So why me

19 Painful misunderstanding

Sunday, April 14th

01:05pm London time - Hotel The Savoy

[Do they want to kill me? I think since that lounge in New York they liked me, but would I be wrong? Why did they lure me to this remote corner?]

Jessica's staff members took advantage of the fact that their miss had to leave them temporarily to kidnap Adam. Currently all are surrounding the young who is sweating profusely boy in a corner. Their eyes full of questions runs through the teenager, yet they do not understand. This guy doesn't have much for him. He's really not very handsome, he's a midget and on top of that, his skeletal skeleton is almost scary to see. They look at Adam over and over again, but they really don't see anything positive in this boy. As the leader of the group, the legal agent proudly steps forward. The tall, mustached man observes carefully the terrified teenager during a long time and spoke on behalf of all.

"Adam, my boy, we really want to understand how you did it. You're pretty ugly, let's be honest. On top of that, you're no wider than a small oak branch. Your complexion is cadaveric and if you walked around in nature, people would mistake you for a real garden gnome, so how did you do it?"

In front of him, Adam sees everyone present nodding to confirm their leader's words. Suddenly, for an undetermined reason, Adam's heart flows a little. Following all these compliments pronounced with the greatest sincerity by this man, Adam does not know what to say. He doesn't even know what they're talking about and what these people want to know.

One of the chambermaids more maternal than the other women on the spot, seeing the poor child so uncomfortable, decides to approach him and gently put her hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, kid, we're just asking you to answer a few questions. But as Mel said, it is true that nothing in your physique is to be kept and from what we have heard, your intelligence also seems very limited, so how did you achieve this feat?"

Due to professional deformation, Jessica's nutritional adviser can no longer hold out and he must know. "Kid, are you malnourished? From my point of view, if I refer to your corpse complexion, your extreme thinness and your much lower than average height, I think you have significant deficiencies. Look, kid, as a health and wellness professional, seeing you like that really hurts my stomach. Luckily, not all is lost to you. I was educated here in London and I know an excellent sports doctor to whom I can refer you for a full check-up. Honestly, that would reassure me, because I'm afraid you'll never come back to the United States in your deplorable state."

The chambermaid, when she hears her colleague's statement, becomes very worried. Unconsciously, she firmly holds her hand on Adam's shoulder. Encouraged by these clumsy words and this gesture motivated by anxiety, a acute paranoia manifests itself in Adam, while all the people in front of him suddenly become evil beings, enemies who want to kill him. [They threaten me with death? Why would he want to kill me, I didn't do anything wrong to them.]

"What do you want from me? If I have offended you, I apologize, but please don't hurt me, I want to live."

In the hotel's dining room, between two tables for the moment only covered with a beautiful white tablecloth, near the woodwork, after hearing the words of the young boy curled up on himself, who has a tear in his eye, all the staff members burst out laughing at the ridiculous situation.

The cleaning lady, who is the first to regain her seriousness, caresses Adam's hair tenderly. "You misunderstood us, little man, we mean you no harm. All we want to know is how you made to turn a pit bull into a cute, docile little poodle. I meant: We would like you to tell us how you managed to subdue the indomitable Miss Benson?"

[I submitted Jessica?] To this thought that would make any dominant male fantasize, once again, Adam laughs stupidly forgetting that here he is not alone. Around him, everyone looks at this boy who is indeed not a light. Perhaps their miss likes to pick up injured, lame and mentally deficient stray animals to treat them? This is everyone's general thought while sorry both for the stupid child but also for their miss and they disperse leaving Adam still laughing alone in his corner.

01:10pm London time

"Have you seen Adam, Mary?"

The chambermaid remembers the silly young man in the large dining room and shakes her head for various reasons that only they who have seen the sad show can understand. "No, miss, I don't know where your boyfriend is. Shall I prepare your rooms now?"

Jessica nods her head without thinking too much about it, before leaving to continue her investigation. Curiously, every time she asks her staff members if they have seen Adam, everyone looks the same sorry and compassionate look in their eyes as they sigh. Jessica understands that something must have happened during her very short absence, but no one seems to want to tell the truth and before that, the most urgent thing to do is to find her boyfriend.

01:14pm London time

"Adam, Adam, Adam, it's time to come back here, you idiot."

Adam had stopped laughing a few minutes earlier, but his brain was still spinning at full speed thinking of the sweet words of that chambermaid who had opened his eyes. This woman is absolutely right. She's not wrong and Adam only realizes it now. His girlfriend is hard on everyone but not for himself, which means he tamed him without realizing it. Stimulated by this idea, which itself stimulates his erotic ideas, Adam cannot help but smile. (it's time to come back here, you idiot.)

When Adam comes back into this world, he looks up. In front of him, his Jessica sighs a little but his face quickly expresses cheerfulness. Adam, decides, he will test his master skill of his Jessica immediately. Straightening up as much as he can so as not to appear too small next to her, after bulging his chest, Adam improvises a mixture of 2 replicas of real men he had seen in the movies.

"Woman, come closer and kiss me, then you'll meet me in the bedroom and I'll show you what a real man is."

It takes no second for the improvised man for land in the wall, after receiving a masterful slap from Jessica who furiously withdraws from the dining room.

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