So why me

57 The beautiful Nymphetes

Wednesday 26 November


After being driven to his car, Adam turns on his smartphone. He immediately checks his messages, but as he feared it, sorry, he notices that there is nothing. With a look full of hopes, he checks his calls and realizes that his mother really doesn't want to contact him for his 18th birthday, hurt and disappointed, he turns off his smartphone. As her mind slowly slips into depression, her stomach intervenes. Adam, is above all, always a simple boy, who listens to his body and his needs, so when his stomach screams, Adam, understands that the hourto eat has come. Remembering what a man gave him today and takes into account that special day, he takes a white card out of his pocket.

"Scarlet, I don't want to spend my birthday alone. I'll buy you dinner here. It's a lively restaurant."

A lively restaurant? Scarlet takes a look at the map. She makes a huge effort not to laugh when she understands that this is a cabaret on Broadway. But again, (The beautiful Nymphetes) what theme can a cabaret with such a strange name approach. Fearing a little, a place with that name, she carefully studies this map with its very vague content. Realizing that she was fixated on this cabaret, while forgetting the essential, Scarlet suddenly thought aloud. "But it's a date."

Adam is surprised. He hadn't thought of that for a moment. He simply wants to spend an evening away from home for his 18th birthday. However, looking at Scarlet's hot body, who no longer dares to cross his eyes, he begins to laugh happily. "That's right, I'm inviting you to a date. Come on, don't worry, I won't do anything to make you uncomfortable. I just want to have a good evening. Consider it a professional meeting, during which you can find new flaws for me, but please wait until tomorrow to list them for me, because tonight is my night."


Under the cheers of an enthusiastic audience, Adam, too absorbed by the show, forgets to eat the delicious strogonoff beef. In front of him in a large room draped in red curtains, watching a very pleasant show, in front of which a 95% male audience applauds the performance of the girls who give a lot of herself on stage, Adam for the first time understands art. Realizing that his stomach is not full, his fork slightly pricks into a piece of meat, which before reaching his mouth, falls on his knees. Deeply immersed in the story that the pretty girls narrate him, Adam puts his empty fork to his mouth which refuses to close.

"What a narrative talent."

Narrative talent, you bet. A dozen topless girls, just wearing a thong, contort themselves to the sound of captivating music and this boy can no longer eat properly. Is that the Balmain muse? In addition to finding this show disgusting, degrading for women, Scarlet is annoyed by the men who watch her, but more particularly by the young man sitting next to her, who doesn't watch her at all. In fact, except when he jokes, he never lays his eyes on her, which offends and frustrates her as never before. Upset by the idiot, she kicks him in the ankle.

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"I apologize, a cramp."

Still under the spell of the deep artistic work, at first surprised, Adam jumps. Once the surprise passed, under the blow of pain, he completely leaves the wonderful world of the Nymphetes, while he massages his injured ankle, then turns his eyes to the guilty party, who seems very satisfied with herself and enjoys her meal with a smile. When he is about to remove Scarlet's eyes to perfect his culture by closely studying the beautiful agile Nymphetes, Adam's eyes accidentally fall on a small hole left by two of the buttons on her blouse. Without wanting to, at the sight of Scarlet's beautiful breasts, very slightly hidden by a fine white lace bra, Adam licks his lips.

"Another cramp, sorry."

Scarlet, who was looking at Adam from the corner of her eye, did not miss his obscene gesture. When she saw him looking at her blouse, she said nothing, being rather happy that he finally paid attention to her, her heart warmed up. However, when this pig licked his lip, her foot accidentally hit Adam's ankle again.

"You crazy brute, are those Nymphetes as stuck in the butt as you are? No, and fortunately. You are certainly a very beautiful woman, but given your attitude as a teenage virgin, you will end your life with your cat, and again, if he can stand your rotten character and your incessant reproaches."

[Teenage virgin stuck in the...? You disgusting little bastard...] Adam's trashand harsh words are overwhelming the usual self-control of Scarlet who stands up and screams as she points her finger at Adam, mute in front of this theatrical reaction. "You talk a lot but you don't know anything about me and when you don't know the life that another person has led, you keep quiet. For your information, I was already married and lost my virginity when I was 16. So Adam, where's the teenage virgin here? Haha, you don't bring it back so much now. Where is your big mean mouth full of unfounded judgments?"

Before a nod from Adam pointing to the room, Scarlet turns her eyes. In front of her, suddenly, as if to greet her sublime performance, more than 100 men applause her spontaneous confession. Soon the applause, turn into a triumph, a reminder is quickly requested by what is now its audience. A few sentences were enough for her to take over the audience of Nymphetes. The a hedge of honor is not far away and confused by what is happening to her, Scarlet who cannot stand being put in the spotlight, can no longer move.

Adam regrets a little bit to have to shorten his evening in the company of the beautiful topless women, but seeing his agent in such a posture, he takes her hand and drags her towards the exit under the booings of a very unhappy audience. Near the cloakroom, not knowing what to do, he caresses the young woman's head, which has still not resurfaced.

"16, I think it's the norm to lose your virginity, so I take back what I said."

It must be the most clumsy and misplaced words of comfort she has heard so far, yet it reassures Scarlet who raises her head and explodes laughing before the stupidity of the great sorry young man, who scratches his nose. Wiping her wet eyes, due to the previous humiliation and the laugh she just has, Scarlet contains her desire to kiss Adam, who is looking to the side. This guy is indeed stupid, clumsy with women, thoughtless, thinks after talking, but he is so endearing that her heart is never serene when she stands beside him.

"Adam, I'd better go home. Can you walk me to my car?"

"Sure, but I think that I ran out of gas."

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