So I went to Douluo

Chapter 95 For me to no longer be alone in this life

Flanders was about to refuse, but the master came over at this time, chose to challenge beyond the level, and convinced Flanders.

When the master asked for a team of eight people with a particularly ferocious playing style, the staff told him that there were only three teams of seven people that met the requirements.

Just when the master was thinking about forgetting it this time, Tang Liu came over and said to the staff: "Then choose the Fierce God Team and the Rakshasa Team. Let my brother and the seven of them challenge the Fierce God Team. I Go fight that Rakshasa team alone."

The staff member was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the master next to him.

"Xiao Liu, what are you talking about? Do you want to defeat the Seven Soul Sects by yourself?" The master's tone was a little surprised and a little angry, and his eyes kept flickering as he looked at Tang Liu.

But when he saw Tang Liu's gaze, all the emotions in his heart seemed to be extinguished by a basin of cold water.

Tang Liu looked directly into the master's eyes and said calmly: "Uncle, just believe me. Besides, this is an extremely important lesson, isn't it?"

Seeing the firmness and determination in his eyes, the master didn't know why, but he unexpectedly agreed, "In everything, save your life as the priority, otherwise I won't be able to explain to your father."

"Okay." Tang Liu nodded heavily.

"Are you sure that you want to challenge the seven members of the Rakshasa team alone?" I can't help but feel a little stunned now because of the excellent work quality of the staff.

"Sure, let me arrange it." Tang Liu handed his Silver Fighting Soul Badge to the staff and said calmly.

After registering with difficulty, the staff returned the badge to Tang Liu, "You can prepare now. Your match will be after the Shrek Seven Monsters vs. Fierce God Team."

"Okay." Tang Liu nodded, then turned and left, heading towards the preparation room.

"Xiao Liu..." Tang San pulled Tang Liu back, his expression showing worry, anger and confusion.

"Brother, if you still think of me as your brother, don't stop me." Tang Liu looked at him, his eyes already filled with indifference.

Tang San was immediately speechless and looked at Tang Liu with a complicated expression. After a long while, he said, "If you dare to do something wrong, I will never forgive you!"

Tang Liu smiled slightly, patted Tang San's arm, and then walked towards the betting area.

"The match between the Spirit Emperor's Heavenly Technique and the Rakshasa Team costs 9,790 gold soul coins. I will win by pressing the Spirit Emperor's Heavenly Technique." Tang Liu looked at the staff and took out all the gold soul coins from the bracelet on his left hand.

Tang Hao gave him a total of ten thousand gold soul coins at the beginning, and he spent a total of two hundred and ten gold soul coins to pay tuition and registration fees at Shrek Academy.

put all one's eggs in one basket.

Tang Liu touched the lines on the bracelet with his right hand and watched the staff registering with a solemn gaze, not knowing what he was thinking.

After the staff completed the registration, he walked towards the preparation room without stopping.

The master kept watching Tang Liu's figure disappear, and then turned to look at the Shrek Seven Devils, "Okay, you don't have to worry about Xiao Liu, his cultivation level is also Soul Sect. Now, you can also prepare. It’s a competition, and this time, I allow you to use the hidden weapon made by Xiao San.”

As expected, the Shrek Seven Monsters used the Zhuge Divine Crossbow and killed seven members of the Fierce God Team in one encounter.

Except for Dai Mubai, Tang San and Xiao Wu, the other four people immediately rushed out of the spirit fighting arena, lifted their masks and vomited out.

After letting the host declare victory, Xiao Wu, who came out hand in hand with Tang San, also vomited out instantly.

In the end, only Dai Mubai and Tang San were left holding on.

"Boss Dai, take care of everyone, I'm going to see Xiao Liu." Tang San said to Dai Mubai, his eyes full of worry. Although he didn't feel good at the moment, there was still his brother's game, and he had to rush to watch it to prevent anything unexpected from happening.

"Brother, let's go together." Xiao Wu looked at Tang San and no longer vomited at this moment.

"Yes, let's go together." Oscar straightened up at this time, but soon he started vomiting again, "No, you better go first, I may still vomit for a while."

"As a soul master, killing is a problem that you have to face sooner or later. Everything in front of you is also a difficulty that you must overcome. Since you have to face it sooner or later, then it is better to do it earlier than when you may have to face it. It is much better to vomit on the battlefield. Otherwise, you will have the same fate as the seven people before you."

The master came over at this time and looked at everyone calmly, "If you feel better, come over and watch Xiaoliu's game. If you can't hold on, let Teacher Zhao take you back to the hotel first."

Tang San was the first to walk back into the spirit fighting arena, with Xiao Wu following closely behind him.

After Dai Mubai saw that Zhu Zhuqing was feeling better, he and Zhu Zhuqing returned to the spirit fighting arena.

Finally, Oscar, Ma Hongjun and Ning Rongrong returned to the spirit fighting arena together.

The master looked at these pale but determined children and was a little moved. Immediately, he quickly returned to the spirit fighting arena because he was also worried about Tang Liu.

"What is going to happen next may be the most exciting and fiercest match tonight. It may also be the fastest and most brutal soul fighting.

“This is the second jump challenge tonight, and it is the one with the biggest disparity in strength between the two sides.

"The two sides fighting are the Rakshasa team, whose seven members are all Soul Sect members, and the Spirit Emperor Tianshu team, which only has Soul Sect members.

"Yes, that's right. This is a soul fighting competition in which one person challenges an entire team."

The noise from the audience was like thousands of flies flying in my ears. Somehow, he suddenly felt sick.

What makes you sick?

He thought silently.

It must be the enemy's body that is about to spit out blood.

It must be their heads that will be severed.

It's their lives that will soon pass away.

The picture in front of me is probably the future that will happen.

What makes you sick?

Is it my body that is about to spurt out blood?

Is it my head that is about to be cut open?

Is it my life that is about to disappear?

A picture that I dare not imagine, could it be the future that is about to happen?

Why is it disgusting?

There was the sound of flies flying in my ears again.

Unconsciously, he was walking in the entrance passage.

Is this long, narrow, square space with its gray and lifeless brick walls a tomb for corpses?

Or a corridor for transporting corpses?

Who is the body that is about to be transported?

he does not know.

But he let go of the black bracelet that had been holding tightly on his wrist.

Anyway, it can’t be me.

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