So I went to Douluo

Chapter 976 What is the plot of the game? (5000)

Chapter 976 What is the plot of the game...? (5000+)

He gasped and sighed: "It's really not easy! I really can't play this game without some physical fitness. Let me rest for a while."

While Chen Fei was adjusting his breathing, he was also scrolling through the barrage. He saw someone asking him what the story of this game was, and whether the game was just adapted from the case, or whether it had a deeper connection with the case.

So he replied: "Although the process of clearing the game just now was a bit confusing, I still got the information I wanted. I will tell you as briefly as possible now."

Chen Fei pondered for a moment: "It is known that the prototype of the horror house we are in now is the one in the abandoned western suburbs paradise in Aolai City. It is not a brand-new horror house with a related name and the content of that case. House. This can be confirmed from what the previous staff member said.

"But the difference is that the layout of this horror house is completely different from the one in Aolai City. I have seen the layout of the horror house in Aolai City, and it is different from the structure shown on the map we have. Same. I saved the picture so you can compare."

Chen Fei called up the picture he had found before from his mind, put it together with the horror house map and play manual in his hand, and showed it to the audience in the live broadcast room.

After a pause, he continued: "At first, we didn't connect the two horror houses together, we just thought they had the same name. Until the fourth doll appeared.

"After the fourth doll appeared, the dolls no longer just meant enemies, but had real prototypes, namely the four victims many years ago.

"Then the question arises, if the dolls were the victims back then, how did they reappear here when their bodies had been taken away?

"Did someone bring back their bodies, or...the dolls actually refer to their souls?

"Thus, according to the instructions of the announcement at the beginning of the game, we who helped it stop the victims, what position are we standing on at this time?

"I have said before that under our inertial thinking, we were misled by the radio and became accomplices. So how did I determine that the radio might be the "murderer"?

"Because the broadcast itself said that the goal of the victims was to destroy the system of the horror house, not to harm us. But we still chose to stop the puppets because of inertial thinking and to clear the game.

"Of course, this is a game after all. Whether it's the changes in the venue, the jumpscares of the puppets, or our behavior of beating the game to resist the puppets, they are actually just catering to the needs of the game settings. What we want to explore is just the requirements of this game. Tell us the story.

"Before the fourth doll appeared, I was only interested in the unique and novel mechanics of this game. But after the fourth doll appeared, the "plot" of this game also began to attract me. Especially after I just finished the "inner version" of this game.

"So, the victims tried every means to enter the surveillance room, but the broadcaster tried every means to prevent them from entering the surveillance room. What was this for? What were the motives of both parties?

"We can put ourselves in our shoes and think about it. As victims, what might we want most? The high probability is that the murderer will be punished. It would be best to send him in, right?

"So what about the murderer? What is the murderer afraid of? Is he afraid of the revenge of the victims' souls? But there is no "murderer" in the monitoring room, only us.

"Or is there something in the surveillance room that the murderer is afraid of being found by the victims? For example...evidence, evidence of his murder?"

[Yes, this is the monitoring room! The victims were all killed in the house of horror, so the surveillance camera must have captured the true face of the murderer and the entire process of his murder! 】

[There is surveillance video of the entire horror house in the monitoring room. The video is the evidence! So the murderer was afraid that the souls of his victims would find evidence and report him? 】

[Bold guess, maybe the murderer could always see what was going on in the monitoring room. Didn't the anchor hear some noise before he walked into the monitoring room? Maybe the victims were looking for evidence, or the murderer made deliberate noise to attract the anchor after seeing the anchor from the surveillance room.

[After the anchor is attracted into the monitoring room, then he misleads the anchor through the broadcast and asks the anchor to help him fend off the victims and prevent them from getting the evidence hidden in the monitoring room? 】

Chen Fei had been paying attention to the barrage. When he saw someone saying this, he nodded and smiled: "That's a good guess. I thought so too."

He continued: "In short, entering the plot, now we are not players who come to play "Six Points of Terror in the Surveillance Room", but tourists who come to visit the horror house in the western suburbs.

"Suppose we have been trapped in the control room, struggling with the dolls. We thought that the simulation doll props in the horror house were really affected by the virus and went crazy. In order to save our lives, we did not dare to let any doll in. Until ——

"It wasn't until the fourth doll appeared that we finally realized from a quantitative perspective that the so-called simulation dolls were not actually simulation dolls, but the owners of the four corpses found in the house of horror!

"——This is similar to what we actually experienced. It was only after the fourth doll appeared that we realized that the doll was associated with the victim.

“Because we heard from the staff of the House of Horrors earlier that four corpses had been found in the House of Horrors, we were keenly aware that those outside the door were actually the four victims.

"How will we react at this time, fear, fear, annoyance? Then, what will happen when we learn that we have been deceived? Will we let the victims in? But will the souls of the victims hurt us?"

Chen Fei shook his head: "We don't know, and we can't guess. Because that is the choice that "tourists" have to make, and we are just players. For things that are not stated explicitly in the game, we can only rely on speculation, but we cannot There are accurate answers.

"Unfortunately, this game obviously did not explain this, and judging from the superficial results, the murderer should have won. Because the broadcast asked us to persist for six minutes, and the system successfully restarted after six minutes, it may mean that the murderer has passed on the evidence Cleared”

【Ah, how could this happen...】

[No wonder the anchor said that we have become accomplices. Zhuo, when I thought that this was adapted from that case, I became emo. 】

[No, I don’t accept the bad ending where the murderer wins. There must be a good ending, right? Is the version we just cleared a happy ending? 】

Chen Fei naturally saw the barrage, nodded lightly and said: "Judging from the results, this game does have multiple endings. As for the version we just cleared... I don't know what the ending is, because everything It's all too obscure.

"But based on the voices of the puppets, I have two guesses." He opened another window, intercepted the live broadcast video, and rewind to the beginning of the inner version, "The first one is that we should play the inner version. It was the murderer himself.

"The evidence is the voice of the bride, and part of the voice of the fourth doll. The bride has been saying that she wants to find and kill us, especially after the fourth doll appeared.

"But because the bride's voice also showed hostility towards us in the outside world, which is contrary to the previous speculation. Therefore, this piece of evidence is not sufficient.

"However, the voice of the fourth doll clearly mentioned revenge and said that our struggle is in vain. From this point of view, we are most likely playing the murderer.

“If we are indeed playing the murderer himself in the original version, the ending should be that he is revenged by the souls of the victims and dies here.

"There is no doubt about this. After all, the fourth doll is very weird. Two magic talismans may not be able to defend her, not to mention the other ones are not simple. If the murderer has multiple magic talismans, then it is a different matter.

"As for why the murderer appeared in this monitoring room, maybe he came here personally to destroy the evidence, and then happened to encounter the soul stranded here."

He took a breath.

"The second guess is that we still represent tourists, and this inner version is also directly followed by the outer version. We realized that we were cheated, but we got help from the fourth doll.

"I know you will be wondering why the fourth doll would help us when he is clearly an enemy of Li Guan. Looking at these few voices, it can be proved that the fourth doll is actually friendly.

"At the beginning, the fourth doll said, "I warned you." What did she warn you about? It's the message hidden inside when the game interface changes, "Are you sure you want to continue?"

"What does this continue refer to? Does it refer to us players continuing to play this game, or... does it refer to the fact that the "tourists" are tracking down the murderer?

"The fourth doll warned us not to continue. Is it warning the "tourists" not to continue tracking the murderer, otherwise... they will be killed by the murderer? "

Chen Fei dragged the progress bar.

"At the beginning, the fourth doll immediately said, "They will kill you." I don't know if it was a man or a woman, so I don't know if she was talking about the murderer or something else. Three victims.

"Judging from the number, you would first think that it refers to the other three, right? After all, there is the word "men" in it. But what if there is more than one murderer?

"In short, the "tourists" we played did not listen to the fourth doll's advice, which made the fourth doll very helpless and expressed its hope that we would listen to it many times.

"The fourth doll also showed anger, because she asked why we didn't show up earlier. Perhaps she was telling the "tourists" that showing up earlier could have saved them from the murderer, but if we came now, not only would we be The possibility of helping them is slim, and there is a possibility that he might be involved as well.

"As for the final outcome of the "tourists"..."

Chen Fei pursed his lips.

"I don't know, maybe he succeeded, the murderer was punished, and the victim was freed. Maybe he failed and became a new victim, wandering here with the fourth doll and the others.

"The current information can only roughly surmise these conclusions. After all, this game has no text support, so it is difficult to verify. But overall, the plot is pretty good. It is an open-ended game. Different people can have different opinions. .

"In my opinion, this game is quite innovative in its adaptation of the real-life case. It can be regarded if line if the murderer is not caught?"

As Chen Fei talked, he fell into his own thoughts.

Because, he actually had another guess that he didn't say out loud.

This guess was the one he felt was the most likely, and even his intuition was right.

But...he didn't dare to say it.

At least, it cannot be said directly in the live broadcast room.

The general content of this guess is... He felt that some of the words of the fourth doll, and even the other three dolls, were meant for him.

Either he is the "tourist" in the game, or he is the player in reality.

This guess can be said to be a combination of all the previous guesses, as well as the current general background of the entire game.

Don't forget that it's a national memorial ceremony. The National Preceptor said from the beginning that he hoped they could "reminisce about the past" here.

If, he means if...if there really are those "dead people" in this national memorial venue...

So these four dolls...maybe they really represent the souls of the four victims?

He was referring to...the real souls of the four victims.



If this is the case, then what is this game about?

If the souls of the four victims are still lingering, if the real murderer is still at large, if someone really discovers this and goes to investigate.

If he were to investigate on his own...

So can those voices of the doll be considered as hints to him?

The voice of the fourth doll, asking why he didn't show up earlier, is questioning the "tourist" who helped him in the game plot.

Still questioning a more abstract concept, referring to all the people who want to help them afterwards.

For example, he is Chen Fei.

He actually had such an idea earlier.

The moment the fourth doll appeared.

Her appearance was very sudden, but it was such a coincidence that it reminded him of the murder ten years ago when he was confused.

It was also the ultimate purpose of his trip.

What a coincidence.

Just by relying on such a game project, he immediately began to wonder if there might be another hidden secret in the case ten years ago.

If there is really something that has not been discovered, will there be any clues here?

In other words, will there be any clues about the horror house in the western suburbs of Aolai City...?

Of course, the premise of all this is that this national ceremony venue is not a joke made by the national master. Every place here does have hidden mysteries.

For example, like this "Six Points in the Surveillance Room", a game that connects to other real-life cases, or something else.

For example, there may be "dead people".

Of course, it is possible that everything is just wishful thinking on his part. After all, his guess is unfounded, and such a large venue may not be the sole responsibility of the National Preceptor.

Maybe this "Six Points of Shock in the Monitoring Room" happens to be a staff member of a certain Vientiane Palace. He happened to remember this case and thought it fit the theme of this year's National Memorial Day, so he slightly adapted it and made a game plan and handed it to the Master. , hoping to be selected to be part of the national festival.

But if it's true...

Chen Fei is super confused now.

Finally, he sighed and stopped his chaotic thoughts.

Forget it, if it's true, this is something he can't control and can't get involved in.

Think about that case. There was such a big movement. If there is still a murderer on the loose, or is it the real murderer, how awesome do you have to be to avoid it?

He is just a small anchor, and he can easily be crushed to death by such a person.

For the sake of your own life and's better not to get involved in this muddy water.

All his thoughts flew by like lightning, and the audience in the live broadcast room just watched him remain silent for two or three seconds after he finished speaking.

Chen Fei pretended that nothing happened, looked up at the surveillance screen, and looked at the flashing subtitles above.

After a pause, he said: "Since I have successfully cleared the level, it should be over. However, it seems that there are still no clues."

As soon as he finished speaking, before the lingering sound had completely settled, he heard a sudden "crunch--" sound coming from behind him.

Chen Fei suddenly froze.

After the barrage stopped for a moment, it immediately started refreshing crazily.

Looking around, everyone said "fuck you" and "anchor, look behind you".

All the hairs on his back stood up. He subconsciously squeezed the magic talisman and immediately turned his head to look.

Just then, I saw a hand with pale skin and gray nails, which was definitely not like a living person, stretched out from under the wardrobe that was opened a crack, then dropped something, and then slowly retracted.

The wardrobe also slowly closed.

Chen Fei: "!!!"

Chen Fei's pupils were shaking and he almost forgot to breathe.

When he came back to his senses, he didn't hesitate, walked over immediately, bent down and picked up the things on the ground first.

It was a yellow, long strip of tissue paper.

Some incomprehensible words and patterns were outlined with bright red paint on the paper, almost occupying the entire paper surface.

Chen Fei compared it with the magic talisman in his hand. The patterns were similar, but one was a mechanical game prop, could the other be a real "talisman"?

That is to say...

He exerted unconscious force on his hands, and wrinkles appeared on the yellow paper.

Chen Fei looked at the closed wardrobe in front of him, his eyes flickering. Then he suddenly opened the closet and looked inside closely.


His heart tightened, and he reached out and knocked on several sides of the wardrobe.


In so many failed experiences before, Chen Fei had already checked this wardrobe, and it was completely incompatible with the outside world.

The movements of the bride appearing inside were all simulated by the mechanism. The bride's jumpscare from the wardrobe was also done using holographic animation.

In other words, only by jumping on the left and right doors can you truly see the entity of the simulated doll.

Moreover, the size of this wardrobe obviously cannot accommodate all the parts of the simulation doll inside, and there is no track from the outside leading here.

So that hand just now...

Chen Fei took two steps back. Because there was no external support, the cabinet door rebounded and closed instantly, making a "bang" sound.

He stared down at the yellow paper in his hand, looking a little at a loss.

Is it a staff member with the ability to teleport?

Or... one of them?

Chen Fei stood there speechlessly, his expression becoming more solemn.

After a while, he put the yellow paper into his pocket, walked over and put the prop talisman back, then immediately turned around and strode out of the monitoring room.

He said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Let's get out of here first. We shouldn't be able to find any clues."

Chen Fei was a little upset, confused, frightened, scared, and had a lingering chill in his heart.

There was even some secret expectation and excitement that he wanted to escape from...

All kinds of emotions were entangled together, and he almost didn't have any extra thoughts to continue the live broadcast.

There are only two questions in his mind right now -

Are there really the souls of the deceased here? you really still have grievances that have not been washed away?

Most of the dog author's manuscripts are temporarily gone, and will enter a period of slow updates (lay down)

If you have any spare votes, feel free to vote for the dog author! It’s not because I want to be on any ranking list, I can’t be on it (shy), it’s mainly because I want to see some responses hehe

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