So why me

20 The cry of the eagle spreading its wings.

Sunday, April 14th

08:35am London time - Hotel The Savoy

Standing in front of his bed, forcibly awaked by Mary who combes his hair, Adam made bubbles with his pasty mouth. Last night, he had the privilege of wearing silk pyjamas prepared for him and sleeping in the comfortable satin sheets of the hotel's king-size canopy bed. You might think his sleep was perfect, but despite all this, his night was not so good. Tormented by Jessica's slap, which he has not seen again for the moment, every time Adam's tired eyes tried to close, his brain would counter-attack by stimulating feelings of remorse and regret that prevented him from spending a night worthy of the name.

"Perfect, little man, now take off your nightwear, so I can give you a rough draft of the toilet so you can join our miss for breakfast."

Adam is certainly asleep, but that doesn't mean his ears aren't working. Upon hearing the daring but very tempting request of the chambermaid, her body reacts to the quarter turn and like a Coldstream, it becomes as straight and hard as a chair bar.

Mary has a scrupulous schedule to follow and she can't afford to be late as of morning. She also doesn't forget that Miss Benson is probably already waiting for her boyfriend in the dining room, a boyfriend in front of her, who is staring right now playing mute. Mary knows her miss and she knows she won't want to hear her apology. However, she is also well aware that this child is an idiot and she must be diplomatic when dealing with him. She knows she has to take it easy, so as not to frighten her.

"What's that face? Don't worry, little man. It doesn't look like it, but I'm already thirty-five years old, I know exactly what a man is. Therefore, it's not your tiny little bird that's going to scare me."

[Little bird?] Adam certainly has very little experience with women, but his mother always told him to be wary of them. That they are deceitful, liars, that they say the opposite of what they think to get what they want and when these maternal councils alarm him, Adam, embarrassed, whose eyes go from right to left to avoid the woman who has just made him an indecent proposal, gets even more blocked.

Her miss is ruthless but at least she has the merit of understanding when you talk to her, Mary sighs. After a glance at her watch, she feels that talking to this slow-minded boy is no longer relevant. The seconds pass and after bending down, Mary pulls Adam's pajama pants, who in front of her eagle who has just spread her wings, makes a very high-pitched scream.

"Oh, we're in great health this morning."

09:00am London time

In the hotel's dining room, a not very tall boy enters. Very chic clothes on the back, new shoes on the foot, in this hotel where the majority of guests are dressed in this way, it stands out however by his face who is so red that everyone steps out of the way to avoid his germs, fearing possible contamination. Mary who follows him quietly, leads him to his table and pulls the chair facing Jessica. Maryis of all the people around the young girl, the one who fears her the least. She has been with her since her first steps and she knows that although the little Princess does not say it, that her affection for her is real.

"I inform miss that Adam is in great shape this morning. His body is fine."

Jessica knows Mary's questionable humour only too well and after looking at Adam with his nose buried in his chest, the image of the pants hump clearly appears in her mind. Like Adam's, her face blushes. She contains as much as she can her embarrassment and when she looks at Mary who has a big mocking smile on her lips, she grumbles.

"Lisa, find someone to take care of Adam's morning toilet. A man, will be perfect."

The cleaning lady bends over to Adam's ear, telling him in a laugh. "Don't worry, little man. Miss Benson is still in a very bad mood after a jet lag, but tomorrow she'll get better, maybe even will wash you herself who knows?"

Discretion is not Mary's main quality and it is likely that the surrounding tables heard (this whisper.) Jessica hits the table and stands up. "Mary, what game are you playing? Back off and do what you're paid for instead of disturbing Adam who wants to eat quietly."

09:05am London time

Faced with a Jessica who is probably still very angry with him, Adam is content to eat the feast offered to him, with pleasure. It's not the first time he's been to a hotel, but everything is so different...

Facing the white tablecloth, his heart returnes to his mother and lost in his thoughts, multiple images that he had buried deep inside, rushed into his head. When Adam was seven, maybe eight years old, he and his mother had driven to Des Moines to visit his maternal grandparents. It was the greatest adventure of his life, but also the most exhausting. All these different people he met, all these landscapes he saw passing through the window, all the places where they stopped, Adam could never forget them and yet when he returned, he felt so sad, that to get back to his sullen life, he buried everything so he wouldn't get depressed. However, this escapade into infancy, momentarily broadens Adam's social life, while enriching his general culture and although it remains true that it is stored in a corner of his head shortly afterwards, this experience greatly contributed to his personal development.

It is with a little honey on his cheek that Adam makes a reflection to himself. Not all of their hotels offered breakfasts, and those who offered them one, only proposed to them a miniature version of the school self-service that Adam knows only too well, with a few differences. Mini butters under their packaging, mini jams locked in plastic jars, mini breads, everything was mini in these hotels. Here, Adam will not turn his bowl over because otherwise he would spill his chocolate on the table, however, he is convinced that in front of him, porcelain dominates. Jam amply sufficient for him and Jessica in a porcelain pot, butter with marked on the menu, (butter made on the farm), for at least 4 people in a small porcelain butter dish and he noticed that their bowls are large. Indeed, nothing is small. Here he lives a great life in porcelain containers, yet Adam feels a little empty, convinced that he is missing something essential.

Not knowing what it is, in front of everyone's disgusted eyes, he takes his spoon out of his bowl of chocolate and dips it in the pot of strawberry jam, thinking that maybe it will fill the void in his heart.

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