So why me

48 "I know."

Friday, November 11th

01h20pm Los Angeles time

Two of his fingers penetrating her intimacy, his tongue spinning around Jessica's nipple, Adam who no longer wants to play, violently knocks her over on the bed. Once again, without concession, he meltes for the third time in a row in Jessica who suffers enormously after losing her virginity. Feeling her body about to break again, she clenches her teeth and holds back her tears to satisfy the one she loves.

A long time ago, in an amusing discussion, she must have been 12 or 13 years old, Kate, who was very precocious in the matter, told her that making love was synonymous with pleasure. Today Jessica, who for the first time is united with a man, would rather see it as a black and grey painting that she has stained with red.

Often, lost in the middle of her female fantasies during her solitary evenings, she had dreamed of this moment, as a sweet experience in a pleasant place with the one she loves. She wished that Adam and her so that their union would be accomplished wonderfully, that they would be in the best state of mind and that thus, she would face a gentle and kind Adam, who would show great tenderness towards her. However, a dream remains a dream, she has always known it. Today, they still haven't had lunch, they're in her room, Adam is not well and without even realizing it, he's very brutal with her. Without a word, Jessica puts her hand through Adam's hair and always under the repeated violent assaults of the one she loves, she gently kisses his forehead, praying that this awakened nightmare will end quickly.


When he heard the words of the agency's deputy director, Adam said nothing. He simply nodded, before silently heading out of the place where the many prying eyes, which had become as sharp as swords, seemed to pierce him from side to side. Wounded, he was seriously wounded, but it was by no means through the eyes of the curious always attracted by the sadness of their fellow men. Still enduring the shock of this sudden and brutal announcement, remembering the flowers waiting for Meg in his room, when before he started his car, he collapsed, the shock became a backlash and knocked him down. He somehow managed to get back to his apartment. Without even knowing how, lost among the dense crowd of cars travelling at low speed, perhaps relying only on what is called, instinct, after a while, when he regained his senses somewhat, he realized that he was at the foot of a now familiar building.

Keeping away from the secrets of the three women's of his life, in total ignorance of all the facts, Adam, who made no connection about the causes and consequences, went back to his apartment, tried to smile at his mother who was growling because, once again, about the fact that he had not taken off his shoes, before locking his door and going to bed without undressing. His body exhausted from that sleepless night and a period of intense professional activity did not listen to his brain full of dark thoughts, while Adam immediately fell asleep.

Sleeping deeply, he did not hear Mrs. Clifford yelling at him that the meal was ready for more than 15 minutes through his door. Nor did he hear the living room phone when one of these vacuum cleaners salesman tried to sell his mother the latest high-end product from his company. The only thing that managed to wake him up was the discreet sound of the smartphone vibrator that Meg had given him, which once again, as she often reproached him for, he had treated him carelessly, throwing him on the floor at the foot of the bed. Observing the object for a few seconds, too lazy to stand up, Adam rolled over himself on the bed and stretched out his arm to pick it up. Strangely, when he saw the name displayed, when his heart accelerated, he didn't know how to react. Joy: Yes, he is always very happy when he thinks of this crazy girl, who occupies such a special place in his heart. Anger: A lot; Why did she choose precisely that moment so badly chosen to call him. Doubts and mistrust: He didn't want to think about it, but they were also present. Anyway, when he saw Jessica's name written on it, it was accompanied by a plethora of feelings and thoughts when that he hurried to respond.

"Hi, yes, won..."

Ignoring even why, certainly out of a need to direct his anger, distress and sadness towards someone, he shouted unspeakable horrors at a Jessica who remained very calm and did not get angry. When she made him a proposal, he immediately accepted, without even taking the time to think any further. Her words were only truth, who else could take care of him during this dark period. He loves his mother, she is a woman full of qualities, but she is above all a hard fighter, who will not let him mourn the death of the one he loved for two days. His father? After stealing money from him, Adam doesn't think about it one moment. It is with absolute certainty that it is only with Jessica, who has done so much for him, that he will be able to smile again. It was his thought during the conversation and it remained so after hanging up.

With Jessica's breasts firmly in his hands, Adam finally wakes up and when he sees the white complexion and Jessica's the face full of suffering, he withdraws from her without delay.

In front of Jessica lying on the panting bed but who, it is certain, had no pleasure, an essential question arises. What can he say in this case?

Are you all right? Did I din't hurt you too much? A useless question, seeing the exhausted and painful face of the most beautiful girl he has seen so far, who appears not to have slept for 10 days. Sorry I didn't do it on purpose, will you forgive me? It stinks of hypocrisy and prepared lies. Adam, whom even his mother sees as a complete idiot, considers for a moment his options and after a simple, "sorry", he takes Jessica in his arms, places a kiss on her cheek and never says a word again.

Now gently held by Adam who finally decides to be tender with her, Jessica can no longer hold back her tears. It hurts awfully down there and this monster pulled and crushed her pretty little breasts, of which she is so proud. Looking down for a moment for a quick check, although the river of tears blurs her vision somewhat, she is very happy to see apart from a few big red fingerprints, her pride is not distorted.

"It was painful."

"I know."

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"I thought you were going to open my cute little body."

"I know."

"You haven't been nice."

"I know."

"You know, you know, you know a lot of things. Tell me something, sir, I know everything. If you know why, then why did you behave like an animal when it was my first time?"

"Because at that moment I didn't know anymore."

"Me, I know you're a stupid brute who today has hurt me a lot."

"Yes, now I know."

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