So why me

18 False happiness

Saturday, April 13th

06:00pm New York time

11:00pm London time

After a 6:30 flight, during which Jessica worked on her script with one of her agents, Adam, had essentially nothing to do and spent her time sleeping. It was only when one of the three beautiful women whose thighs were now unfortunately hidden under man's pants too wide for them, woke him up so that he could fasten his seat belt, that Adam realized how far away he was from his house.

Unconsciously, his hand reached his neck where there is a necklace that belonged to his grandfather, offered by his mother this morning before his departure. After pressing on this necklace, Adam pulled himself together and looked in front of him. Jessica noticed this gesture that made her think of the wicked woman, but she said nothing because after all, it is true that although she and the wicked woman do not like each other, both of them love Adam.

"Miss Benson, you would have made many purchases in men's stores in New York this week. Can we conclude from this that you have a boyfriend?"

"Jessica, there is a rumour on the internet that you have agreed to a partnership with Cartier Jewellery. Can you tell us about it?"

"Jessica, your father is being charged again in a corruption case. What do you have to say about that?"

"Miss Benson, what is your opinion about your mother's political ideas which have been making a lot of noise across the Atlantic in the last two weeks?"

In front of Jessica's group, protected by numerous security guards at Gatwick Airport, a whole group of journalists mixed with agitated paparazzi who are kept away by a few police officers. It is very rare that Adam appreciates being small and stunted, but tonight, hidden behind Jessica's private tutor, his small size allows him to avoid the crazy eyes of this wild horde who is chaining a multitude of questions on various subjects at a steady pace.

Jessica is not surprised by this unpleasant welcome, because despite her attempts to be discreet, she cannot prevent the vile and greedy tongues from loosening. Tonight, she assumes that these journalists have been informed of her arrival by the production of the TV series, which by this action will offer itself a huge free publicity. Indeed, huge, Jessica does not minimize her importance in the eyes of the media. Walking a few steps forward, she raises her arm to signal her intention to answer questions.

"I am expected so I will make your last 4 questions into one sentence. At the present time, I still don't do politics, I'm still not a lawyer and I'm very well supported. Understand what you can, write according to your understanding and that will be all, thank you."

A general silence grips the journalists who look at each other. This silence lasts only a moment before a new stream of questions emerges as journalists try to push back the police to follow the group of the beautiful girl whose sublime face associated with her acid mouth, can guarantee them a high volume of sales


Adam, who is currently sitting in the leather seat of a luxury Japanese sedan, forgets all of his mother's teachings. Mrs. Clifford always warned him that what shone brightest was not necessarily gold. That what he didn't earn with the sweat of his brow, he could lose it in less time than it takes to say it. That behaving too arrogantly without having the means, only leads to a rapid and violent fall. That dreaming is fine as long as you know when to wake up and avoid walking with your eyes closed to lie to yourself in order to try to live this dream while being awake.

In 3 days, he threw everything that was supposed to make up a solid foundation on which to lean on. The luxury, the ease, that his sublime girlfriend makes him taste morning, noon and evening has such a pleasant, delicate taste that Adam gets lost. He swims in an ocean of false acquired without question asked. Who would like a lean and bland lobster claw after tasting a tasty lobster cooked by a renowned chef in a starred restaurant. Adam doesn't really notice it, but he feels something similar. He, who thought he was saving up to buy a Ford, completely forgot what he thought was his dream when he contemplated the magnificent lines of the car his princess gives him. Getting a Levi's jeans for Christmas? For what purpose? Jessica dresses her in luxury clothes. Dream of becoming a handsome guy to get the chance to hug a girl? Again, all this is useless to him. He is not very handsome, but in his arms, he hugs the most beautiful teenage girl.

In the end, the dream of a common person who knows nothing and has never seen anything is perhaps not so pleasant compared to the reality of those who own the world and can enjoy its fruits as they wish. If Adam does not make these reflections, to himself, is nevertheless true that his previous desires and dreams no longer exist, while he indulges in this ocean of well-being that is brought to him on a plateau. Everything was swept away with one turn of the arm for Jessica, who is now very close to him, as well as for the leather of this bench and all that it represents.

Next to her, Jessica, who is watching Adam, is delighted to be able to observe him smile. Adam has always seemed sad, depressed, never had a sincere smile, so seeing him like this is pleasant for her. After this thought, Jessica feels her eyes becoming heavy. She has not slept on the plane and the fatigue of work, activities of recent days, combined with jet lag, is beginning to accumulate. Adam's shoulder in her field of vision inspires her and after a yawn, she lies against her. Adam, under the weight of his girlfriend, is caught by surprise. His balance is off and he has no choice but to hold on to the door so he doesn't hit his head in the window.

Lying against Adam's shoulder, Jessica who has just witnessed of this scene, grimace. Not only does she give the impression of being heavy, but Adam is also bony, hard and uncomfortable as a cushion. Dissatisfied with this pillow, she straightens up very dissatisfied. Her boyfriend is far too skinny, far too weak, without muscle and she has to change that if she wants to sleep comfortably on him, among other things. A look at her bodyguard sitting in front of her, Jessica has the solution.

"John, as of tomorrow you will be planning an intensive training program for Adam. As for you, Adam, in two weeks, I want to be able to touch muscular abs and arms and not bone. Right now, you're not very different from Sam who's being used in biology class and I don't want to sleep with Sam. Ugh, disgusting."

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