So why me

49 Brief interlude 1 feelings! and evolution?

Friday 18 November

11:40pm Los Angeles time

On a beach in Malibu, all eyes are turned in the same direction. Since yesterday, the romance between the beautiful starlet, a fantasy of a very large number of men and the newcomer, who, with the help of very sustained media hype, has recently been making a lot of headlines, is no longer a secret and many young people of all sexes curse one or the other of these idol thieves.

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If this relationship, which from a distance seems harmonious like all nascent or reborn relationships, enchants the paparazzi, who for once can take photos of Miss Benson who makes an open and almost exaggerated demonstration of her happiness, some are not as delighted as the hyenas of the media who empty films after films and follow young lovers from morning to night, in search of the scandalous snapshot that will sell.

On the film set, from which Jessica has moved away for an indefinite period of time due to feverish fatigue due to overwork, no one smiles. The beautiful miss, to compensate them, did what she considered a good deed by sending them a lawyer with a bank check, who after telling them, "Cash it in, or just wait stupidly empty-handed", went away proudly without even taking the time to discuss it, or greet them. The director tried to complain to Warner, but a simple "It can happen to get sick" was the answer of the leaders, who ignored his protests, pretending not to know that Jessica spent her days with her boyfriend, shopping or getting their butts gilded at the beach. After a "It's shameful, you're all corrupt" that rang out in the hallways, the director turned around with his arms loose, more disappointed than ever with the leaders of his industry.

Another person does not smile when she learned the relationship between the 2 teenagers. Taken in rage, she destroyed part of her selfish son's apartment, who once again left her on a whim, leaving her there, worried, anxious, completely unaware of where this heartless idiot was. The next day, when a courier delivered a small gift as a condolence from Adam's agency employees, mortified by the news, after collapsing, she understood the cause of her son's new runaway, who was still as weak and unreliable as ever. She firmly believed that Adam, as when he was hiding for full weekends in the forest behind the house, must have been in some hotel crying over his fate, but later, watching a show about the gossip of stars she particularly likes, the remote control was projected onto the television while with tears in her eyes, she yelled at Adam who was hiding on the other side of the United States.

Can one be so insensitive? Did he even think for a second about his actions? Why can he not be satisfied with reality and must he always run away from it and try to find a waking dream that will replace it? Running away to Los Angeles immediately after his girlfriend's death, to fall asleep in the arms of another woman and what other woman. When she saw the smiling girl again, getting into a burgundy and black car longer than her own house, Mrs. Clifford thought she was losing her mind and decided to leave this kid's apartment for which she found no excuse and for which, currently, she had no further consideration.

Despite all the bad words reserved for Adam, running through her head, yesterday Mrs. Clifford prayed that on this particular day, he would have the decency to come and make an appearance. When she didn't see it, she realized that her boy must not even have thought about it and was indulging himself 2 and a half years later, again in a practical lie, buried in the arms of that bitch Jessica. Disappointed, sad but not surprised, without questioning herself about her possible responsibilities in this terrible tragedy, she tried to seem cheerful when she said goodbye to Meg in front of so many people who had come to greet this young woman, who in her death, had finally recovered her wonderful smile.


Lying quietly on Adam's legs, Jessica sees her little sick leave interrupted by a man she recently hired, who after a reproving look, little sure of himself, sincerely apologizes and hands her a smartphone. Jessica tears it off of his hands, then prepares his attack by sticking his foot in the sand. It was driven away by a cloud of sand and a wave of soda that the new legal adviser, who had only done the work entrusted to him, runs away very quickly, skilfully avoiding the now half-empty soda bottle, which was flys towards him.

Not satisfied with her loss, after her bodyguards threw the new legal adviser into the sea, seeing him now soaked, henceforth very happy, Jessica who has in her hand an unknown correspondent to whom she still has not answered, carries the smartphone in her ear.

"This is Jessica Benson, who am I speaking to?"

Coming from the other side, an energetic, almost exeity voice rips her eardrums off, when a man who hits a keyboard at an impressive speed responds with a laugh. "Miss Benson, I'm a member of the team you call the geeks, you asked us to track down all haters, the occasional mean citizens, just like the professionals who speak ill of your little darling. First of all, we would like to thank you, because we have a lot of fun doing this work. I now come to the reason for my call. Imagine that a woman, a Mrs everyone, keeps attacking you both. These words are not vulgar, except when she calls you, the bitch. These words are not really mean, but there is a certain anger against your little darling and when it comes to you, let's say she doesn't like you very much. Facebok, tweter, general forums, cooking blog, she even posted a video of your little darling at 4 years old peeing in the garden and another when he was 6 years old when he opened his Christmas presents..."

The bad woman; Jessica only sees this woman of character, who although her means are very limited, will post as much as she can as long as she has an internet connection. Looking at Adam smiling in his sleep, she laughs as she imagines the face that the evil woman will soon make.

"Send her a message that will say this: "Bon appétit with your pig. You lost again," then make sure she reads it and immediately afterwards, have her internet connection cut off. Too bad, I wish I could have seen her face then."

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