So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1176: Storm eve

The first 167 chapters on the eve of the storm

Therefore, Zhang Jingwei is a wise man. How can such a person be fooled by Huang Xiaofang in a few words? What's more, the experience before the Huang family was well known in the upper class, and Zhang Jingyu could not have heard of it.

Under this circumstance, Zhang Jingyi can still make a decisive and unrelenting cooperation with Huang Xiaofang. That is inevitably that Zhang Jingyi has determined that the Huang family must win and turn over the market. Otherwise, it will definitely not make the current move.

However, Li Zhizhao and Li Tianjia's present, like the original Huang Xiaofang, have already expanded their self-confidence to a certain realm. They simply do not think about things that can be thought of through common sense.

In their view, Zhang Jingwei's approach is simply an unreasonable neurological practice. Therefore, Li Zhizhen simply would not think about why Zhang Jingyi would vote for the Huang family, but instead felt that Zhang Jingyi was crazy.

Therefore, Li Zhizhao and Li Tianjia both sneered at Zhang Jingyu at the moment, and they simply did not want to think so much.

On the plane, each other feels that the other party is a stupid group of two people, each with their own heart, but who is the real smart person, who knows. Who is really stupid, but no one understands.

Yang Ming is too lazy to talk nonsense with Li and his son on the plane. It is also a public place. He does not bother with their general knowledge. Anyway, after arriving in the country of x, they have their own way of cleaning up.


Liu Sho (Liu Tea’s father, Liu Tea, is Shen Hua’s pursuer; Shen Hua, Yang Ming’s younger brother Yang Xiaobo’s girlfriend)’s hand on the phone that just hangs up, rubbing back and forth, like Stroking what a beloved thing...

Liu Shoou’s mood is very chaotic. Although she has long known that the master behind her will have today’s actions, she did not expect that this day will come so fast.

Indeed, Liu Shui does not have the **** nature of the time when he was released from prison. The days of comfort and enjoyment have made him lose some of his edge. However, this time, he can not refuse.

His handle is still in the hands of others. As long as the boss behind the scenes will announce the handle, he will die even worse. Do not follow the boss, but also die, follow the boss, or die.

He has no choice now.

Liu Shoo sighed slightly and grabbed the phone again. Called the third vice president of Ming Yang Entertainment, Qu Daming (the vice president of Ming Yang Entertainment, the father of Qu Cai).

"It's me, Liu Shovel." Liu Sho and Qu Daming are the grasshoppers on the same line, so Qu Daming is very familiar with Liu Sho's voice, and Liu Shou does not need a guest.

"Liu Ge, is there anything?" Qu Daming just put a portion of the extra money on the company's account on his account, although the account is not very beautiful, but fortunate that he did not have time to carefully Check the account.

Qu Daming himself has no voice, and he is relying on his cousin who is tired (Yang Ming’s prisoner at the detention center, one of the three men of the violent triad) has followed the recommendation of the violent Sanli, but it is also The first batch of veterans of the violent triad, from the time when he began to squat, Qu Daming has been following the violent San Li.

Therefore, even if there is no credit, there is hard work, and the violent trio has arranged reasonable positions for the elders who accompany themselves to fight the world. Qu Daming is the third vice president of famous entertainment.

Although the specific operation of the famous entertainment is now under the responsibility of Guo Jianchao, it is very easy for the violent Sanli to insert a person. Therefore, Qu Daming will take up his post.

It is also because of this relationship between himself and the violent triad, Qu Daming has no fear of doing things. When he first started to collect money, he was cautious. Later, it was simply greedy and unscrupulous.

However, often walking along the river, how can you not wet shoes? Moreover, Qu Daming is only the third deputy general of Ming Yang Entertainment. There are two vice presidents in front, one is the first deputy general Guo Jianchao, and the second deputy general Liu Sho.

Of course, Guo Jianchao said that he is the vice president. In fact, it is no different from the president. Because the president is Hou Zhenduo, and Hou Zhenyu does not have so much time to take charge of this matter.

Therefore, the company’s business is almost entirely responsible for Guo Jianchao. When Qu Daming was making money, he was finally seen by Liu Shui and caught the lifeline of Qu Daming.

In fact, some things are tacit, as long as there is no evidence, even if the violent Sanli knows what Qu Daming has done, he will not change Qu Daming, and will only close one eye.

However, with evidence, it is not the same. If you don't do it yourself, you can't explain it to the rest of the company. At that time, what other people have to learn, what should you do?

Therefore, Qu Daming found Liu Shovel and discussed the same thing.

At this time, Liu Shou is just because he has evidence to pinch in the hands of others, knowing that he is famous in entertainment, nothing more than a day of mixing, one day in the morning and evening. Therefore, Liu Shovel simply took the attitude of breaking the jar and breaking it. One day, he began to collect money with Qu Daming.

Therefore, Qu Daming became the grasshopper on the same rope as Liu Shovel. Whoever had an accident could not run the other side, and Liu Shui also introduced Qu Daming to the boss behind the scenes to seek common affairs.

"The boss has to do it." Liu Shui took a deep breath, and said one word and one song and Qu Daming.

"Oh? So fast?" Qu Daming was also shocked. He intended that he was unwilling to cooperate with the boss of Liu Shovel, but there was no way. Liu shoveled the egg, he is also finished.

It’s already at this point, but it’s better to let go.

"Just in these few days, you are ready." Liu Shoo said: "The company's book is no problem?"

"No problem, very beautiful." Qu Daming said: "As long as the boss starts, I will transfer all the last money. We will divide it, and the company will have one empty shell."

"Well, wait for my news." Liu Shui listened to Qu Daming's words and let out a sigh of relief. At least, this time, if you don't work, you can get a lot of money.


In a luxury private room in a private clubhouse, two middle-aged men are secretly meeting, their side, each with their own confidants and bodyguards.

“What good can I get this time?” One of the middle-aged people, after listening to another middle-aged man’s plan, asked faintly, his expression did not fluctuate in the slightest, and he did not know whether he agreed or disagreed.

"Oh, oh boss, let's not say whispering." The middle-aged man took out a cigarette and slammed it on his mouth. A knife-faced bodyguard next to him quickly took out the lighter and lit the cigarette for him: "Guo Jinxi of Gidon City, is your person?"

Sure enough, the middle-aged man wrinkled his brow: "How do you know?"

"The things on the road, huh, huh," the middle-aged man smiled and spit out a smog: "I have been mixing for so many years, and it is not white. These things are hidden, but if you have a heart, you can still investigate." Gidon City, is your boss's site?"

The face of the boss has changed, but after a while, he slowly nodded: "What about it?"

"Don't you want to take it back?" The middle-aged man asked very easily.

"This does not require you to worry about it. If I want to take it back, I will send people in the past." The boss said faintly: "If there is only this condition, I feel that it is not proportional to my contribution."

"Oh? What is not proportional?" The middle-aged man shrugged and explained: "You can help me to destroy the Sanjiang of Songjiang and the Sun family of Donghai, and you will be able to get to the site of Gidon City. This is quite cost-effective."

"I have already said that this is not proportional. What you get is Songjiang and the East China Sea." The boss shook his head.

"This is not the case." The middle-aged man said faintly: "Indeed, I have two sites in Songjiang and the East China Sea. However, if there is no such thing in this matter, you want to take back the city of Gidon. If you are welcome, you are the boss, it’s an idiotic dream!"

"Hey." The boss snorted a little dissatisfied.

"You and I all understand people. I don't say anything extra." The middle-aged man waved his hand and stopped the boss to continue: "I think this kind of cooperation is fair, this is also a case for you. Opportunity. Lost, no more."

"Well, let me consider it." The boss fell into meditation.

"Of course this can be." The middle-aged man smiled and he already had the confidence to win and convince the boss. In fact, even if the boss did not participate in it, he also got the support of the mysterious person.

The mysterious man can provide him with some of the latest firearms, enough to make him use it only as a power grab.

"How much is the chance of success this time?" After a long while, the boss raised his head and his eyes flashed and asked.

"100%!" The middle-aged man said affirmatively.

"Oh? Is there such a big grasp?" The boss thought it was incredible.

"Is not sure, only if you agree, I will introduce you to the people behind me. When you know, why are we so sure?" The middle-aged man laughed: "And, huh, no money. Are they still getting a fart?"

"The money is gone? What do you mean?"

"Nothing, these can't tell you now, have you considered it?" The middle-aged man asked: "Only if we become allies, I will tell you something about the details."

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