So why me

50 "I wanna go"

Thursday 20 November

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07:55am Los Angeles time

As the powerful wave of sound approached, all the parents who were taking their children to school turned around simultaneously. The open mouth, as if suspended above the void, lost in a very colourful and noisy vortex, the children made motionless by the fear of something from elsewhere, could only tremble on the spot. When time suddenly returned for these families, the road, the wall of the small neighbourhood school, the games set up in the square, provided them with an unusual relief, when they realized that they were back in the space that was theirs.

Her long blond hair in the wind, on Britney Spears' I wanna go, Jessica aboard her pink fuchsia Lamborghini Aventador, surges at 80mph in the streets of Los Angeles to join the crew of the movie, which this morning, is shooting an outdoor scene. In this early morning, the eyes cry, the ears bleed, the senses of each one are subjected during the passage of the miss, to an abominable vision that no one should have to suffer from. Wherever the sight of this foully coloured car accompanied by the sound of the stamped singer (discovered by Disney) resonates, the child victims of mental torture who scream, cling to their mothers, while in apartments and gardens, dogs alienated by the sound that exerts an integral brainwashing on them, instinctively bark in countermeasures.

Ignorant, the suffering that her presence causes to the people, Jessica stops at a red light. Although affublished her wide Chanel sunglasses, when her Byzantine pink lipstick caresses her plump lips, the one who is who's used to the fact that the others make her up, does not leave a trace on her skin as white as ever, despite her prolonged exposure to the violent rays of the Californian sun.

"I wanna go" Jessica, who has seen green on her left, crushes the accelerator, while in her house, in her large bathroom, Adam, who looks at himself in the mirror for a long time, hits the wall and decides to pack his bags.

09:15am Los Angeles time

On the heights of Beverly Hills, in a classic American black car, ideal to blend in with the circulation, Mary, who decided to accompany this young man to the airport, looks at him with an amused smile. Yet very observant, a little over 2 years ago, she firmly believed that this child was a simple-minded person, but this no longer seems to be the case. Has he been treated? Mary is doubtful, but not wanting to dig into Adam's life, she prefers to focus on the present moment and to wake him up, she pinches Adam's ear lost in his world.

"Tell me, don't you want to tell our little miss? It's very mean to leave without warning, you know. Our miss is not as hard of heart as she suggests, especially when it comes to you."

Observing the trees as they pass through the window, the hills and in particular this magnificent sky clear of all clouds, Adam reflects on himself that he would like his mind to be so clear, but unfortunately, he knows himself, it is far from being the case. When yesterday afternoon, Jessica, who usually never leaves a job, motivated by a call from her mother, decided to take back the one she had left behind, Adam thought he was struck by lightning. Work, family and..., why had he not even thought of all this? Shortly afterwards, he tried to turn on his smartphone, only to find that a low batt did not allow him to access his contacts. Once the smartphone was recharged, 157 calls, 196 text messages, endless emails awaited him. With another immediate objective, he postponed this and found a place away to contact his agency, warning them of his imminent return. The woman who answered him did not seem very happy to hear his name, but she still forwarded his call to a manager. A look at Mary's big eyes, who seems to be able to understand everything about him, Adam a little uncomfortable, answers as quickly as he can.

"If I see Jessica, I'm afraid I'm too weak to escape her gaze and I have to get on with my life. Well, at least, try to do the best I can."

Mary sighs. This little boy, in addition to having put himself in a cage by himself, is also afraid that her little miss's beautiful eyes will bind him. He is not entirely wrong, however, and that is why Mary is discreetly accompanying him today after forbidding the miss to be disturbed at his workplace, to allow this kid to wake up a little, as well as her miss to stop spending her life lazing about. These 2 kids, lately, only live on snacks, sex and beaches and that, Mary can no longer stand it and has given herself the mission to make them come to their senses by contacting Madam.

"As you wish. How are you going to exercise your career now that you...? I mean, you need someone to help you. Do you have a project in this direction? Has your agency already thought about it or do you want me to contact our team?"

(Boom boom) The heavy and fast heart, Adam's eyes go from the hills to his feet. A few unwanted tears flow silently as Mary, who does not lose her smile, caresses his head motherly. Yesterday, Adam has promised himself would be strong, at least as strong as he could be, so after a smile very unconvincing, the maid explodes laughing and makes fun of him. Adam grumbles a little, but the good mood of this strange woman he has come to know, who is as smiling, frightening and incomprehensible as warm, humorous, and affordable, makes him give up. This warmth she radiates, rips off him a broad involuntary smile. Thinking back to his conversation yesterday, Adam feels like he's betraying Meg when he looks out again.

"Thank you for your proposal, but it's useless. Actually, I wanted to choose my agent myself without going through Elite, but they didn't want me to. They wanted to have someone from them agency with me at all costs, so we made a more or less satisfactory compromise. As early as Monday, in their offices, I will meet several agents that my agency selected and what more can I say. Well, we'll see what comes out of it."

Looking at Adam, Mary suddenly thinks of a person close to him whom her miss has played a bad trick again and wonders how these 3 will settle their little grievances.


Edna, I've been a widower for six years now and you've been alone for far too long. We both have children, but they are grown-up, almost adult and I don't want to wait any longer. Lately you've been through difficult times alone, but now I want you to count on me, to lean on me. I'm sorry, I should have looked online to find the best way to propose this, but knowing neither pretty words like the poets, nor beautiful expressions, I'll do it the old-fashioned way. Edna Clifford, will you marry me?"

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