So why me

31 Wet cave and envelope

Monday, October 20th


"Oh fuck, I see the light."

Adam, with Jessica, has the very pleasant impression that he is currently visiting a cave in deep and humid movement. Adam is nauseous in a way and he does everything to refrain himself from it, but this cave is magical, no, after the 5th trip to its depths, he has the very clear impression that the more time goes by, the more he likes being in this cave which gives him very intense sensations. However, Adam suffers a little, because 5 consecutive trips is still a lot without resting for a moment, but that Jessica who said she wants to train, does not understand it. Again, this intense light blurs Adam's senses, who after a very intense contraction of the body, enters into communion with the universe, then no longer has any strength in his entire body.

"So you see that your thing likes me very much. I would even say that she fell in love with me. But I maintain that this male taste is not very pleasant but I'm starting to get used to it in the long run."

Did he ask anything of this voracious girl who sucks up her vitality as she takes her meals? Can he even do something about it while his arms and legs are firmly attached to the bed? Adam suffers in his heart and especially in his lower half who calls for help, terrified to see Jessica come back to the assault again.

"Please let my colossus rest a little or I'm afraid he'll never get up again. He also has his pride, you know."

Tonight, Jessica feels particularly happy. She knew that this little idiot had been laughing at her from the beginning, however, she couldn't help but worry when she imagined that her charm was no longer working on Adam. When Adam regained his strength and Jessica finally solved the mystery of the hump under his pants, she thought that the time had come to try what Kate had told her when they were 14 years old and she worked hard to do so.

"Refused, I don't stop when I work until everything is perfect. Now that all is said, excuse me, but I have to practice."

It burns him, his body can no longer endure it, Adam who has a tear in his eye suffers the martyr but he knows that she will not listen to him no matter what he may say. "Get out of my way, you morons." From the corridor, a very deep voice that does not allow any refusal makes the door of the room shake, which opens immediately afterwards.

Mr. Benson was in Chicago when he learned of the latest mischief committed by his adorable but terrifying daughter who keeps getting him into trouble. Every week, he has to clean up after her, calm down those she offended, offer small compensation to avoid embarrassing lawsuits, but when he was informed that this time Jessica had kidnapped a 17-year-old man in a public place, his tension exceeded 21-9. Immediately he called his father and together they arranged for their little Princess, once again, not to suffer too much from this small misbehaviour, then he went to the airport without delay.

When he arrived home, knowing his daughter, he expected many things, but this.... Yes, that is far beyond what he even considered. [So she would be in love? If that's the case, this boy must absolutely marry her, otherwise I'll never get rid of this crazy woman who refuses all the other men.]

"Jessica, get your mouth out of there and dress this poor helpless boy. By the way, remove these links. What did you think when you stooped to do that here? Frankly, find other places if that's what you like, my house is respectable, it's not a vulgar SM club."


Lost in a living room larger than his mother's house, Adam, who has regained both his freedom and his pants, now faces a very tall, blond man with blue eyes. Corruption, forgery and use of forgeries, unfair dismissal, insider trading, secret campaign financing, money laundering, suspected in several murder cases..., but still found innocent, Mr. Benson came out of the courts with a broad smile on his face. When one day in front of the TV cameras, an ambitious young prosecutor promised him he would put him in jail, Mr. Benson replied by putting his heavy fist in his face, then returned to his black limousine without rushing as if nothing had happened.

"Young man, I sincerely apologize for the abuses that my daughter has committed against your you in its entirety. My little Princess is sometimes a little willful and thoughtless but she is also an adorable passionate girl whose heart is full of tenderness. I think telling you is useless because tonight she has amply proven it to you, hasn't she?"

Adam knows that unlike usual, in the face of this man who is as much a high-ranking gangster as a businessman, choosing his words carefully is a necessity. Not wanting to end up in the lake, Adam doesn't particularly want to, but he smiles at Mr. Benson who doesn't take his eyes off him for a second.

"I know Jessica's qualities and also her flaws and if it makes you feel any better, I won't pursue this matter. Nevertheless, I hope that Jessica on her side will avoid kidnapping me in the future."

Mr. Benson had thought of offering this kid a little financial compensation to close his mouth, but when he heard these words, he nods, very happy with this thoughtful answer. However, he extends his arm and puts a small envelope on the coffee table. The mouths open too easily and he knows that only silver can guarantee that they remain sealed. Make the victim a criminal, Mr. Benson greatly appreciates that and when his Princess is at the heart of the matter, the victim's mouth should never be opened.

"This is a small gift from me. Consider it as a father's appreciation in accordance with his daughter's wise choice."

Adam returned all his belongings to Jessica and if he now accepted his father's money, for he doesn't doubt for a moment what contains the envelope and the intentions of this old crook, he would deny his own actions and would not be better than the man in front of him. Gently pushing the envelope back towards Mr. Benson, Adam shakes his head to make him understand his refusal.

"I have already guaranteed you my silence and you don't need to buy me to make sure. Your concern is unfounded. I can tease Jessica, but I would never hurt her. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I've been held here long enough against my will and I'd like to go home."

Mr. Benson reads the young man's gestures, his eyes and understands that he can insist as much as he wants, he will not be able to change his mind. According to his initial findings, this kid doesn't seem to be lying and unless he's a real poker prodigy, overlooking his interpretation of the actions is a feat. Mr. Benson gets up from his chair and reaches out his hand to Adam, a little surprised by this gesture.

"I'm going to trust you, kid, but don't betray me or you'll regret it. Finally I don't really have a choice it seems to me, because having any faith in my son-in-law will be necessary in the coming years."

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