So I went to Douluo

Chapter 975 The fourth doll!

His thinking time could not last long because the ethereal female voice sounded again.

"I told you, I warned you."

After that, Chen Fei looked at the surveillance screen in front of him in shock, and it once again transformed into that weird and flashing face.

At the same time, under the fierce flash of light, the sound of running appeared outside the left door.

The ethereal female voice also came from outside the door.

"Why don't you listen to me?"

At this second, Chen Fei's body reacted faster than his brain. He immediately rushed over, closed the left door, and affixed the talisman.

"You should learn to listen to others' advice."

Chen Fei didn't hear any feedback at all, and the footsteps appeared at the right door again. He didn't have time to think too much, he rushed over immediately, closed the door and put the talisman on it.

Footsteps immediately appeared again on the left, and Chen Fei's face was full of horror.

But just as he rushed to the left door and was about to close the door, the footsteps came to the right door again.

"You're doing useless work, I told you."

Chen Fei twisted his body abruptly and closed the right door when the voice seemed to be heard right in front of him.

His heart suddenly beat like thunder!


The footsteps disappeared.

Chen Fei didn't dare to relax, and his almost blank brain was thinking about everything that happened now.

So, the game has probably entered the second stage now? The fourth puppet comes into play in person and drives away the other three puppets?

It should be like this.

As soon as the fourth doll appeared, all surveillance was disabled, eliminating the possibility of finding her traces through surveillance, and she could only rely on hearing to determine her location.

And her speed was very fast. Just like before, she almost teleported from the left to the right immediately. If he had been slower, he would have lost just now!

The fourth puppet has too little information, and there are no more opportunities for him to try and make mistakes. Now he can truly complete the game completely on his own.

Chen Fei was fortunate that his hearing was pretty good, and the sound effects of the game were quite obvious.

In short, the fourth doll still attacks from the left and right doors. It can be defended by closing the door and affixing talismans, and it doesn't seem to stop at the door?

As for the front surveillance cameras, they now all have the face of the fourth doll. Since the last time he saw the face of the fourth puppet in the surveillance camera, Chen Fei was jumped killed. Chen Fei was not sure whether he would encounter the same result this time. He could only try to control his eyes and not look at the surveillance camera in front of him, at least not to follow him. The faces in the surveillance camera met their gazes.


"Guess where I am?"

Chen Fei froze when he heard the sound that sounded directly in the room this time.

I was really afraid of what would come, and sure enough, the fourth puppet could also launch an attack from inside the control room.

I just don’t know, is she in the mirror or in the closet now?

If it were in the mirror, would she be like Li Hun, who would jump to death at the first glance?

What should I do? Which direction did the sound come from just now, the right or the left?

Chen Fei was in a panic, but there was not enough time for him to think now. If he slowed down, he would be jumped killed immediately.

But the more I thought about it, the more nervous I became, and the more nervous I became, the less sure I was from which direction the sound just came.

But he couldn't wait, and he definitely couldn't just sit there and wait for death.

So he immediately closed his eyes and turned around, confirming the direction of the mirror in his mind, and then

He immediately threw out the magic talisman in his hand, and immediately grabbed another talisman, rushed to the closet, and stuck the remaining talisman on it, and then he dared to open his eyes and take a big breath.

As he rushed out, he also heard a "dang" sound, which was the sound of the magic talisman colliding with the mirror.

Hit! And I didn’t hear the sound of the magic talisman falling to the ground. It must have been absorbed by the mirror.

The wardrobe and mirror were guarded at the same time, and the sound of running was heard outside the door, so Chen Fei dared to turn around and look at the mirror.

But he didn't dare to look any further. After rushing over to take away the magic talisman, he ran to the door where the footsteps came from and continued to defend.

"Just lucky."

The voice of the fourth doll sounded.



Chen Fei was still frightened, but he also admitted that the fourth doll's words fit the situation.

If the first magic talisman failed to hit the mirror just now, and the fourth puppet was in the mirror, then he would either send it directly, or immediately throw the remaining magic talisman over and bet on whether the throw could be accurate.

But with any choice, the possibility of failure is too high.

Fortunately, I have some cultivation and strong body functions, and I can find the correct direction and angle by relying on memory in such a short period of time.

Fortunately, I was lucky. The fourth doll should have appeared in the mirror just now, so I had to watch the mirror first.

Because he didn't know the mechanism of the fourth puppet, Chen Fei worked hard and didn't dare to be distracted in case he couldn't tell the direction of the fourth puppet like before.

When the fourth puppet's voice sounded in the room, as long as he was sure it was on the other side of the mirror, he replicated what he did this time and threw the talisman directly with his eyes closed.

If the jumpscare in the mirror can't look at each other like Li Hun, then he is safe.

If he needs to stick a charm to block it, then he is safe.

If he couldn't look at each other and still had to stick the talisman, then he just accidentally found a correct way to deal with it.

Just trying to hit with your eyes closed requires sufficient accuracy, and it is not difficult to do this with the cultivation level, not to mention that in such a small room, the success rate is close to 100%.

Chen Fei was so steady with a little bit of waves, watching him deal with the fourth puppet with ease but in a hurry, and he became numb in the end.

Especially listening to the ethereal and strange, yet somewhat aggressive voice of the fourth doll.

"Why? Why don't you give up?"

"What are you insisting on?"

"What's the point of doing this now? Why didn't you show up earlier?!"

"Why not earlier?"

Chen Fei had a dull face, and no matter what the fourth puppet said, he would always respond with "Ah, yes, yes, yes" in his heart.

He didn't know how long this situation lasted, but it seemed like everything came to an abrupt end in the next second.

"I hope you won't regret today"

Then everything ended in the fourth doll's ethereal sigh.

All abnormalities in the monitoring room disappeared.

The lights returned to normal, and the monitoring screen also returned to normal. Only the words "Congratulations on perfect clearance" and "Please return the game props" flashed on it.

The game ended so suddenly. Chen Fei was not prepared at all. His body still maintained a half-bow alert posture, and he was still a little confused.

He looked at the flashing "Congratulations on perfect clearance" on the monitoring screen, and it took him a long time before he dared to speak out.

"Is this a passing test?"

He seemed a little unbelievable and stayed there for a long time.

Then I remembered to open my own live broadcast room and looked at the scenes of "Complete the level!" 】The barrage finally came to his senses.

A strong sense of satisfaction and relief rushed through his body, making his legs weak.

Chen Fei put his hands on the operating table, and his body seemed to be tired only now. He gasped for air, eyes fixed on the live broadcast room.


He laughed slowly.

"Yes, we passed the level, we did it!"

The barrage was filled with cheers, and he straightened up and raised his hands in the air, echoing Wuhu twice.

Then he was immediately tired and held his body up again.

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