So why me

30 Jessica's exciting life.

Monday, October 20th

After Meg told her story to Mrs. Clifford, 08:00pm arrived quickly, however the 2 women were a little worried when they saw that Adam had not yet reappeared. None of the two women said a word about her feelings at the time, but Meg, just as worried as her boyfriend's mother, immediately contacted him using the home lounge phone, which Mrs. Clifford was handing her. After three unsuccessful calls, Meg noticed that she instantly fell on the answering machine and could only sadly assume that Adam's smartphone was turned off.

When at 08:55pm Adam still didn't show up, Mrs. Clifford, very anxious, decided to take the car out of her driveway, then with Meg, she went directly to the supermarket that had just closed its doors. Had her selfish little boy met an old friend and been too nostalgic for his memories, had he forgotten his mother again? Certainly and this time, the little prick deserved 100 times the beating he was going to take, as soon as she found him.

Mrs. Clifford's burning hand, who wanted to land on her bad son's butt, suddenly cooled down when in the supermarket parking lot, in addition to Meg's little red car with 5 tickets under her wiper for parking in a space reserved for the disabled, the the person responsible for the offence was nowhere in sight.


Back at Mrs. Clifford's home, Meg, whose anxiety had reached its peak, made the decision to call her supervisor at Elite's, still using Mrs. Clifford's home phone. As soon as he picked up her phone, the man immediately yelled at her. After a short one-way conversation, Meg remove the plane mode off her smartphone, then goes to the Yutube portal right away before the very interested eyes of Mrs. Clifford, who, as a well-known gossip from her neighbourhood, has smelled a gossip opportunity.

Looking at the smartphone screen, Ms. Clifford frowned at the shamelessness of today's young girls. She remembers perfectly that she and her friends in their time... But here, on this screen, a 15- or 16-year-old girl, shamefully dressed, proves that she is really not cold on her ass, nor any respect for herself by filming herself with her own phone, while she shakes her lower part in front of a new Dodge. To expose her person in this way in plain sight, what a shame for her parents, thinks Mrs. Clifford, who shakes her head, while worrying about the generation of workers of tomorrow.

"Hi, hi, it's Kelly and this is, oh, my new car. Whoa, whoa, beautiful, isn't it? Do you like Kelly? Do you love Kelly's car, or are you like crazy in front of both of them? So as usual don't hesitate to Like Kelly and go quickly to my Facebok page: https://kelly' Big kiss drooling my loves."

More than the content of the message itself, which is not very interesting and leaves Mrs. Clifford speechless, in the background, behind the young girl's back, is a drama that Meg, who was previously informed of it, cannot escape her eyes. Meg's heart speeds up when, with her back to the crazy girl, a handsome, slightly pretentious guy walks with his nose up in the air and suddenly crashes into the pavement. From behind a truck, two monstuous men in black come out and throw themselves at him to stop him, then Meg sees someone appear whom she absolutely did not expect.

How can today's young girls show their butts like that, without even feeling embarrassed at all? This is the thought of Mrs. Clifford who did not notice what was happening in the background. Yet, the moment a young lady in a sky blue jacket and skirt appears, her eyes can no longer see anything but her. Has the beauty of the young lady captivated Mrs. Clifford to the point that her eyes are now wide open and she is now completely unable to speak? Are the young lady's tailor-made clothes so beautiful that Ms. Clifford's breath is cut off, or is it the young lady's natural charisma that surprises the mother of the family?

"Bitch, are you the one who stole my little boy? Give me back my Adam, I will never allow you to take him away from me a second time. Meg in the car, tonight we're going to kill a bitch."


Jessica opens the curtain of her father's office window to observe with the help of the spyglass what is happening a little further ahead, in front of the entrance to the property. A gathering of police officers, young girls and citizens who do not know what to do with their evenings, gathered in her outdoor parking lot, but all are kept away from her property by her security agents, mercenaries from a New York agency previously hired and her electrified fence that she has just recharged for the occasion. 1,2,56, no, there are far too many of them and count them boring.

As she passes by, the heads of the servants of the house bowed one by one, but jaded, she no longer even notices it. Today, according to the butler, his father had a brand new helicopter delivered to her. However, she is no longer interested in it either. In the long corridor, on the wide marble slabs, the heels of her Gucci slams on the floor and Jessica goes down the stairs to check if her Prince has finally woken up.

For over 2 years, Jessica has found life tasteless, but tonight she found a fun idea. However, Adam is a real groundhog who definitely likes to keep her waiting. The waiting: Jessica, who still can't stand it. She finds time endless and she walks aimlessly here and there, surveying around the vast house again and again waiting for the hours to pass. Arriving at her destination, in front of a door guarded by two molosses who also seem bored, Jessica hits her foot against the ground, to show her disapproval of their inappropriate behaviour.

"Open the door and get a grip on yourself. Here you are in the Benson house but if you want to laze and make fat, I seem to remember the Kardashians are looking for staff."

The door opens up, after having kissed Adam on the forehead, Jessica quietly sits down in a Louis XV style armchair placed near the head of the bed on which are laid expensive pink bed linen. To make sure she doesn't wrinkle her skirt, she smoothes it before crossing her legs, places her hair behind her shoulders before her big blue eyes, which express only endless loneliness, observe at length the great wall facing her. When she comes out of this long period of internal contemplation, the eyes of the embodiment of beauty regain the light of her childhood when she opens a Mickey Mouse magazine.


While her lawyers are looking after the police officers who have entered the house, while her grandfather has managed to calm the highest echelons of politics and police, her magazine Mickey on her knees, Jessica laughs discreetly. Obviously, whether she is 5 or 17 years old, she still finds this magazine as fun as ever. "ummm" Her head suddenly turns towards the bed, her precious magazine falls to the ground and her hands tremble slightly. It is likely that if the photographers saw the current smile on her lips, they would all fight hard to have the privilege of working with the beautiful woman, who, lost by her overwhelming affection for the young man who is waking up now, has just committed such stupidity that her father was forced to take a plane in extreme urgency, in order to come home as soon as possible.

"I told you couldn't escape me. When I called you that night two and a half years ago, I told you that you were my boyfriend and you still are. Look at me when I talk to you, you little runaway."

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