So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1177: Rebellious

The first one hundred and seventy seven chapter rebellion

The boss's brows have been twisted into a Sichuan-style font. The conditions for the other party's opening are actually very good for the boss.

The city of Gidonton was originally the sphere of influence of the boss, and Guo Jinxi, who is also the boss of the boss, is very secretive. Not many people know.

However, the other party knows this, it is not a rare thing. After all, this acre of three-point land, the message is concealed, and can not withstand the clues that these people have explored.

Now that you know it, you don’t have to hide it. If you can take back the power of Gidon City, it is also a good choice.

Before, the forces of the violent triad quickly expanded, leaving the boss to be caught off guard. Under this circumstance, it is obviously unwise to go to the territory of Jidon City with the riots.

Although the city of Gidonton is secretly the power of the boss, but this is not on the table, after all, the boss has to go to the ground to rob the land, there is no cause, there is no excuse, but it is criticized.

Therefore, the boss has been forbearing, waiting for a suitable opportunity, and then planning, but the violent Sanli has become more and more prosperous. After integrating the black roads in Gidon City, he began to turn the underworld to the basic industry. Food, entertainment, etc., make the underground society that was originally disorderly orderly.

Looking at the violent Sanli not only did not have the risk of being suppressed, but the more the banknotes earned, the more likely the boss would not be tempted? The city of Gidon is obviously the site of their family. The hard-boiled people are robbed, and now they have become a cornucopia, and everyone is depressed.

Now, some people take the initiative to come to talk about cooperation, and the promises given to him are also good, as long as they cooperate with others to suppress the industry of Songjiang violent Sanli.

"Are you sure that there is no money on the side of the storm?" asked the boss hesitated.

"Nothing." The middle-aged man nodded affirmatively: "The money on their books has all been turned out, and the whole famous entertainment has left an empty shell."

"There are no money for their famous real estate?" The boss still did not trust to ask.

"Do not worry, if you are not sure, I will not have such an idea to do it." The middle-aged man nodded with confidence. "You just do it, you know, money is the lifeblood, once they Without money, there will be no potential. At this time, you and I will scream and scream in order to quickly integrate the forces."

"Okay." The boss finally nodded, and the temptation for him was too great. Although the middle-aged man said that he would give him the site of Gidon City, Songjiang... I want to come to the middle-aged man and can’t eat it myself. This time, it is obvious that I will let myself settle in Songjiang and take a share with the help of the famous entertainment.

At that time, Songjiang’s entertainment and real estate industries are at least in their hands. Even if other industries give middle-aged men, what can they do?


"Mr. Sun, where are we going?"

Sun Hongjun went to his own car, and the driver asked with compliment.

"Go back to the villa, Xiaojie probably will come back today." Sun Hongjun licked his own temple and took a sigh of relief, quietly leaning his head on the back of the seat.

Nuo's family business relies on him alone. Sun Hongjun is busy from morning to night every day. When I was young, I still didn't feel anything. In these years, Sun Hongjun obviously felt that his body was not as good as one year. When he started doing things, there was always a feeling of powerlessness.

However, there is no way, people can't accept the old. Sun Hongjun must also face up to the facts, and he is indeed old.

There is only Sun Jie a girl under his knees, but the grandson of Sun Zhiwei is really not a weapon. It is simply a dude. In addition to spending money, there is no other pursuit.

Obviously, Sun Jia’s family business cannot be handed over to Sun Zhiwei. And Sun Jie... Sun Hongjun is not a patriarchal, but some things, it is really not good to call Sun Jie a girl to take care of.

The things in the Tianjia area, Sun Jie to take care of, although the Tian family will not say anything, but it is difficult to be convinced. The things on the Tao are different from the things in the company, and they are not inherited and can be played.

I finally met a Yang Ming, Sun Hongjun thought that he could retire early, but Yang Ming seems to be not interested in Sun’s industry! No, this time I must find Sun Jie to talk about it. In any case, let her clearly establish a relationship with Yang as soon as possible, even if it is an engagement, so that she can justify some of the dark forces to Yang Ming to fight. Justified.

However, Sun Jie is a child... I am afraid I will not listen to my own advice. Her idea is right... Sun Hongjun thinks, there are some headaches.

Slightly sighed, Sun Hongjun returned from the messy thoughts, suddenly felt that something was wrong, looked up and looked out the window, but it was ridiculous, I don't know when, the car actually came to the suburbs!

Sun Hongjun’s company is not far from the family’s villa, and it’s only 20 minutes by car. Just Sun Hongjun was immersed in meditation, and it was half an hour to say it. It was impossible to get home yet, so Sun Hongjun was suddenly vigilant.

Sure enough, I found something wrong.

"Xiao Wang, where are you going?" Sun Hongjun asked his own driver.

"Mr. Sun. Sorry. I am also acting on duty." Although Xiao Wang’s voice is still so respectful, it has obvious irony.

Xiao Wang reached out and gently pressed down the central locking of the car, locking several doors of the car, and between him and Sun Hongjun, there was a small iron plate, although there was a small window above, but It is obviously impossible for Sun Hongjun to take the small king's car through this small window.

This partition was originally designed to let Sun Hongjun have a guest, and to discuss some things in the car without being disturbed by the existence of Xiao Wang, but at the moment it became a burden.

"What is going to be done? Who is your life? Stop!" Sun Hongjun stunned, and his face changed slightly, screaming.

"Whoever lives, Mr. Sun will know you in a moment." Xiao Wang said faintly: "Mr. Sun, I don't want to hurt you, please sit down. Don't mess, otherwise..."

Sun Hongjun looked at Xiao Wang in an incredible way. This is a bodyguard and driver who has been with him for more than ten years. This is the person who Tian Jia’s owner, Tian Long personally recommended, how could he suddenly become an enemy of himself?

However, many things in this world are hard to say. No one can remain sober and calm in the face of huge interests. If there is no temptation, then there will be no crime.

This has been the case since ancient times. In many cases, people who remain calm in the interests of the interests are mostly because these interests are not enough to make him tempted. Once there is enough interest to make him tempted, I am afraid that few people can uphold the principle.

Sun Hongjun wanted to understand this moment, so he reached out and touched the side pocket of the clothes. This is a lighter, but it is also a pistol. This is a souvenir given to Sun Hongjun when the southern boss came to the East China Sea.

Sun Hongjun has never been used, because there is no chance at all. This lighter pistol, like Wang Xiaoyan's lipstick pistol, can only fire one bullet at a time.

However, when it is time, it is often a bullet that can play a vital role and even reverse the situation! The details determine success or failure, and it is not just a casual statement.

"Don't move." Sun Hongjun pointed to the back of Xiao Wang with the tail of the lighter: "Take the car to the side."

Sun Hongjun intends to ask the master of the scene behind Xiao Wang to see who is so bold to fight his Sun Sunjun's idea! Before Sun Jie was shot, Sun Hongjun was cautious for a while, and secretly investigated for a long time, but did not investigate any useful clues.

Nothing special happened later, Sun Hongjun relaxed his vigilance, and he never thought that Xiao Wang would actually become a traitor!

You must know that when Tian Jia trains his bodyguards, he will strictly select it from all aspects. Not only is he good at work, but he also has absolute loyalty, and Tian Jia will hold some handles of this person, such as relatives, let him not Dare to have a rebellious heart!

But at this moment, Xiao Wang is still rebellious! How much benefit does this have to make Xiao Wang change the principle? For more than ten years of loyalty, the benefits of a moment can be disintegrated, and it must be a very terrible condition.

Sun Hongjun can't imagine who is it, can make a big profit, buy people around him, and kidnap himself.

Xiao Wang did not stop, still driving fast.

"Don't think, I don't dare to kill you." Sun Hongjun saw that Xiao Wang did not respond, and immediately seemed to understand his thoughts: "Without driving, if the car is out of control, I may not die."

"Oh..." Xiao Wang actually laughed: "Mr. Sun, you want to be bad, you can't beat me."

Sun Hongjun stunned and didn’t know what Xiao Wang’s words meant.

However, Sun Hongjun also sneaked out, aiming at Xiao Wang to seize the organs on the pistol.

Sun Hongjun was not a master who could be threatened by others. Seeing the sardonic tone of Xiao Wang, Sun Hongjun would rather kill him, and the car would be out of control and injured, and would not let his purpose succeed.

So, Sun Hongjun decided to shoot.

"咔哒", the slight impact of the needle rang, but no bullets were fired, and Xiao Wang was still driving the car intact.

Why didn't the bullets launch? Sun Hongjun frowned, but quickly pulled the organ again, still "squeaky", but still no bullets.

This southern boss will not be fooling himself? This stuff will not be the knockoffs from where? Sun Hongjun did not expect to save his life, but it was a problem at a critical moment.

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