So I went to Douluo

Chapter 81 Results after Deep Meditation

In the sky, Tang Liu smiled slightly, and the originally shining light of the second soul ring slowly dimmed.

It was because of his control over the concealment effect of Void Spirit after opening up the Sea of ​​Spirits that he could now directly hide three units whose energy emitted did not exceed level 40.

Outside the field, the grandmaster who had been paying attention to the game brightened up and glanced at Tang Liu in the air, a hint of relief flashed across his expression.

Although Tang San and Xiao Wu were shocked that Ma Hongjun disappeared with fire, their reaction was not slow.

Seeing that he could no longer attack Ma Hongjun, Tang San immediately asked Xiao Wu to change his target.

Teammate Tang San sent a message: Xiao Wu, you go and cut the back row!

Xiao Wu: Got it!

The third soul skill, teleportation is activated!

Xiao Wu's figure instantly appeared five meters away, and then tapped her toes on the ground. Her body was full of amazing elasticity and explosive power. After a few ups and downs, she was close to Tang Liu and Oscar, and then she jumped high and used her second soul skill. He used Charm and looked at Tang Liu and Oscar.

At this time, Dai Mubai was entangled by Zhu Zhuqing and unable to come back for help, and Ma Hongjun didn't know what he was doing now.

Seeing it, Tang Liu and Oscar were about to be eliminated.

"Tang San, out!"

The master's shout reached everyone's ears in an instant, causing everyone present to be stunned, and then subconsciously looked towards where Tang San was.

At this moment, Tang San's bluesilver grass that was originally spread all over the field was actually burned to ashes by the flames. Some of the bluesilver grass that was lucky enough to not be burned out even had purple-red flames burning on it.

Looking at Tang San again, he looked helpless, with a bit of a wry smile on his face as he was caught in the air by Flanders.

what happened?

Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong all had question marks on their faces.

Why was Tang San eliminated?

"Sister Xiao Wu, goodbye." Tang Liu laughed as he looked at Xiao Wu, who kept approaching them with a look of astonishment on his face, his eyes shining with the purple devil eyes.

Then, the second soul skill shone brightly, and the Void Spirit Hide instantly attached itself to himself and Oscar. Immediately afterwards, Oscar took Tang Liu and flew quickly, avoiding Xiao Wu's attack range.

So how did Tang San get out? It was naturally Ma Hongjun's credit.

Tang San's attention basically stayed on Xiao Wu and Tang Liu, so he temporarily ignored Ma Hongjun in the hidden state.

Because, subconsciously, he believed that if Ma Hongjun wanted to attack him, he would definitely show his body, giving him enough time to react and avoid it.

However, what he didn't expect was that when Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Fire Line was almost in front of him and the bluesilver grass around him began to show signs of withering, he realized something was wrong.

But now it's too late to avoid it.

Therefore, he was saved by Flanders, who had been paying attention to the battle situation.

After Tang Liu opened up the sea of ​​spirit, his total amount of spiritual power also increased, and it was already infinitely close to that of an ordinary soul saint.

Fortunately, Flanders and Zhao Wuji are veteran soul saints with stronger mental power than him. Otherwise, even they couldn't see through Tang Liu's ethereal spirit. Then, Tang San would be defeated by Ma Hongjun's almost full strength. Phoenix FireWire was seriously injured in one blow.

"Teacher, when did Xiaoliu's Void Spirit Hide become able to hide even his soul skills?" Tang San, who was sent to the master by Flanders, immediately began to ask.

The master smiled slightly, patted his shoulder, and said: "This is the result of Xiao Liu's deep meditation. Take a good look, he will probably perform even more amazing things later."

"Later?" Tang San looked at the game that was almost over, feeling a little confused.

Without Tang San, the battle situation suddenly became much easier for Tang Liu and his team.

After killing Tang San, Ma Hongjun, who was in a hidden state, rushed towards Ning Rongrong non-stop, and sprayed out another phoenix line of fire, knocking Ning Rongrong out of the game.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing was being restrained by Dai Mubai, and Xiao Wu was too far away from Ning Rongrong and had no time to rescue him.

Therefore, Ning Rongrong was also rescued by Flanders and eliminated.

Then, Ma Hongjun went to join Dai Mubai and defeated Zhu Zhuqing together with Dai Mubai. In the end, Xiao Wu was the only one left in Tang San's team.

It was time for Oscar to eat the second flying mushroom sausage. He led Tang Liufei behind Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun and showed his figure.

Tang Liu also released Ma Hongjun's virtual spirit concealment by the way, so that Oscar could restore the big sausage for him. Then he looked at Xiao Wu and said, "Sister Xiao Wu, do you want to continue?"

Xiao Wu snorted dissatisfied and said, "Why continue? I don't want to be tortured. I give up."

She knew very well that she alone would never be able to defeat Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

Tang Liu high-fived Oscar beside him and cheered.

"Xiao Liu, I didn't expect your support ability to become so powerful." Ma Hongjun looked at Tang Liu and said with a smile.

After all, it can be said that his surprise just now determined the trend of the entire battle. That kind of attack that gives people no time to react without anyone noticing at all feels really good.

"Oh, after all, I paid for it by not having food for three months. Of course I have to work harder." Tang Liu waved his hand and said with a smile.

At this time, the master also came over with Tang San, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, and said: "Okay, now that the competition is over, let me talk about your shortcomings."

Hearing this, the eight people quickly lined up in a row and looked at the master seriously for a second.

"First of all, it's Tang San. Without understanding Tang Liu's true strength, he carelessly underestimated the enemy, which resulted in him being eliminated by Ma Hongjun in a single glance. In the end, it directly led to the failure of your team. If it were on the battlefield, as the captain , if you make such a mistake, it will definitely lead to the destruction of your team."

"Yes, teacher." Hearing this, Tang San lowered his head in shame.

The master nodded slightly, then looked at Xiao Wu and said: "The second one is you, Xiao Wu. When you were approaching Tang Liu and Oscar, you could obviously quickly knock them out, or at least eliminate one of them. But you... Tang San was stunned when he was eliminated, giving Tang Liu and Oscar a chance to escape.

"If you had ignored Tang Liu or Oscar and continued to attack Tang Liu or Oscar, there would have been a great chance of taking them both away. Then, Ma Hongjun would naturally not have such a big advantage anymore. With your speed and instant If we move, we can definitely stop him before he attacks Ning Rongrong."

"Master, I know I was wrong." Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue and said embarrassedly.

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