr. Xuan take back what he said casually? If not, then why didn't Mr. Xuan come to him?

Dai Yunze just felt that something was very wrong. He seemed to have thought of something, but he couldn't see it clearly. In the end, he could only ignore it and return to the dormitory to rest.

After all, he was leaving for Star Luo City tomorrow, which meant that he would soon see the White Tiger Duke again. But this meeting will be different from the past.

Because at that time, Yuhao will also be there.

Thinking of this, Dai Yunze really had a headache and could only let nature take its course.

Perhaps it would be better to explain some things clearly from the beginning.

But if Yuhao knew about the deal he had with the duchess, could he really forgive himself?

No matter how you say it, you must have abandoned him and his mother Huo Yun'er first.

Since there is not much plot left in the competition, if we keep the volume of one chapter at 2,000 words, there will be about a few hundred words left for the next chapter, and the next chapter will not be published until tomorrow. , the author felt that it might affect the perception, so I put all the ending of the confrontation into this chapter, and the final word count was close to 3,000 words.

The author also thought about publishing three chapters today, but the next plot stage was divided again, and the interruption was a bit abrupt, so the author still chose to start the new plot stage in the next chapter, and this chapter is used as a competition. At the end of ", this is definitely not the case where the author feels pain and stress as he sees the sudden drop in the number of saved words if he publishes three chapters. [Lying Corpse]

?  In addition, the author feels that this confrontational competition has not been fully enjoyable. For example, when the author was coding, he thought of adding Gong Yangmo and Yao Haoxuan's soul skills to assist everyone several times, and Beibei and Xixi originally wanted to add them. There was a plot about a confrontation with Dai Yueheng, but I forgot about it soon after I remembered it (t▽t)

?ˆˆ Then when I finished writing it, I thought about it and wanted to add it back but felt it was a bit redundant, so I decided to delete it and not add it. It was too bad.

?   Thank you all little angels for your recommendation votes and monthly support!

?  See you tomorrow~



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