So I went to Douluo

Chapter 94 Turning Point, Silvis City

Tang Liu's figure didn't change much, but his height grew to about 1.5 meters. But compared to guys like the Shrek Seven Devils, he is still an out-and-out dwarf.

After that, the two went to the cafeteria to eat together, and then Tang San gave everyone a Flying Divine Claw and demonstrated how to use it.

A few days later, it was time to set off for Tiandou City.

Given how stingy Flanders was, of course he would not prepare a carriage for them, so everyone had to rely on their feet to get on their way.

Flanders took the master, and Zhao Wuki took Shao Xin. The rest of them ran at full speed behind them. In just one day, they ran 400 kilometers and completed one-fifth of the entire distance, which can be said to be very strong.

Finally, Flanders took them to live in a small town.

The only hotel in the town was a bit crude, but it was still barely able to accommodate people.

However, Flanders only needed three rooms, one for the teacher and one for the male and female students. It can be said that his stingy talent was perfectly displayed.

As soon as he entered the room, Oscar shouted that he was tired and threw himself on the bed like a salted fish.

Indeed, as an auxiliary soul master, and he had to constantly make mushroom sausages for everyone along the way, his soul power was really consumed.

"Otherwise, I'll use the conveyor belt for you to walk together tomorrow." Tang Liu consumed the least soul power among the few, because he had been using the Haolan Teleportation of the third martial spirit to rush on his way.

Since he always controlled the distance within a hundred meters, the consumption of soul power and physical strength was very small.

A whole day, a distance of four hundred kilometers, only consumed about one and a half percent of his soul power.

After all, after compressing the soul power twice, the consumption of the innate first-level soul power is simply a drop of water.

Originally, he wanted to take everyone with him today, but the Seven Devils insisted on trying it by themselves, so they were exhausted.

"Okay, I'll rely on you tomorrow, Xiaoliu. Anyway, the dean is just taking us to a sparsely populated area, and he's not afraid that the color of your soul ring will be exposed." Oscar was the first to say.

"I'm not worried about this. Even if there are many people, I can just stay invisible." Tang Liu smiled.

At this time, Xiao Wu came to see Tang San, so Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang Liu and Ma Hongjun heard the conversation between Tang San and Xiao Wu in the room, all with ambiguous faces.

When Tang San came in, several people looked at him with half-smiling expressions on their faces.

"Brother, my legs are so sore, why don't you rub them for me too?" Tang Liu said with a smile, looking at Tang San.

"Come on. You haven't run much today, why do you feel your legs are sore?" Tang San rolled his eyes at him, then looked at the others, "Why are you eavesdropping?"

"Hey, hey, third brother, it's not that we want to eavesdrop, but the sound insulation effect here is really not very good." Ma Hongjun said.

"Xiao San, you have to work hard. Xiao Wu is a rare beauty. If you have quick hands, you will have slow hands." Dai Mubai said with a smile.

"That's right, brother, if you don't wake up, I'm going to die of anxiety." Tang Liu also said.

"But Xiao Wu and I are brother and sister." Tang San was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, yes, they are brother and sister. We all know brother and sister." Oscar said with a lewd smile.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore and get some rest quickly. Don't want to rush tomorrow?" Tang San glared at the three of them and said.

The next day, everyone continued on their way, and at dusk that day, they arrived at Silvis City, the capital of the Silvis Kingdom, which bordered the Barak Kingdom.

And to everyone's surprise, Flanders actually invited everyone to stay in an expensive hotel.

Of course, this comes at a cost. That means everyone from Shrek is going to the Silvis City Spirit Arena to participate in a team spirit fight.

It was at this time that Tang Liu suddenly remembered that today seemed to be the day when the master allowed the seven monsters to adapt to killing, and his expression instantly turned pale.

Although when he obtained the first soul ring, he also killed a civet cat with his own hands.

Although it is also a life, if it were a person, I don't know what would happen.

Maybe it’s a psychological effect, maybe it’s because of my own kind, or maybe it’s the innate superiority of human beings that is at work...

In short, the feeling is completely different.

Growing up in a legal environment, Tang Liu couldn't help but ask himself, was he really mentally prepared to kill someone?

Do you really have the guts to kill someone?

Can I accept the feeling after that?

Can you still keep your heart and soul after killing someone?

Although in the original work, the master specially selected a team for the seven monsters that deserved to die, could he really be free of any psychological burden?

What's more, this was a situation where he knew what was going to happen in advance, so he suddenly felt more uneasy and hesitant.

Confused, confused, hesitant, helpless.

what do I do?

Tang Liu followed everyone to the Great Soul Fighting Arena in Silvis City in a daze.

It was at this time that Tang San and the master almost discovered something was wrong with Tang Liu.

The reason why they discovered it now was because it was only after Tang Liu entered the spirit fighting arena that he suddenly remembered the purpose of the master bringing them here this time.

"Xiao Liu, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Tang San walked to his brother's side and asked with concern.

"Xiao Liu, is there any problem?" The master frowned and looked at his newly recognized nephew, with concern in his tone.

Today's spirit fight is a very important lesson for children like them. If Xiaoliu is absent at this time, he doesn't know when he will have the chance.

However, if Xiaoliu was really uncomfortable, he would not allow him to participate in the game.

After hearing the voices of Tang San and Grandmaster outside, Tang Liu finally regained some of his energy, and then glanced at his worried brother beside him, and then at his concerned uncle in front of him.

In an instant, he made a decision in his heart.

He can't choose to be weak just because he has a family.

This time, he has to rely on himself just like in his previous life.

"I'm fine. Maybe I'm a little weak from using Hao Lan spells today." Tang Liu forced a smile and said.

"Can you still participate in the spirit fight? If not, I will ask Flender to take you back to rest first." The master said.

Tang Liu smiled faintly, his eyes full of determination, "I can do it." It must be possible.

The master frowned and finally nodded.

The eight members of the Shrek Monster Group put on the masks that shocked them in the Soto City Great Soul Fighting Arena, and then walked towards the registration office under the leadership of Flanders and Master.

Flender went to help Shrek's eight people sign up for a team battle, but was told that there was no team with the same strength as the eight people. Unless you challenge beyond the level.

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