So I went to Douluo

Chapter 80 Eight-man Civil War

After seeing that both parties were ready, the master announced the start.

The moment the master finished speaking, both sides activated their martial souls at the same time, and except for the three auxiliary soul masters, they all rushed towards each other.

Although Tang San has two soul masters here, with Ning Rongrong's assistance, Zhu Zhuqing can definitely be worthy of a soul master.

Although Dai Mubai has three soul masters, neither Oscar nor Tang Liu are good at increasing their numbers. So in terms of overall strength, Tang San's side was stronger.

Flender and Zhao Wuji activated their martial spirits and chased after them after they had rushed a certain distance away. At this time, the two people looked extremely serious and serious. After all, these little guys are the treasures of the academy and cannot lose anything.

Tang San was the first to activate. As a control spirit master, he immediately wrapped his teammates with blue silver grass and launched the meteor hammer tactic.

Then, the first soul skill, entanglement, was launched, targeting Dai Mubai who was rushing at the front.

Dai Mubai's soul power had reached level thirty-eight, so Tang San's first thought was to kill Dai Mubai.

As long as Dai Mubai is eliminated, the remaining Ma Hongjun, Oscar and Tang Liu will not be afraid.

However, how could Tang Liu fail to see Tang San's thoughts, so he immediately attached the first soul skill, Void Spirit Control to Dai Mubai, so that he could directly ignore Tang San's Blue Silver Grass .

After seeing that the blue silver grass could not restrain Dai Mubai, Tang San immediately changed his target of attack. With a flick of the blue silver grass in his hand, he threw Xiao Wu towards Ma Hongjun.

His Blue Silver Grass would be restrained when facing Ma Hongjun's flames, but Zhu Zhuqing had already moved far away at this moment, preparing to cut off Oscar and Tang Liu in the back row, but was stopped by Dai Mubai, who entangled him. Fight.

Therefore, the best choice to deal with Ma Hongjun is naturally Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu, who was falling rapidly from the air towards Ma Hongjun, looked at Ma Hongjun and smiled slightly, and then the second soul ring on her body lit up.

The second soul skill is charm.

Her eyes instantly turned seductive pink and she looked towards Ma Hongjun.

If Ma Hongjun was looking at her, he would be confused and freeze.

But at this moment, a vine was quietly wrapped around Ma Hongjun's left arm, and then he disappeared from the spot.

Seeing Ma Hongjun disappear like that, Xiao Wu was stunned and didn't know who to attack for a moment.

However, there was still a piece of bluesilver grass wrapped around her waist.

She was stunned. Besides, Tang San didn't. The moment he saw Ma Hongjun disappear, he threw a spider web in the direction of Ma Hongjun's disappearance.

He knew very well that the only way to break the invisibility of Tang Liu's virtual spirit was to use range attacks.

So, he sent out a spider web to bind Ma Hongjun where he disappeared.

It doesn't matter even if Ma Hongjun is no longer in his original position, because the spider web will continue to fly towards Tang Liu and Oscar behind him.

Sure enough, the spiderweb shackles passed directly through the place where Ma Hongjun was standing before and flew towards Oscar and Tang Liu.

It was at this time that Tang San discovered that on Dai Mubai's side, Zhu Zhuqing could already attack Dai Mubai, who was originally in a virtual state. Then he became enlightened and understood that Ma Hongjun had just relied on Tang Liu's Void Spirit Control to escape the restraints of his spider web.

So he immediately shouted: "Xiao Wu, continue to attack where the fat man was standing just now, don't let Xiao Liu transfer the control of the virtual spirit to others again!"

After saying this, he pulled Lan Yincao and accelerated Xiao Wu towards the ground.

At this time, it was only two seconds after Ma Hongjun disappeared from the place.

After receiving the instruction, Xiao Wu launched the third soul skill without hesitation, teleported instantly, directly came to the place where Ma Hongjun was standing before, and kicked out with all her strength.

Of course she missed the kick, but it also stopped Tang Liu from daring to use the Void Spirit Control on Dai Mubai again. Because Ma Hongjun is indeed still in the same place, caught in the freezing effect of charm. Moreover, now he and Oscar have to avoid the constraints of the spider web coming towards them.

If the two of them are hit by this skill, the outcome will basically be determined.

"I have a mushroom sausage!"

Oscar started making flying mushroom sausages the moment Ma Hongjun disappeared, and then ate it in one bite. He picked up Tang Liu beside him and flew into the air, narrowly avoiding Tang San's cobweb restraints.

How could Tang Liu not think of things that Tang San could think of.

Therefore, after he applied the control of the ethereal spirit and the concealment of the ethereal spirit to Ma Hongjun, he immediately asked Oscar to start making mushroom sausages so that the two of them could avoid the constraints of the cobwebs.

At this time, Tang San once again launched the entanglement skill on Dai Mubai.

Since Dai Mubai was restrained by Zhu Zhuqing, and Tang Liu did not release the Void Spirit Control on him this time, Dai Mubai was soon entangled into a rice dumpling by the blue silver grass.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing also seized this opportunity and directly stabbed Dai Mubai's chest with his first soul skill, Nether Stab.

In desperation, Dai Mubai immediately released his strongest soul skill, White Tiger King Kong Transformation, but still couldn't break free from Tang San's now extremely tough Blue Silver Grass.

Moreover, the paralyzing poison attached to Tang San's blue silver grass also greatly reduced Dai Mubai's strength, so if he was hit by Zhu Zhuqing like this, he would probably be eliminated immediately.

But at this moment, Tang Liu in the air released his third soul skill, Void Spirit Protection.

The targets were none other than Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, who had just regained his mobility.

95% damage immunity and an additional 60% damage immunity allowed Dai Mubai to withstand Zhu Zhuqing's Netherworld Thorn without any damage.

At the same time, Tang Liu also attached the Void Spirit Control to Dai Mubai again, allowing him to break away from Tang San's blue silver grass and launch a counterattack against Zhu Zhuqing.

On Ma Hongjun's side, he immediately activated his second soul skill, Phoenix in Fire, and then spit out a Phoenix Fire Wire towards Xiao Wu.

Because of the Phoenix on Fire, Ma Hongjun showed his figure.

Although she could see him, Xiao Wu did not dare to fight Ma Hongjun, whose body was burning with flames, so she was temporarily forced back by Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Fire Line.

Xiao Wu immediately wanted to unleash the second soul skill Charm on Ma Hongjun again. But at this moment, Ma Hongjun disappeared from the spot again, and even the flames emanating from his body also disappeared.

Tang San and Xiao Wu were both shocked.

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